New ride... place your bets!

And the sad thing is that the post I'm typing right now is probably in the 80th percentile of useful information in the 466 posts to date.
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)
Gee, what was this topic on?  Something about a new ride?  hehehehe. 

If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.

I don't know, the more I read, something tells me this ride will be a one-of-a-kind or something simple. If it is not like S:TE, or S:UE, then what the heck is it? Maybe we are off-base and it's just a simple Intamin mega-looper with no launch. I can't picture a narrow ride in that location anyway. Jeff kept giving clues even a year ago about an L-shaped structure (using the Peanuts Playground space as well as Oceana).
It seems to me an L-shaped structure would be a narrow ride, that is if the L is tilted on it's back.  I don't think it would be an out and back in the shape of an L.
If you think back over what Jeff has hinted at, the biggest *limiting* hint he gave was the thing about wondering if CP would consider S:TE a coaster next year or not.  This little bit pretty much points undeniably to a shuttle ride of some type (non-continuous circuit). 

The only way CP's getting something other than a shuttle is if Jeff was pulling our legs to some extent.  Without the comment about S:TE, the possibilities would be endless. 

The biggest and fastest version of________:)

I went to get my season pass yesterday, and the woman who processed the pass said that the new ride was going to be taller than anything they have ever built!  Take that for what it's worth I suppose.  She also said the ride was scheduled to be announced on November 1 or 2, and the reason that they didn't announce it sooner is because they couldn't decide on a name.  I don't know how accurate this is, but she said it came from her boss...  I suppose time will tell.
I'm personally hoping for a version of the "HULK" only with a taller launch and floorless trains...though I'm sure it won't happen. To touch on the "L" shape thing, isn't the layout for GHOSTRIDER sort of "L" shaped?
My guess.  Twin 500ft Intamin launched impulse coasters side by side.  Speeds over 100mph!

VorTeX said:

Wow... now I can say I met the 11 year-old who solved the "P=NP?" problem! Hey when you gonna claim your million dollar prize Crash?

Just be a child prodigy...  Or idiot savant, take your pick.

My Home
MF count: 52

I would like to see and inversion on an impulse. They could duel and have heartline rolls towards each other and it would look like your feet will hit the other riders' feet.

"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"

20 PAGES! how sad!

"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"

I seem to remember some talk on various internet boards about CP getting a height restriction raised.

Does the point have a height restriction?

If so for some reason my memory (never mind how pathetic it may be) says they got it changed to 500 feet. Could we see a shuttle that tops 400 feet? It would kill both the question of whether or not S:TE is a coaster and if it's then to be considered the tallest coaster in the world.

Kind of a stealing back of the thunder so to speak.

Anyone know anything about that height restriction thing or was I dreaming?

Wouldn't it be odd, but sweet,  that Cedar Point is only putting off the announcement because they're basing the height of the new ride on how many posts there are in this thread itself.  If so, then the ride would excede (drumroll)...477 feet!!  Just a thought. 
Back on topic:  I think we're gettin a super damn high (and fast) S:UE.

*** This post was edited by BirdOfPrey00 on 10/19/2001. ***

they could just break the record by making it one foot taller, since S:TE doesn't go all the way up. but that would be lame and the record would be beaten easily, nevermind!

500 feet would be NICE!

"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"

400 Feet? 500 Feet? Just thinking about those heights for a coaster makes me have to change my pants! I do agree that Jeff's comment over at CoasterBuzz about whether or not Cedar Point will count S:TE as a coaster next year are very interesting, and it adds a little bit off a "twist" (no pun intended), to our guess as to what the Point will be getting for 2002.

Mikey :)

I'm sure Jeff just laughs every day at this these posts. Us CP diehards are losing our minds. I don't like it when Jeff says that some people will be disppointed.
I don't recall CP having a height restriction because of thier non-relationship to any major airports. They do however have to follow FAA lighting rules once you hit 300 feet if I remember.

I also don't believe that the city of Sanduksy has placed any on them either. I know that they don't require building approval from the city but do have to at least file plans. Unlike a certain park to the east.

"If you don't shut up, I'll have you removed from the park."
MF total - 476 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 10/19/2001. ***

I just hope they don't come up with something disappointing like SFNE did with their shrimp of a coaster at 117 ft.
"What are you going to do, bleed on me?"
I think you are right BirdOfPrey.  Lets keep going and see if we can get the first 1000 foot coaster :)

 I still think there is a possibility that the ride could be a Thrust Air/Hypersonic coaster.  Racing Thrust Airs would be nice and wouldn’t take up much space.  Plus I think I read that S&S said they could build one 300+ feet tall.

Bob M.

Millenniumbouya said:
I went to get my season pass yesterday, and the woman who processed the pass said that the new ride was going to be taller than anything they have ever built!  Take that for what it's worth I suppose.  She also said the ride was scheduled to be announced on November 1 or 2, and the reason that they didn't announce it sooner is because they couldn't decide on a name.  I don't know how accurate this is, but she said it came from her boss...  I suppose time will tell.

Hey This may sound corny...but so is going on for 20 pages trying to figure out what this is. Maybe they are thinking about having a patriotic name for the new coaster. but  then again i'm guessing soley on the basis of a quote of someone i dont know

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