New ride... place your bets!

Whoa eggs, you have the same birthday as me, only you're 3 years younger. Hopefully they'll announce it before our birthday :)
Ride of Steel's avatar
lol floridaguy don't you feel dumb now that you "decoded" it?

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Something is telling me that it will be a new generation Arrow shuttle Coaster of some sort
I'm not so sold on it being lauched anymore... I believe most of that came from the idea of confessing that S:TE was a coaster next year.  Maybe that will change considering, well, Cedar Point could wind up with more coasters anyway in 2002, say 16, while counting S:TE SFMM would just have 15.  I don't know, that's a far fetch idea, but I could see it's potential. :)
yes, I too believe CP needs a launch coaster, and I based it on the Incredible Hulk too!  That coaster is definately CP worthy! 

magnum or MF now that is a real question.... final anwser magnum

I sent the encrypted message to my friends over at the Echelon program at the FBI.  They have an algorithm that decrypts PGP using a 1024 processor SunFire server.  Having read the decrypted message, I can assure that we will all be very happy going to Cedar Point next year.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

What's intresting is how often my guess as to what they are doing changes.  I'm on my fourth guess now, and i'll make it my final awnser.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Actually, I could probably decrypt the message myself..I'll be done in about 10 years; once I'm done, you'll be the first to know what CP is getting in 2002.
LMAO at harley...:)

On another note, I'm surprised and frustrated that the announcement may not come until the end of the month.  I guess I'll have to put this whole "new attraction" thing on the backburner for a while and return to some semblance of a social life....*sigh*

(j/k, and poking fun at those who are uber-wrapped-up in this whole announcement business...I suppose myself included:))

*** This post was edited by Logan on 10/11/2001. ***

harley said:
I sent the encrypted message to my friends over at the Echelon program at the FBI.  They have an algorithm that decrypts PGP using a 1024 processor SunFire server.  Having read the decrypted message, I can assure that we will all be very happy going to Cedar Point next year.

No offense or anything, but I think the FBI has bigger fish to fry right now... :)
2001 Magnum Crew

Agreed.  I'd be VERY surprised if they'd waste their time on something like this.  I think other matters of national security would be more important (such as keeping the existance of such a supercomputer secret)
My Home
MF count: 52
Wow this just gets better to watch by the day, 216 posts up until mine. Your right Dan the screen names seem to come up out of the woodwork when you start a topic like this. This truly is fun.
Raptor Crew 01
Blue Streak Crew 00
Wildcat Crew 99
Vertigo Launches : 4
Vertigo Wipe-outs : 1
Jeff's avatar
The FBI can't beat PGP. That's why they were investigating its creator for several years.

I certainly hope you were joking Harley, because that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in awhile. From the introduction to cryptography on the PGP site:

"Given all of today’s computing power and available time—even a billion computers doing a billion checks a second—it is not possible to decipher the result of strong cryptography before the end of the universe."

That's a really long time.

Watch my grass grow:

If you were a PR person right now and the news was dominated by war, anthrax, FBI's Most Wanted, etc...would you want to be announcing a new ride? 

I think it is a good idea to avoid hyping a multimillion dollar investment while our young people are putting their lives at risk, people are starving for food and our neighbors mourn the loss of 7,000 of our own.

Even if the FBI CAN beat PGP, they wouldn't be bothered with trying to figure out what Cedar Point is getting next year.

To put another perspective on this, has been running algorithms to crack an RC5-64 encoded message for about 4YEARS now.  It took them 250 days to crack the RC5-56 challenge.  The computing power behind is equivalent to "more than 160000 PII 266Mhz computers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year" (and includes 3 of my fastest computers :) )

Jeff's PGP key is far more secure than that.

My Home
MF count: 52

I've got 2 of mine running that... the other 3 are running Seti@Home.. hehehehe

Opps, can you get some napkins please???
MF total - 471 laps
VertiGo Launches - 79
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100

Does it matter if they announce it today or a month from now? Noone can ride it until opening day 2002...
Of course it matters!  Then instead of discussing what it might be, we'll be discussing how we think it will be, how we think they should do the landscaping, how we think it'll be like to ride it, and so on until we overanalyze it to death!

Can't you see the importance of that?

That PGP encryption is pretty freaking impressive if it takes as much power to crack it as you guys are claiming. Now all we need is that kid from Mercury Rising! :)

First thread to reach 10 pages, I believe...

Kally, It does matter! Up until the announcement there will be many discussions on what it will be. Once we know what it is then we can start discussion on the ride and not what we think it will be.

10 pages, WOW! Longest thread I've ever seen! What was the longest on gttp before this?

Force Laps: 387
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

*** This post was edited by VertiGo535 on 10/11/2001. ***

Closed topic.

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