New ride... place your bets!

Would it be possible for an Intamin Impulse to have 2 trains twisting upwarsd on one slightly wider/stronger box track?  It could start horizontal on a single track like on MF's brake run, then both could merge onto one box track going vertical.  That would be very cool, you would be within inches of the other train!
Magnum may be high, but Raptor rules the sky!


It could easily be an L-shaped Impulse, very high.  Nothing about the technology AFAIK constrains it to be a U shape - why not have a turn (dare I say a 'twist'?) after leaving the station?  Then there's probably even room for a double track to increase capacity.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

I'm gonna make another guess.... Judging by Jeff saying that there are huge supports in a straght line, I'll say a Reverse Freefall.  It could start behind the present Oceanna and the space occupied cy it could be used for the queue.

I'm sorry about my abundance of posts, I've got alot on my mind.

Magnum may be high, but Raptor rules the sky!


Going back to the name, the one that I like the most that was in that "survey" mentioned a while ago is definitely Ballistic.  It just sounds so sleek, so fast, so crazy...  if you missed it, the other two talked about were Twister and Wicked Twister (too plain to me).

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

Someone was commenting on my knowledge of "Back to the Future" lines...

Sorry, I hardly know any of the Back to the Future lines. But I can quote you huge chunks of Star Wars Episode IV (A New Hope), from "Oh no, they've shut down the main reactor, we'll be destroyed for sure!" to "I knew there was more to you than money" or "", whichever line you want to consider the end of the film. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
How can one forget the most over-used line in the entire Star Wars universe...

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." ;)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

Once again, for anyone who doesnt know the names...

Ballistic Twister


(the) Fury

Wicked Twister

Gale Force

I think C.P. is putting in a woodie cyclone by the beach & a air thrust coaster whatever it is I'm sure it will be great. I can't wait for the official announcement I've read & heard alot about it all summer.



P>R>Well, I'm starting to honestly think that a Reverse Freefall is a possibility.  I've been reading this thread since it started, but I'm just taking the time to post.  Anyway, one thought I had is that they could use S&S technology to make a new type of reverse freefall. /P>
P>FONT style="ACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Whatever this new ride is, I hope that it doesn't block the view of the water from Giant heel.  We finally got the Giant Wheel away from the laser screen, and its new location is so nice that I would hate to see it ruined. R>----------------- R>... and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The A-maaaze-ment park. /P>

*** This post was edited by Natas on 10/20/2001. ***

It would be kewl, like sum1 said, 2 have them twist like DNA. It would be a great effect when ur on it- heads hitting heads, hands stealing watches from the other train, how lovely :)

"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"

It's been mentioned before, but I really think it'll be a bigger Impulse. That would be an awesome addition, and it would take up little space.
Cedarpoint gets a 270 ft,Intamin shuttle new generation coaster.The tallest and fastest of it's kind! with ONE and ONLY One Train Running!!!!!!!
This might be really off the wall, but if you go to the official CP website, look at the animated side view of the park on the top of the page.  And if you look to the right of the Space Needle there looks to be some tall structure stiking straight up that I haven't noticed before.  Remember, is is a total guess so don't freak if it's something thats been on there all along and I never noticed it!
It's called Demon Drop...

The most hated man on earth, I guess...
MF total - 476 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

aaahhh....yes, the Demon Drop!  Sorry guys, that one slipped my mind

America's Rockin' Roller Coast

Jeff: Anyone come close yet?:)
I think Ballistic by itself is an awesome name because it describes some very nasty missiles, and someone that is insane. Ballistic Twister is the surveyed name...I say drop Twister, and you've got yourseld a really cool name. But if they have to have Twister on the end then so be it.

MF count: 23

Old Timer Tim said:

I said
While it may seem "funny" when you write it, there is NO ONE on this site who can write sarcasm.
But I humbly forgot our very own Quiz Master DBCahill.
He is the exception to this rule!
I know sarcasm and HE IS IT!
...please continue with the rest of your day here at GTTP.

and we are now on page 18
*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 10/18/2001. ***

Man, Tim... that got me right here... where I live.  I have to tell you (and I say this in all sincerity).  Of all the people I've met in my life, you are one of them.  I honestly mean that.  Don't ever change.  You're beautiful, man...

Duane Cahill
Cedar Point - One small part of a whole big life.

Logan said:
If you think back over what Jeff has hinted at, the biggest *limiting* hint he gave was the thing about wondering if CP would consider S:TE a coaster next year or not.  This little bit pretty much points undeniably to a shuttle ride of some type (non-continuous circuit). 

I pointed out some time ago that this doesn't necessarily have to be the case.  Jeff could be getting the last laugh right now.
Consider this: if Cedar Point were to add one roller coaster this year (which appears to be the case), they would have 15 coasters, apparently tying SFMM's record (which they technically still haven't TAKEN, only TIED).  Now, given this circumstance, the Point would definitely argue that S:TE is not a coaster, because if it wasn't, that would give SFMM 14 and CP 15, meaning CP would still keep the record.
Now, my guess still is an Impulse, but while that clue did seem pretty obvious, it can be misleading.  But I guess we'll have to wait for the announcement to see, won't we?


Could someone tell me what an Intamin Impulse is? Thanks.

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