New ride... place your bets!

The coaster will start as a launch, go through an inversion and turn into a woodie, dive down into a glass tunnel in the lake, train turns into the lemon chill cart, re-emerges from the lake into a dark ride, and comes to rest on the boardwalk where the stadium used to be. I know this cause I heard it from the dogs who are secret agents posing as pets.

And if you believe this, I'll sell you Mt. Rushmore. LOL

I think Jeff is doing this because this must be something new and exciting.  Possibly the first time this has been done anywhere.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Jeff's avatar
You're right... sort of. Actually the ride will be powered by Dip-n-Dots. Now that's something new!

Nah, I started the topic because we're in the home stretch now, and I thouth it would be fun to see what people guessed. A lot of people got it right, so apparently this isn't the best kept secret ever.

It'll be fun next year, and I think the park will be more well-rounded than ever.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

These posts are great! LOL LOL!  Nothing like a good laugh.

Hey I just started page 11 with post number 250.
Ride Statistics:
Magnum: 8
MF: 3

*** This post was edited by Monster Ride Op on 10/11/2001. ***

Sorry, I started page 11 :)
I've been really bored and just went through and counted up all the guessing on next's years ride.  I'll start with generic and then go into description...

Total Guesses (with Coasters) - 90

Wood - 15 (17%)

          CCI - 10 (11%)

          Intiman Wood - 1 (1%)

Steel - 75 (83%)

           Lauched - 42 (47%) 

           B&M - 17 (19%)

                     Flying - 4 (4%)

                     Floorless - 9 (10%)

           Arrow - 7 (8%)

                     4-D - 3 (3%)

                     Mad Mouse - 2 (2%)

            Intiman - 32 (36%)

                     Impulse - 24 (27%)

                                Dueling Impulse - 8 (9%)

                     Reverse Freefall - 4 (4%)

             S&S Thrust Air - 5 (6%)


I have no idea what my percentage error is, but I will tell you my favorite one so far and I would totally support this (I've said it before, but I accidently deleted it and never reposted it)...  A Intiman or B&M Floorless TeraCoaster that follows the perimeter of the park, maybe even the parking lot...

Can Jeff, the eternal smirking one, not detect the jokingness of harley's two posts?
Jeff's avatar
Hey, you've been here awhile. How much have you seen that people actually try to pass off as real?

Who started this whole "teracoaster" word? Now enthusiasts are inventing words for marketing people?

Those are interesting results. Shows people are paying attention.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Jeff's avatar
Hahahahahaha! I can't believe you even put that all together! Those topics were far enough apart that I would have never realized they were all from the same person.

Good times.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well, Ill add in my guess. I think its either going to be a TA2K or an *advance* version of Intamin's Impulse coaster. Either way, they would be great add ons to CP. Plus, they do need something near the Big Wheel/Oceana area.
OK, I hate to do this, but I've watched 256 posts go by here and not one of them is close.  I told you all what it was going to be last year.  Unlike most folks here, I told you my source.  You know he's credible.  For the sake of ending the discussion now, please see below:

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

Since everyone wants more thrilling rides my guess is they'll just take the cars from DT and load them onto an S&S designed catapult, set the cars on fire and launch you a half mile out into the lake.

"Rider must be 54" tall and have PADI certification"


Jeff said:
Hey, you've been here awhile. How much have you seen that people actually try to pass off as real?

Too true... too true...

Well, this has all been fun, but I am kinda wondering why we've gotten so hyped up this week instead of the week before it is announced?  It's like the pregame fireworks show that went off too early.  Now there's this awkward period were people are just waiting quietly.
Son of Gemini? That would mean son of Twins, which means something's not right!


Sorry I just had to laugh at my stupid corny joke again

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 10/12/2001. ***

I think I would like to see them pull a SFMM. Maybe an ArrowBATic and "Super Impulse" for the new boardwalk expansion and somekind of cool prototype. I would like to see some flat rides, an expansion to MF's track (it's way to short for 3 hours in line), and most of all- NO TRIMS ON MANTIS OR MEAN STREAK!!!!

Note: This is my first post, so if anyone has said this already, don't blame me!

I aspire to someday be the King of Whales. So far, I've worked my way up to the Duke of Dolphins.

Sorry, I had to laugh at Duane's good joke.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 10/12/2001. ***

Duane, you get to be the guy who tells the workers they are building IN the lake during the middle of the winter!
You notice that his post was made in June of last year, don't you? :) That started the whole Lemon Chill Guy theory.

Sanity In A Box, when was the last time you rode MF where its line was 3 hours long? And by making the track longer, it'd just make the wait (not that big) longer because of how MF's block system is set up.

And for no trims on Mantis, Mean Streak, and Magnum, you should have gone last Saturday. That was a windy, but great trimless time! :)

Closed topic.

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