New ride... place your bets!

While on the Giant Wheel last night at Cedar Point, I checked out the footers and in my opinion they don't seem long enough to sustain two rides (ie. racing/dueling).  It also seems as if there's going to be a close call with Disaster Transport from the size the last 2 huge footers are.  We're getting an impulse...but just how tall is it going to be?

Also, the whole inside of the aquarium is just gutted...great view from the ferris wheel.

Michael McCormack '01: 34
Millennium Force: 45
Raptor: 55
Magnum: 99
Lifetime CP Count: 370

The Intamin Impulse is an inverted coaster with a U-shaped track.  The train starts in the station and is launched via LIMs up to the top of the first side of the U, which is a spiraling spike.  It then comes back down and goes through the station backwards, where it is again launched by LIMs up the other side of the U, which is a straight vertical spike.  Again, it falls and runs forward through the station, being launched again and up to the very top of the spiraling spike.  It comes back through the station, is launched again, and goes to the very top of the vertical spike.  A very strong set of brakes at the top of the vertical spike then lock in and hold the train in place for a split second before releasing and letting the train fall again.  Finally, it goes through the station without additional boosts and goes partway up the spiraling spike.  It returns to the station backwards and slows to a stop.  One HELL of a ride, if you ask me.  Can't wait to ride one.
The Luv Monkey has spoken...
NITRO kicks it into high gear...only at Six Flags Great Adventure!
Track Record: 29 and counting...
Keep in mind, however, that those are just a few footers. I imagine that by the last weekend in the season, those who go to CP may see many more footers. It is interesting, though, which direction will it go? Will it stay on the beach? Or, will it turn and go up where the Oceana buildings are? Only a week will tell, the construction crews are moving at a pretty good speed.
Why would Cedar Point build the exact same ride, that can be found not too far away at SFWoA? I don't think they would do that, unless it's going to be different somehow. Also, if they did build something like that, I would imagine they could feasibly build another ride (cost wise).?
Where are the footers?
MF...taking thrills to new heights!
The footers are on the beach from Disaster Transport to what's left of Oceana, as described in Jeff's first post in this topic.

You can see pictures of the footers here, in the article on the top of the page.

Hope that helped. :)

Stupid People Shouldn't Breath...

You know, I love coasters, and most of us do. However, I think Cedar Point may be wise in building more family oriented attractions. They could build a new bigger and better aquarium, and attractions like that to attract families on vacations, because they already have the coaster nuts. In no way am I saying stop the coasters, because they are great, but it may be in there best interest to compete with some of the other "family" parks...???
EHemdo09, CP built Camp Snoopy in for '99 and Lighthouse Point for '01.  I'd say they both fall into the category you mentioned. 

2001 Magnum Crew

I agree with florida guy 2002. It is way to early to start coming to conclusions with just guesses and some footers. I also relativley agree with Ehemdo09. Why not just build something you cant find close?


Just tell us what it is! Please?!

I know that these sort of things can't really be proved, but if this is an Impulse do you think it's part of a 2-coaster contract with Intamin?

Also it has been mentioned before that the reason for building a ride that SFWoA already has is because there's nothing better than destroying the competition by building something bigger and better.

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

Exactly, there is a good reason to build something that is the same actually.  Say a family saw the impulse at SFWoA, and really wanted to go on it.  But then they find out CP has one even bigger.  Now CP has got their ticket!  I think it's a very logical way.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
As I have said before, after riding S:UE @ Six Flags Worlds of Adventure, I personally think the twist ruens the free-fall experience.  I think  that going strait up and strait back down on the back side is more fun than going through the twist.  Does anyone agree with me?

Again, that's just my opinion

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

*** This post was edited by JT Coaster on 10/21/2001. ***

In your opinion JT Coaster, would a twisting spike be better on the backside instead?  I havn't ridden an impulse before.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
No, unfortunately a twist on the back would not be any better.  The twist adds extra forces so what you are experiencing is not a true free-fall.   I can't quite think of how to explain this, but here goes:

If you imagine going up the back side then back down as a true free fall, like you might feel on Deamon Drop.  Then imagine what would happen if Deamon Drop had a twist in the track.  Instead of just floating in the middle of the harness, you are pressed up against the side of the harness because of the extra acceleration from the twist.  So ultimately instead of having a free fall, you have side to side acceleration.

I will add that part of the problem could be in the design of the twist.  The "center line" in the twist, if you will, is located near where the wheels connect to the track, far away from the "heart line"  This causes you to be pressed against the side of the harness, rather than twisting as you float.  If the "center line" of the twist were near the "heart line" it might be better.

I hope this made sense.  If it didn't I'm sorry and I hope someone else can.  Also, this is just my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the GP.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
*** This post was edited by JT Coaster on 10/21/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by JT Coaster on 10/21/2001. ***

This is fun !  Did CP Place have this much chater about MF ?  I am thinking Impulse now.  Just because I went to SFO the last two years and S:UE was shutdown.  I will be a happy CP Fan if they build an Impulse or Arrow 4-D.  Of course I will be a happy CP fan otherwise.
Gemini 100 Cheering Section

*** This post was edited by Freaky on 10/21/2001. ***

I'm glad there building there. Hopefully it will move the crowds over to that area of the park more.

First CP Coaster: Corkscrew
MF Laps: 26
MF Front Seat Laps: 2
I used to be Nick G.

Contracts... LoL

I think it makes absolutely perfect sense that CP build an Impulse of their own. Jeff has already stated that it will be a bigger and faster (something like that) version of an already existing ride, so if people look at SF see the Impulse there, they could just say to themselves "Hey, Cedar Point has one even bigger, let's go there!" ... My corny rendition.

Tommy Penner - The Cause Of All Confusion
MY Indy Coaster Company @
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

There would have been this much talk back in the spring/summer of 1999 about MF, but the amount of members was significantly lower. There was still discussion about it, and before Jeff revamped the website like 3-4 times :), there was an archive called "Pre-Millennium Force Hype".

I'll post here what I posted over at Coasterbuzz recently.

"I've posted a theory on here a couple months's more of a trend of the big steel coasters/rides.

Jumbo Jet and Wildcat '72? '70 - Schwarzkopf

Gemini and Corkscrew '78 '76 - Arrow

Avalanche Run and Demon Drop '85 '83 - Intamin

Magnum and Iron Dragon '89 '87 - Arrow

Mantis and Raptor '94 '96 - B&M

MF and (as the trend implies an Intamin) '00 '02 - Intamin

I couldn't find my original post, but back when I first posted it, I thought it would be a
big woodie like at Heide park, but if the trend continues, then we should definitely see
another Intamin. After the impulse, it will be interesting to see if the trend holds up.
So far, for the past 30 years, a steel coaster manufacturer has always built 2 coasters
in succession in the span of 2 years."

This sure does imply some kind of contract, but I won't say that. I'll say it's more like if you do business with a company, and they have built a good product, then why not do business with them again? But hey, that's just me...

MF count: 23

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 10/21/2001. ***

cp_bound: you have way too much spare time on your hands! just kidding. That is probably the best guess that any of us has thought of. Well at least the best backed up guess. Good job!
what  is a 4-d coaster?

Closed topic.

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