New ride... place your bets!

My sources claim this isn't being built by Intamin AG.But maybe CP is throwing out bad rumors.Even floridaguy2002 at coasterbuzz said it isn't Intamin.                 


"Cedar Point's Press Release in 2002 will shock you"

CP_bound, I was going to do the exact same thing that you did to include in my original post, but I didn't have the time... oh well thanks for making my point as well as yours clear!

However, I have also read that some sources are pointing out that it will not be made by Intamin.  Who knows?  But from all the clues that Jeff has given, including the mention that the track will be coming from overseas, it eliminates a lot of the manufacturers it could be other than Intamin - Arrow, S&S, B&M, CCI, GCI, etc... what else could there be?  The bankrupt Vekoma?  Everything just points to Intamin...

A 4-D coaster is the newest innovation from Arrow.  Basically, the trains ride on the outsides of the track, and rotate on an independent axis.  So for example you could go over a bunny hop and do a backflip at the same time.  All of the rotating is controlled by 3rd and 4th running rails on the sides of the track.  The debut 4-D is X at Six Flags Magic Mountain (construction is complete, but it has yet to open).  You can find out a whole lot more by going over to and searching for 4-D or X.
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 10/21/2001. ***

I've heard a couple people say that it won't be Intamin, but what Jeff has said contradicts them. Premier is U.S.-based, right? I ask because they have launched rides, but they wouldn't be from over-seas.

Now I'm thoroughly confused...:)

MF count: 23

There's always the Vekoma Hammerhead...
It's long... straight... and tall...
It's "in the range" of being considered an improvement to the reverse freefall... It goes up a tower and instead of just going back down backwards, it allows you to enjoy the drop head first by spinning and then dropping again, and instead of the station is up another spike.  I don't know maybe the "twist" they speak of is the turn at the top.  The better capacity would be the double trains...
I don't know though because Vekoma did file bankruptcy...

*** This post was edited by forcedude04 on 10/21/2001. ***

Well, if my theory is correct, we're up to 550' :-)
Michael McCormack '01: 34
Millennium Force: 45
Raptor: 55
Magnum: 99
Lifetime CP Count: 370
ShiveringTim's avatar
I just got back from CP where Rideman and I spent a lot of time around the Giant Wheel and the construction site.  We found some markings on the concrete numbered 5 through 13, 13 being near 12E, near the beach fence that are centerlines for the footer (oh my gosh, what a coincidence!).  With Dave being Dave and I watching from a safe distance trying to figure out what the heck he was doing, he paced off two of the markings to get a distance between two footers (roughtly 36'), found a perpenicualar mark back on the midway, and assuming the markings are equidistant from each other, paced of the rest of the markings walking toward the Pavillion.  Guess what?  The end of footer 1 was near the aquarium side of the dive tank.  Here's the point of this exercise, the stadium will probably not be going anywhere, just the aquarium. 

DAVE'S AND SCOTT'S THEORY: If Project2002 is an Impulse coaster, which looks pretty damn likely after seeing the footers, it will fit snugly on the beach between 12E and the Parasail office, with the aquarium being the queue area and the stadium will continue to hold thousands as divers from the world entertain with acts of daring.

I just wanted to get that in "the record" when the announcement comes. :)

Dave, correct away!  :)

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Footers #5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 all appear to be about evenly spaced, but 11 and 12 are very close together, and 13 is a mark which lines up with a survey stake that lines up nicely with the extreme end of the large footer at the Disaster Transport end of the site.
With that in mind, I paced off the distance between #8 and #7, then paced off the midway as Scott described. The spacing appears to be about 12 paces (36') and I assumed a constant spacing down to where Footer #1 should be. That would be about 410' from the end of Marker #1 (which we did not see) to Marker #13. That puts Marker #1 approximately in-line with the edge of the Oceana tank. That would put any object constructed at that marker within the sight-lines of the Oceana stadium. But if we assume that this is a symmetrical construction, then Markers #2 and #3 should be bunched close together (as are #11 and #12), and Marker #1 would represent not a centerline, but an endpoint. By shortening the 1-2-3 series in the same manner as the 11-12-13 series at the other end, that would put something constructed at #1 just barely outside the stadium sightlines.

In any case, most of the footers are relatively small and rectangular, while the two large footers at the one end cover a fairly large square space. Whatever it is, it appears that it can fit into the space on the beach without interfering at all with the Oceana stadium. Incidentally, we did notice today that the tank is still full of water, which tends to suggest that demolition isn't quite imminent.

Elsewhere in the park, the front of the Gemini station looks good with the new color scheme, but the station interior and back side is hideous.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I thought I had read, or heard, that the Dive Show contract was extended through 2002.  I have read so much though that I cannot pinpoint this for verification.
From all the conversation, and my onw knowledge of types of coasters, I can only guess that CP is constructing a hyper-LIM.  This coaster would be similar to a Superman at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure.  I can only imagine that CP will magnify the size of a coaster of this type.  I foresee it being nearly 250 feet up to the climax.  If this were the case, though, ride capacity would be rather low since this type of coaster has only one train.
hmmm...I'm beginning to think the fate of Disaster Transport is in jeopardy
Joe and I wondered why you were walking that way. It all makes sence to me now. :)

But, is the diving tower in the stadium taken out after every season. If not then it seems as if the stadium would be gone due to the fact the diving tower has been taken out.

Force Laps: 414
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

CPcyclone I'm beginning to wonder the same thing...

Tommy Penner - I Really Should Be Working On My Spanish Project...
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

ShiveringTim's avatar
Very good point.  I noticed it there last weekend.  I'll have to check the pictures I took of the area yesterday to make sure.  However, the tower was secured by a series of guy wires from several directions, including directly behind the stadium.  If one of these anchors were in the way of construction, I can see them dismantling the tower for the time being.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Assuming this is an Intamin Impulse, how does a 410' base compare to the one at SF:WOA?  If I remember, the one at SF wasn't much longer then the train, which I know is not even close to 400' long.
Bob M.
According to RCDB, S:UE is 704 feet in length.  Doing some really crude math we can assume that the base is around 704ft-360ft   (2 180 feet towers) tall, which is about 344ft.

Again, this is really crude, but we can at least compare and get an idea.  If I were to extrapolate the height of CP's impulse from just the base length, I'd guess CP's would come in around 240-250ft tall.  This is, of course, assuming that a direct relationship exists between the length of the base and the total height of the ride (I frankly don't know...:)).

Food for thought...

I failed to notice the (absence of the) tower from the dive show, but I thought I noticed that some dive show hardware is still in place in the stadium (lower platforms).

Also, I noticed that the parasail office has not been cleared out, so I suspect it will also avoid demolition for the time being.

I still say they are going to pull the Resorts gate and fence line in a bit. I think I can see why, too, as the space there between the fence line and the parasail office is really tight and not very attractive, and the gate doesn't really open into anything.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Jeff's avatar
Someone asked if anyone has guessed correctly, and of course, the answer is yes. Dave and Scott's analysis should convince you, I would think. Even if we didn't know anything before this weekend, it should be pretty obvious with those holes in the beach.

Someone said a twist in would keep you from experiencing a zero-G sensation in free fall. I beg to differ. S:UE's twist puts the center of rotation at, or pretty darn close to your chest. Perhaps if you were looking at it from above, it would look something like this.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I think that Jeff definitely is getting at something here, but he must know more than the rest of us.  Some are wondering about the jeopardy of Disaster Transport, but I have noticed a lot of repairs inside the ride this past year.  I do not think it is coming down for this new ride.

   I will say that CP does have a good relationship with Intamin, so I think we all can agree that this new ride will be a Intamin project.

Jeff said:
Someone said a twist in would keep you from experiencing a zero-G sensation in free fall. I beg to differ. S:UE's twist puts the center of rotation at, or pretty darn close to your chest. Perhaps if you were looking at it from above, it would look something like this.

Well that looks like a freaky coaster in itself. Why those always go overseas?
Go Full Force

I don't know if this has already been mentioned, (this thread is really long), but I looked at the position of the footers and how they are in a straight line.  Could it possibly be some kind of transportation monorail or something like that?  In my opinion, I hope not! I want to see a kick-butt coaster!!  :)  :)

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