New ride... place your bets!

The Ticket to Ride thread... in fact if you combine parts 1 and 2 of the TTR thread (the first was closed because it was so long), it is in the high 300s, but it looks like this thread is getting there...

edit:  The total of the 2 TTR threads, for those keeping score at home, is 402 posts.  So this one has quite a ways to go...

here's the two TTR threads if anyone's curious....  (part 1)  (part 2)
VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 10/11/2001. ***

I'm sure we'll get there! :)

Force Laps: 387
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

Yeah, but like I said, this is the first thread ever to hit 10 pages...just being technical. :)

The page breaks weren't around back then.

MF count: 23

Oh yeah, how could I have been so nieve...
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Member of the O.C.
Jeff's avatar
Ah... Ticket to Ride. Good times there.

Not dealing with it, but talking about it anyway.

Watch my grass grow:

harley said:
"I sent the encrypted message to my friends over at the Echelon program at the FBI.  They have an algorithm that decrypts PGP using a 1024 processor SunFire server. "

Is that the Lemon Chill guy? He works at the FBI now?

I thought it was Mr. Skyward personally..he seems like the FBI type. ;)
Millennium Force looks too cold for me.
Robodud's avatar
Shh!!!! Don't give it away!!! A little old child-molesterish man in a Power Tower sweatshirt... no one would have ever guessed.  That was the perfect disguise!!

*** This post was edited by Robodud on 10/11/2001. ***

Rob, I have my two Pc's running the client as well. I am part of the EliteHackers team. And no, none of them will attempt to crack the PGP for all of you people with ants in your pants.

Kally said:
Does it matter if they announce it today or a month from now? Noone can ride it until opening day 2002...

Well whenever they announce it, it should be around 5 minutes maximum until people are wondering what CP is getting for 2003, or 2004.  Whoops we already have had those discussions.   
And LOL for Mr. skyward

This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!
Gemini 100
Its Dan K's fault

bordwalk project and some cci woodie impulse coaster or launch thing

oh and flat rides

welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*

I'm really looking forward to a floorless coaster!!!!!  :)  :)

VorTeX said:
Of course it matters!  Then instead of discussing what it might be, we'll be discussing how we think it will be, how we think they should do the landscaping, how we think it'll be like to ride it, and so on until we overanalyze it to death!
Can't you see the importance of that?

yes I can ! and thats the fun part!

I'm just curious at why there is a heightened interest for the 2002 attraction verses other years. OF course there was speculation for next season as long as GTTP as been around, but nothing this intense not even for 2000. Its not like an MF beater will be coming next season. Oh well maybe I'm just not in the right frame of mind.
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
They also announced MF in July, and didn't give people as much time to leave it to the imagination.
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Member of the O.C.
After I read here that the FBI doesn't have the firepower to crack PGP, I got suspicious and called back my Echelon buddy.  He admitted that he had to go to *his* buddy at the NSA to get the message decrypted, and they had to steal cycles from about 2,500 of the world's biggest supercomputers to get the thing resolved.  Those guys sure have connections! But believe you me, those NSA guys are just as much airtime whores as anyone on this list, so they were highly motivated to get the answer.
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.

*** This post was edited by harley on 10/11/2001. ***

I'll put my two cents in. I think we've all agreed it'll be in the area of stadium. Now what could it be......Here is my list (Not in any particular order or based on facts.)

1. Another water ride. After all we do need another area of the park that people who shouldn't be in bikini's can roam around and show off their fat.

2. Sky ride station. Those blue car's in the bone yard have been collecting dust for a long time.

3. Hyper powered lemon chill cart ride. Designed by the famous lemon chill guy company.

4. An new coaster called the Mr. Skyward. He scares me, so should a coaster named after him...

5. Another new ride that's cool no matter what it is.

That's my completely worthless guess. I think we are all in that boat. Unless you actually have a good source. That does NOT include your uncles wife's sister's brother's friend of a hair dresser who works for the maid that put's mints on the pillow at the Holiday Inn where all of the secret plans were kept.


Jeff's avatar

Why make fun of people when many are perfectly capable of making asses of themselves?

Tell us Harley, tell us what the message says. What do you have to lose? You don't have any relationship with the park. Be the hero you say you are and tell us all what your "buddies" did that in reality can't be achieved before the end of time.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

You could just take the simple way out and simply wait for the announcement and the key to the message...

I heard something about a 400 foot tall Dippin' Dots stand... can anyone confirm this?

Tommy Penner - Idiot Extraordinare! -- The Most Important Internet Web Site.... EVER.
"It's kinda like selling your car for gas money."

Yeah, it duels with the launched Lemon Chill cart...

Joshua Wilcox

Closed topic.

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