New ride... place your bets!

Here is a left field thought.

Maybe they were ready to go with a side-by-side shuttle called the Twin Towers (how high is anyone's guess).  Suddenly, Sept 11th changes everything and it is back to the drawing board in both design and name.

Of course, maybe not!

JT Coaster said:
"Well, I doubt that it is possible to get much more acceleration than Hypersonic XLC in a standard ride.  From what I hear that is pretty intense.  Not to mention from a safty standpoint.

According to research on sustained and impact accelerations done by the US Government, sustained high accelerations (G-forces) are easiest to tolerate when they are in a rearward direction...that is, if they are directed towards the seatback. Physiologically, a launch can exert a rather extreme force and be tolerated remarkably well. Have a look at this link and the related pages. According to the charts on that page, the tolerance for sustained vertical G-force is about 3.25G, and reclining the seat to 75 degrees doubles that tolerance to about 6.5G. A forward launch is functionally equivalent to a seat reclined to 90 degrees, which means an even greater tolerance.

What does this mean?
Well, Hypersonic XLC launches from 0-80 mph in 2.8 seconds.
80 MPH = 117 ft/sec;
117 ft/sec /2.8 sec. = 41.90 ft/sec/sec
41.9 ft/sec/sec / 32 ft/sec/sec = 1.3 G.

Imagine a 3.25-G launch. Top speed would be limited by the need to keep accelerations under control on the curves and the like, so instead of going faster, let's launch quicker...the Navy research suggests that a rider could reasonably tolerate an 80-MPH launch in as little as...

117 ft/sec / 104 ft/sec/sec =

...1.125 seconds!

And that's keeping the acceleration down to a minimal 3.25G. Same research says that at 90-degrees, 6.5G should still be "safe". Furthermore, the duration of exposure is getting shorter and shorter because of the practical limits on just how fast the ride can go!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I'm so proud to have shared theories on the meaning of orange spraypaint with you Dave.. that rocked... hehehehe

"If you don't shut up, I'll have you removed from the park."
MF total - 476 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

I couldn't have said it any better myself, Dave.


Tommy Penner - Idiot Extraordinare! -- The Most Important Internet Web Site.... EVER.
"It's kinda like selling your car for gas money."

That's why he's called the ride MAN folks! Always amazing the eyes, ears, and minds of physics lovers worldwide!
Well I bet he doesn't have the knowledge of Back To The Future lines like I do...

"You know all that, about screwing up future events, the time-space continuum?" -- "Well, I figured, what the hell?"

Tommy Penner - Idiot Extraordinare! -- The Most Important Internet Web Site.... EVER.
"It's kinda like selling your season pass for CP admission tickets."

Not to be picky, Dave, but Hypersonic XLC accelerates from 0-80mph in 1.8 seconds, not 2.8 seconds.

Therefore the acceleration of HS:XLC is 2.03 G's, well within human tolerance :-)



MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR said:
Well I bet he doesn't have the knowledge of Back To The Future lines like I do...
"You know all that, about screwing up future events, the time-space continuum?" -- "Well, I figured, what the hell?"

LOL!!  I bet he does, and...
Hey Mcfly I thought I told you never to come in here!!

This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

olympic10086 said:
I do agree that Jeff's comment over at CoasterBuzz about whether or not Cedar Point will count S:TE as a coaster next year are very interesting, and it adds a little bit off a "twist" (no pun intended), to our guess as to what the Point will be getting for 2002.

Ever have a weird idea just hit you? I read the above quote and had one of those ideas! An intamin reverse freefall (like S:TE) but the tower is twisted.
Kind of like S:TE meets S:UE! Add the 400 foot mark and you have one crazy ride :D

Hmm.  Well I guess I won't argue with rideman.  I was just talking to a guy I know who said he felt dizzy after one ride and that a guy passed out after three rides.
Anyway, as I said before I will be a little dissapointed if the ride has a twist (this doesn't mean I wont enjoy it)  I went on S:UE @ SFWOA and I will say that the twist took away from the true free fall experience.  I enjoyed going on the reverse side MUCH more where it was a "true" free fall.
I wonder how the height of the proposed Stratosphere ride compares to this one.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

*** This post was edited by JT Coaster on 10/19/2001. ***

i said id try and failed go ahead laugh i could not find the key i guess we will judt have to wait i will still try at it in my spar time if i can crack it i will let you know
Ride of Steel's avatar
crashoverride = l33t hax0r

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

First the beach cam...


Now the demon drop cam...

*** This post was edited by forcedude04 on 10/19/2001. ***

I've got the feeling something will be going down at CP very soon (or should I say up?)  :)
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...
500! I'm betting that CP will erect a coaster that goes over 107mph, taking the fastest coaster in the world title.  In honor of my post, i'm also betting that it will be o500' tall! ;-P  I'm hoping it's Intamin and I'd love it if it were full-circuit.

*** This post was edited by Seth Oakley on 10/19/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Seth Oakley on 10/19/2001. ***

Maybe I can pull a fast one an delet one of my other posts, and be the first one on 500!...or not. I think we're less than two weeks away from the announcement...but that's just a guess...

MF count: 23

Honestly...whom ever mentioned something about the patrotic theroy...I wouldnt mind the name being something along those lines..but not to name them after the twin towers (0r anything along those lines) ..I feel thats somewhat disrespectful.  (my opinion)

(and i still say a superman type coaster dual launch, faster, higher and a heck of alot better..hopefully over the water at some point durin the ride)


Dave, it's worth mentioning that the tolerable G-level is base don both fitness and baseline blood pressure levels.
Blackjack! The Patriotic theme would be nice, but kind of a weird reminder of why it's Patriotic.

All these 'twist' clues are twisting me apart! First the name survey with 'twister' and other similar names (shoot me if thats incorrect) and then Jeff mentions that the new ride will have a twist in it.

We've all just about determined it will be a launched, broken-circuit coaster. IMO (looking at CP map), it doesn't look like there's enough room for something really big, however, if it were something like Superman it could be very long, heading out towards the lake, and returning.

This announcement has to happen soon, or we'll all go crazy here...
Tommy Penner - Idiot Extraordinare! -- The Most Important Internet Web Site.... EVER.
Today's BTTF Quote: "He's A Peeping Tom..."

MiLLeNNiuMRiDeR said:

We've all just about determined it will be a launched, broken-circuit coaster. IMO (looking at CP map), it doesn't look like there's enough room for something really big, however, if it were something like Superman it could be very long, heading out towards the lake, and returning.
This announcement has to happen soon, or we'll all go crazy here...
Thats what Im saying over the water...twist up at the superman.. dual track..that would be awesome!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 10/19/2001. ***

Closed topic.

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