New ride... place your bets!

What's straight-line, foreign, and new?

BTW -- who said no B&M?

It could be a Dive Machine.

My bet -- the world's largest Schwartzkopf launched! =)

Jeff kind of hinted that the ride parts will be arriving from overseas, thereby eliminating B&M and S&S because the track and parts for those two companies are fabricated here in the US.
DT anyone?? an improvement to an existing ride..think Aerosmith's R. Coaster in WDW....
Wouldnt that elimate Arrow then too?...They are in the US of A.
 By the way.; still going for the Arrow PipeLine!

*** This post was edited by QuantumForce2005 on 10/14/2001. ***

Well, I just found some new news....Intamin has the supplies to build a PipeLine coaster, one that is smooth, and it loads I still think that it is now The INTAMIN PIPELINE.

For more info go to:

TOGO Pipelines don't look all that fun, but with Intamin barrel rolls...
Jeff said that some parts would come from overseas..... thus there could be two or more rides.  One could be a B&M while others could be brought from overseas.



Just a good thought for everyone.

 Jeff said at CB...

"Hey Jeff, if you can't tell us what it is, tell us what it isn't."

It's not a Thrust Air. "


I'm not sure what the new ride is going to be, I just hope that it is worth it. With the announcement holding off, I hope that it will be good, but i have full faith in Cedar Point and i feel that it will be a great ride.
MF Laps - 15
Anybody have any ideas on speed or height for this "thing" we are getting in May?

Mikey :)

Not until the announcement...that's why they call it an announcement. :)

MF count: 23

P>ONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #587cb0">Well we know its an impulse because of the space. Jeff basically gave it away. I just want to know will that be the only coaster because as soon as X opens Cedar Point will be tied again. I say build the Arrow Pipeline./P>
You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
In July I posted a topic in which a CP employee gave me some info on the 2002 season...  ( THE LINK TO THAT POST)and my guess was a Superman....First, that topic totally disapeared..then..when it remained on the board..all doubted what I relayed....To my knowledge..the TA2K was scraped so that would make my information at the time correct...also....according to screamscape (whos usually right) that CP is getting a Superman (shuttle).  So...seems that the employee did give me pretty accurate info.  So I will keep my bet as an Intiman Shuttle.  The one thing that puzzles that Jeff and Screamscape say that the capacity of the ride will be increased from Superman, I dont see how you could increase the capcity of a shuttle..with out making it dual tracks...hmmmmmmmm : )

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 10/14/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by tohot2se on 10/14/2001. ***

Word around the Camp Fire is that Sealand is going to be leveled tomarrow.  It was originally scheduled for the week after labor day but I think they postponed that because of events of the 11th.
MF: 199
Magnum: 2113 (152 more)
I need a skyward time check!

*** This post was edited by Dan on 10/14/2001. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
If that's the case I'm gonna be mighty upset.  I wanted to get some final pics from the Wheel, but due to the crappy weather morning it was down.  Didn't see if if the Wheel was spinning after 4pm when the skies cleared.
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

*** This post was edited by ShiveringTim on 10/14/2001. ***

Ok, since the general consensis is an impulse, I guess my previous guess was wrong.

Anyway, what do you suppose the odds are that it might look a little like the ride they haven't built at the Stratosphere (look at CB)?  I know it probabbly isn't by the same manufacturer, but maybee it has that over-angled drop.  Probabbly in the same height range, i'd guess.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Does anyone know what's gonna happen to the sexy German lady with voluptuous breasts?(Thanks Eric for reminding me ;)


Your welcome Mike! I got a place for her at my house ;)

MF 00: 16
MF 01: 61
MF Total: 77
Be there through the thick and thin.

I heard a little Friday and a little today.  2 of the words I heard were hydraulic and tophat, and 2 of the numbers I heard were 206, 77. But I am nobody and a very unreliable source. Don't listen to me. Enjoy the ride next year. 

OH YEAH...Scott, should we tell them about the train that was seen and disappeared in a matter of minutes, or would they think we are stupid. Jokes suck. We should remember who we are talking to.  By the way, I did not see the Giant Wheel running after you left.  And Dan, where were you all day?

Steve Sergent
MF count: 156

I have been thinking of something different as far as an impulse and what could be done with them.  Could this impulse (if that's what it is) have a tophat that's 200ft+ and then maybe a loop or just go into a vertical twisted spike.  I thought that the tophat would add more excitement and it would make the ride better (like said) than the original impulses.  I hope this could be true....

Closed topic.

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