New ride... place your bets!

From putting all the clues together here on GTTP, here is my theory...

We all know it's going on the Oceana Midway. From Jeff's comments a few messages above, I gather that it's from Intamin AG based on several reasons.

One, there is a long narrow strip of land. Two, it will be a bigger and faster version of an existing ride. Three, I agree with CP Bound that it will be a "giant impulse". Four, based on the fact that SFWOA has an Intamin Impulse, in the form of S:UE, I would expect Cedar Point's 2002 coaster to be a bigger/ faster version of S:UE. How much bigger and faster has just to be determined, (by us common folks anyway). However, given CP's history of tallest, fastest, etc, I will make an educated guess of say around 250 feet, (compared to S:UE, which I believe is 180?).

Besides the color, as CP Bound has mentioned above, I think the other major question is the capacity issue. There is a great thread over at Coasterbuzz about capacity, and someone mentioned the idea of having a 14X4 train layout..but I don't exactly know how that would work. But then again, I really like CP Bound's idea of dueling impulses....

All In All, we'll just have to wait and see...but that's my theory..only time will tell

Mikey :)

I'm the one who mentioned a possible 14x4 train layout..:)

If they don't go with duel impulses or the 14x4 layout, then my next guess would be a longer train, possibly in the vicinity of 20 cars or more.

I like the idea of an ultra-long train because it would increase the intensity some, and it just plain looks cool...:)

Yes, Logan, I also like the ultra-long train idea, (if in fact we do get an Intamin impulse, still irrelevant until official word). The only problem I see with the ultra-long trains is how long will the station/ LIMs have to be. I dont know how long it would have to be to reach a desired speed, but I believe that with the length at SFWOA, they get a top speed of 70+MPH. I am not sure if you can put more LIM's in the same amount of space, or how that exactly works. If Jeff or anyone could clarify..that would help. Thanks!

Mikey :)

How about more like Volcano?  I mean, making an impulse doing a lot more elements maybe?
That's what I was thinking force312... Maybe a giant impulse with an inline twist (like the twisted spike on S:UE) on the straightaway, before it goes up into the twisted spike. Just an idea, I have no idea if it is practical.
Whats life if you don't get to the point?
Why not brown and orange as the color scheme? Go Browns Go! :) Seriously though this is sounding more and more delicious as we get closer to the big annoucement.
I thought about having longer trains, and I believe I posted it over at Coasterbuzz as well. (CPgenius over there)

My reasoning in longer trains is that no matter how long the station is, the straight-away must by significantly longer in order to get more "juice" to the LIM's, right? If there is a longer straight-away, wouldn't it be logical to utilize more of it for a station? Well, that's how I see it anyway...

MF count: 23

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 10/13/2001. ***

Hey I don't know what Cedar Point s getting for 2002 but i think a ta2k would be sweet, but i would also like to see COCA COLA there, that would suprise Jeff I think.
Dude, an inline twist on the straightaway after the launch would be crazy!

I'm thinking that not only will this coaster be a bigger and faster version, but it will also have some improvements/modifications. 

Looking into the future, this could mean a huge increase in the line for DT.  Not many people know that it is over there, in fact not many people even know about the entire Oceana.  This should "put it back on the map"...


I think a lot of people aren't realizing how much more spread out the crowds will be when this new ride goes in. 

Sure, the ride will most likely be awesome, but the lines for everything else in the park, especially the stuff in the back, will be *significantly* smaller.

Like Jeff said, CP is making itself more and more well-rounded every year.  I already can't wait for next season (and I still have some riding to get in this year..:)). 

Majin Heero said:
"Dude, an inline twist on the straightaway after the launch would be crazy!"

Even more crazy when you factor in Jeff's comments about it being the tallest and fastest of it's kind.

Logan said:"Like Jeff said, CP is making itself more and more well-rounded every year.  I already can't wait for next season (and I still have some riding to get in this year..). "

I couldn't agree more. CP in 2002 will be very nice indeed.

MF 00: 16
MF 01: 61
MF Total: 77

Jeff said:
Perhaps I've said too much!"

I'm disapointed man! I relalize you're trying to get GTTP excited for the 2002 announcement, but I think you should leave the rest up to Cedar Point. It's their announcement, after all.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters

I think it would be cool to have a launch into a twisted ascent then into a inline twist at the top, then a twisted descent, then into a double-twisted tower, then backwards through it into a straight tower. Sorry, I come up with some weird ideas sometimes.
Just a comment.

A lot of people are questioning the addition of an Intamin Impulse coaster due to the fact that SFWOA has one. This makes no sense to me. That's all the more reason to get one. Now it's something the other park can't say they have that you don't.

I look at it this way. I was up north for two weeks this summer. Every year since the early 90's I've gone to the Point. This year we figured SFWOA has an Impulse, a Flying Dutchman and a Floorless. Sounds like fun. So we skipped CP for the 2001 season. If CP had these rides, we'd have been more inclined to return, but they didn't and we wanted to try some new rides out. If anything the fact that CP had the same ride types as nearby competition would probably get us there.

Did that come across correctly?

Hey people, I was at the park yesterday and noticed 3 buldozers along the beach behind the Oceana Stadium and Disaster Transport!
CP FANatic,

The three bulldozer has been at the park for over a week. But did you notice how much of the area back there was torn up?

Andrew Hyde

hey jeff why did you start this if you closed midway man's rumors fourm????
welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*
Well, I think Jeff pretty much gave it away. Thank you very much Jeff! Now all I have to figure out is it how much bigger/different this impulse will be than the others. Maybe the vertical spike can go past vertical, say -5 degrees or something. This will be interesting to see how CP handles the capacity issues.                                                           
What if?  The coaster is an impulse, and it is a bigger version of an existing ride, could that mean a bigger version Volcano the Blast Coaster?  It would complete a full circuit, more capacity,more inversions,and more than enough room in that area.  Just a thought and I'm probably way off.


Volcano isn't considered an impulse, it's considered more of a launched like say...Joker's Jinx or Poltergeist. They could be considered the same types of rides, but I think that Intamin's word for "impulse" implies a broken circuit least, that's what they have been so far.

MF count: 23

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