New ride... place your bets!

So am I close? Any word on when the offical annoucement will be?  Oh..and I have a question for those who were at CP last weekend..someone told me that every ride was up and running last this true? I thought only certain rides we only running on Fridays..and if this was true...will it be like this for the next few fridays left?
What about the Hammerhead Stall? Or is that a dumb idea?
No.. Meanstreak.. Gemini.. Corkscrew... the usuals are down on Fridays...

The list can be found at:

WildCat, Iron Dragon, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Magnum, Wave Swinger, Swan Boats, Power Tower, and Millennium Forceā„¢. All other rides and Camp Spooky will be closed Friday Fright Nights.

"If you don't shut up, I'll have you removed from the park."
MF total - 476 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

Jeff's avatar

Ride of Steel said:
Wait, now which is more dorky... someone who spells out "lame" in alpha-numeric hacker/gamer/phreak style or someone who guesses stupid stuff about what CP will build next?

You make the beach call. ;)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

They're equally as dorky, but alot of folks here have been making stupid guesses anyway.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 10/15/2001. ***

Jeff said:

Are you secretly a writer for those awesome spy movies on TNT or USA, because that's how your story reads.


I was very intrigued by Jeff's suggestion that my skills might lie in the entertainment industry, so based on his idea I contacted my friends at the WB network to pitch the concept of "Geoff Putts:  Coaster Spy".  To my immense surprise and gratification, they seemed intrigued by the proposal and invited me to submit a pilot script and some sample episodes.

In the series, Geoff Putts is a kind of "lone gunman", out to discover (and encrypt!) the secrets of an entire industry.  The ruthless amusement park barons attempt to foil his intrepid explorations with hired thugs, FBI agents, NSA computers, and other unsavory means, but he outwits them every week through a combination of guts, brains, and the help of thousands of "Coaster Buzzards" throughout the world, some of whom will be featured in each episode.

I have sensed for some time now that Jeff is more than a little jealous that, although he set the stage with GTTP and CoasterBuzz, Dan is the media darling.  This series is a humble attempt on my part to right the scales of justice and put the spotlight firmly where it belongs.

As Geoff Putts puts it in his tag line, "Impulse or Bust, Bobby!"  (Bobby "Red" Garder is Geoff's sidekick in the series.)

-- Harley

PS Can someone please explain to me all those funny yellow circles I keep seeing in the posts here?  I've been meaning to ask about them for a while but it keeps slipping my mind.

CP fan since 68.

*** This post was edited by harley on 10/15/2001. ***

The king of sarcasm...
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28
I'd pay some serious money to watch that show.

Joshua Wilcox


Just for dissing the webmaster, I'm not telling you! j/ :&) of smiles with no "&" or spaces in between. ;&) for winks.

MF count: 23

Was that comment about stupid stuff people think CP might be building meant for me Jeff?  And why isnt your web cam of your grass working? LOL...its all dark!
I'm disappointed we never got Kitty Cam.

Keep up the good work on GTTP and Coasterbuzz Jeff!

Anyone look at Vekoma's site lately? The coaster on the main page looks like it would fit right in with Cedar Point...;)




---says Floridaguy2002, who knows all for 2002---

---Are YOU unbreakable??---
CP 2002 It WILL shock you----

Jeff's avatar

harley said:
"I have sensed for some time now that Jeff is more than a little jealous that, although he set the stage with GTTP and CoasterBuzz, Dan is the media darling."
Wow... where did you get that from? Dan and I have been good friends for years now, and no such jealousy exists. Who are you to make such ridiculous claims about people you don't even know?

Two things you should know... I lived the "celebrity life" in radio, and it sucked. Stalkers, people who think you owed them something, someone always trying to be a bigger deal to score appearance gigs... Not fun. A bad scene. I don't need that kind of crap, and I just assume stay low-profile. When Stuff or The LA Times comes calling, sure, I'll talk to them about the rides, but not me.

Second, the bling comes my way for all the work I put into these sites. I give that back to pay for the expenses related to these sites, (more than most Americans make in a month, I should add), so your sorry ungrateful ass can sit there and anonymously make judgements about me, my site and my friends. As far as I'm concerned, you can stick it up your balloon knot.

And you should probably know that it's my wife... not me... that will be in the next Discovery Channel show.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

This is hilarious.Jeff busts his rear end on this site, plus Coasterbuzz, so all of you guys can converse in this specific dialect. So what do you do? Throw mud in his face.Some people are funny like that...they would spend so much energy putting someone down. "Ungrateful ass" - couldn't have said better myself.If one would become a member of a coaster site and bad mouth the webmaster--then Harley, if you dis Jeff, you just dissed yourself.

If one would become a member of a coaster site and bad mouth the webmaster--

then Harley, if you dis Jeff, you just dissed yourself.

*** This post was edited by phrease-mega on 10/16/2001. ***

Umm, Jeff? I don't think he was being all that serious. While your post certainly applies to many other people, I think harley was just having some fun.

Joshua Wilcox


model/talent-- Pro Model Management Inc.
OU Forensics 2000-01
Gemini ATL 2001

Well, I'm sorry that Jeff took all my posts on this subject so seriously.  I guess innocent humor and fun-poking is sometimes misplaced and misinterpreted.

For the record, I do appreciate Jeff's work and nothing that I have said in this thread should be taken seriously.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Italics and bold words help when you're trying to type saracastically. But It's not like you need with anything Harley.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 10/16/2001. ***

Harley was joking all along, right? :)  At least I thought he was.  I didn't think he was bashing Jeff in any way - just being funny.  I do agree that there are people that do deserve the rath of Jeff's comments (one "BB" over at Coasterbuzz comes to mind), but I didn't think Harley was one of them.

2001 Magnum Crew

Lets get back to what this string is suppose to be about and stop slamming each other.

Closed topic.

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