New ride... place your bets!

A transportation ride?! Come on we already know that it's a coaster...
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."

Millennium Michael said:
I think that Jeff definitely is getting at something here, but he must know more than the rest of us. 

Jeff has been at something and it seems very clear to me... the footers, the stadium still intact, the tight space the ride will fitt into... the only thing that hasn't been stated is basically the color scheme and name.

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"

P>ONT face=Verdana size=2>Hmmm...  I made the comment earlier about the ride and where the center of rotation was.  rom looking at the ride, I would have sworn that the center was up higher.  It looked to me like there was a straight pole that all wheels were attached to, then the cars attach to the pole.  It looked alot to me like the pole was in the dead center of the rotation, not the heartline.  I guess I could be wrong.  Looking at your pic, the center of rotation does look close to the heartline.  /P>
P>However, looking at this pic A href="">> from the same site, the twist looks like it puts the center of rotation farther from the heartline, near the "pole" I mentioned.  But then again maybee it's just my perspective. /P>
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

"Well that looks like a freaky coaster in itself. Why those always go overseas?

You should the barrel roll through the station!

MF count: 23

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 10/22/2001. ***

With the ride being outside on the beach, it leaves room for the CCI woodie inside the park.  Take out the kiddie rides there and it might fit.  Can't you tell I want a wooden coaster too. :)

This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

Well since all signs point to this impulse new version type whatever.....Does anyone still think that the rumored Mean Streak refurbishment with the intamin track could still happen?
hmmm...interesting.  Very interesting.  I hope a new woodie comes to the Point someday.
Doubt full about that Meanstreak idea. I think they would spend the money on new things.........not old rides...........But then agian this is cedar point. You never know what to expect!!!

*** This post was edited by Cp_Rider on 10/22/2001. ***

As Hooper states that a CCI should fit in the area, things do not seem to be pointing to a woodie, unless the footers start popping up in a configuration other than a straight line every 30 feet apart.  As much as I want to see a woodie myself, I do not foresee it happening yet.  But, I think that the Mean Streak can be retrofitted by CCI rather than Intamin.  The designer of CCI is Curt Summers' daughter, and we know that Summers is the designer of the Mean Streak.
Actually she is not Curtis Summer's daughter.  I think you're thinking of Charles Dinn.  Denise Dinn Larick(sp) is the daughter of Charles Dinn who is the founder of CCI. 

Hooper I'm with ya, I hope we see a CCI at the Point in the near future.  Every CCI I've been on has been great.


It would be neat to see them build a way cooler Superman, to blow away SFWoA. However, look at Magnum XL-200. Cedar Point was the first and has always remained the best...???
Hmm.. this topic of countless replies and no free time has led me only to be able to read the first few and the last few pages of replies. Here at the end y'all seem to be leaning towards an impulse.. but to me that is un-cedar point. What could you do to the standard SUE/V2 to make it break records (assuming that I believe at least in the recent 10 years every coaster was built breaking records)? You could make it taller, but would that make the ride any more enjoyable? To me, no it wouldn't. So why would they build one when Six Flags WoA over here in CLE has one anyway? It seems hard to believe, but hey, I don't claim to be an expert on this or even have any clue as to what these Cedar Fair people are up to.
OK, I know that this is probably not likely, but I think this would be a cool idea for a different kind of impulse.  Keep the vertical back spike, the launch, and the twisted front spike, but instead of having the front spike vertical, they should make it go upward at 45 or 60 degrees.  That way, it would be like going through multiple barrel rolls/zero-g rolls forward and backward, but would keep the freefall experience in the back spike.  It migh be too intense, but I think that it is a cool idea.
"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."
I personally think the impulse design is ugly and wouldn't fit into the skyline.  However, having been an employee I can tell you the park has ideal guidelines on how their coasters can look.  Mainly there should be a point in which if your are not on the coaster you feel as much excitment as those who are riding it.  For example walking under the tracks of Magnum and Raptor.  Or like how you can watch Millennium Force crest it's hill and about 15 seconds later you can watch the train zoom past you on the frontier trail.  If you look at the park layout some you notice that most of the ride colors match with everything else around it.  It's like a color scheme of sorts.  I am gonna bet that if CP does build an impulse type coaster which I am pretty sure of myself, seeing the footers last weekend.  I would call for a second ride announced or unannounced.  I could see the second being a woodie, that may involve the removal of Kiddy Kingdom.  I can see it somehow wrapping around the Colesium and into Peanuts Playground.  I can see the impulse painted a pale blue or grey.  I can see the wood tones fitting perfectly into the current color scheme...  What's your thoughts?  I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this in this monsterous forum, but I won't trust what CP has to say.  They very well could be throwing out garbage to create talk.  For intsance giving this person a secret code with false information.  Telling a few others contraditing things...  Whatever it is they are keeping it under very tight grasp so I doubt anyone actually knows for sure. I set foot into some planning and design offices this past summer and saw no plans for anything so whoever is behind the plans are keeping it scret from the rest of the planners is my guess....
If the park was planning a second coaster I think you would have seen some more significant construction taking place much earlier than late October.

Be patient, it's coming.

Flisk, read more closely...CP didn't "give a person a secret code"...


Jeff you said it was a better version of an exsisting ride or something like that.  Is the layout other then height and size significantly different?

Flisk, read more closely...CP didn't "give a person a secret code"...

First of all here is the code News on this site, and someone has to receive it so therefore a person or person if you want to look at it in plural. Jeff happened to receive this particular one.

As for seeing construction in other locations now,  there have been land surveyors out recently.  You don't have to start construction now...  If you get the right company, and right location (I'm not saying the one I stated in my previous post is right) you can have anything up in a matter of months or weeks.  For instance Vertigo.  1 month.  2 and a half weeks of that month was just pouring concrete.

About capacity issues.......... Has anyone thought of having an impluse with 4 seats across instead of 2?  This could cut the wait times in half.  Just a thought. 

flisk said:

Flisk, read more closely...CP didn't "give a person a secret code"...

First of all here is the code News on this site, and someone has to receive it so therefore a person or person if you want to look at it in plural. Jeff happened to receive this particular one.

Jeff DIDN'T receive the code, he MADE it. Jeff typed up a message, encoded it with PGP, and posted the encoded results. That did NOT come from Cedar Point, but from Jeff himself.

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