New ride... place your bets!

Well i have to say i would love to see a hammerhead stall that coaster looked real cool and i think it would give the park something definitly unique.
The only problem with a Hammerhead Stall is that it would be the first built. Jeff already said that it would be a variation of an existing ride.

Joshua Wilcox

Sorry for being so "L4M3" (how stupid), but what is a hammerhead stall?
yea i guess but what is the catipult ride on the intiman website its like a impulse but i dont know if it means its an impulse with a twist or something else
1 W0Uld $+ill LiKe +O $33 W0Od 0vEr TH3Re, Bu+ 1t dOE5N'T lo0K l1ke +h4T$ gO1nG t0 HApp3N (sorry, had to ;) )

I'm sure whatever they build will be great.

WOW! when I used the word (dare I say it) ass, I was reprimanded, ouch! But there's no favoritism played on this site, now is there? I guess we're just taking care of that old cliche -- Do as I say, not as I do......NICE!

I was super before Superstew was cool!

*** This post was edited by Superstew on 10/16/2001. ***

Whatever they do, I hope it doesn't have OTSR's  I would MUCH prefer a lap bar.  (Meaining I would prefer something along the lines of Superman the Escape in CA than Superman Ultimate Escaoe in OH.  Mabyee a combo of the two like a U shaped STE :))  Well, I just have to wait for the announcement.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Companies have been coming out with lapbars on inverts...but if's a launched ride, I doubt they would even want to chance the situation.

MF count: 23

Well..time to chime in here...

First, DBCahill, I am sorry, I meant to CLOSE this thread BEFORE it "broke" your record!...Sorry, but we spent Friday and Sunday at the park...God, I LOVE walk ons on MF!!!!--Servo Where were you?:(

Second, why all the smack towards Jeff? While it may seem "funny" when you write it, there is NO ONE on this site who can write sarcasm. Our leader has started a thread which I am sure is being watched with enjoyment(?) by some people at CP for our sheer pleasure. Plus, this site isn't free.

There is a sports talk radio host who only has one rule for callers, HAVE A TAKE AND DON'T SUCK! We should apply this rule here.

If you have to ask if your post sucks, it probably does!

BTW, this is an enjoyable thread to read...and the date CP will annouce 2002 Capital Improvements IS....


"*(*/*&/(*!"= 10/31/2001

Once again, just a guess. ;)

("Sure Jes, A Guess...") No one reads what I post anyway, so I might as well just go ahead and say the date. Just remeber who told ya.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters

Just to add to what I said earlier.  I think that lap bars are as safe as OTSR.  I know they just had an accident on PP at Knotts, but there have been accidents with OTSRs too.  (I'm sorry I can't remember the names of the rides.)  There was that one stand up coaster that the guy wiggled out to put his hands up,(I think this is when Mantis got it's seatbelts) and the free-fall ride (I want to say Pitfall?).  This shows that OTSR can have accidents too, just like lap bars.  Lap bar with seat belt should be as safe as OTSR.

Then again, I really don't know anything about what the ride looks like, so maybe I shouldn't be talking.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Guys get a life!  Quit trying to crack codes, guess dates, and just get real.  We'll know as soon as everyone else knows.

Maybe that's the way things are supose to be!!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"

10 /17/01 !
&=well, 7 is just a guess, its the number that corresponds with the symbol
Hey, it's worth a try!
(Edit: Well, I guess I was wrong, Oh well)
Magnum may be high, but Raptor rules the sky!

*** This post was edited by CP4LIFE on 10/17/2001. ***

Actually, if you go by the cooresponding numers it would be... 898/87/981. :)

Force Laps: 407
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

[shake of head] I can't belive I'm reading this... :p
-John Gilman; Proud Participant of the DT 80 and member of the O.C.!
According to CP4LIFE's educated guess, its less than 24 hours until countdown!
My Guess - *(*/*&/(*!=10/18 or 28/01
1()/1 or 2 &/()!
What does that look like, just a silly guess...more theoretically the 18th becuase it's a thursday while the 28th is a sunday...

*** This post was edited by forcedude04 on 10/16/2001. ***

Ride of Steel's avatar

Jeff called me a dork!  hahahahahahahah


(pot and kettle, anyone? heheh)

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Jeff's avatar
Leave it alone, friends... there is no date. Tim posted nonsense. Duh!

Sorry, Nat... I'd only say that about someone I treasure because we've shared an IM moment talking about flashing our BIOS. :)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I think it would be cool to have something like S:UE but non-inverted, only with lapbars, and have the back tower at a 95 degree angle!!! It would hold you there more than a split second, though.

Closed topic.

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