New construction markings.

Another thing, if the green/blue painted lines are really construction markings, they are very close to Ocean Motion. (link from original post below) Now this is only my opinion, but if the markings are correct and directly related to whats being built, I think it takes up more space than would be required for a non-coaster thrill ride. There's also new-ish markings posted on the Point Pixels site. Any crazy ideas what the SB #2, SB#3 on the stakes means?

80+ coasters and counting

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

Tim Seydell said:
Another thing, if the green/blue painted lines are really construction markings, they are very close to Ocean Motion. (link from original post below) Now this is only my opinion, but if the markings are correct and directly related to whats being built, I think it takes up more space than would be required for a non-coaster thrill ride. There's also new-ish markings posted on the Point Pixels site. Any crazy ideas what the SB #2, SB#3 on the stakes means?

I have no idea. I have a question. Would they put a thrill ride over people who are walking? I mean Magnum goes over peoples so a roller coasters okay but a thrill ride?

Depends on the type of ride, something like a Starflyer wouldn't block much room, Power Tower is a good example. I think I get what you're saying though, that walkways could be built through a coasters support structure.

I understand that some of the markings are electrical and sewer related, but the arrows and new red dots interest me quite a bit, along with the distance to the beach stakes as well. The sewer markings are interesting too, even if supports are built, I don't see why they couldn't go around the pipes. The electrical markings close to OM may be for when it's sold, maybe someone could chime in here about the distance wires are ran from the ride itself.

80+ coasters and counting

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

Yeah thats what im wondering about. The red dots infront of the beach entrance is pretty far from the stakes.

Jason Hammond said:

Here we go! :)

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

Boardwalk project???? It has been talked about for 10 years now.
This is a fun one. Especially with the stake on the beach and Kinzel hinting that followers of CP would appreciate it.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains

Kevinj's avatar

3 stakes.


Promoter of fog.

do you think thats all the stakes we'll see or are their more to come...including alot more dots??

People who don't know me think I'm quiet...People who do, wish i was!

speedy g. said:
do you think thats all the stakes we'll see or are their more to come...including alot more dots??

I think the beach stakes will be the furthest reaching end of whatever-the-heck they are planning. I don't see any more paint markers being done since it seems they are just marking the lines, pipes, etc. What to look for now would be white marks, which as posted in the other thread have to do with excavating. I really do not believe its a coaster anymore, but if and when they clear land and a row of stakes are in the ground in a pattern that could mean track layout, as they usually run them on the center-line of where the track itself will be. I'd love to see new lines, markers, etc to start showing up at points further away from where everything is now, but it's not too likely at this time. Starting to sound like it's something that swings out over the beach.

80+ coasters and counting

Someone mentioned that they would like to see an aerial view of where the stakes and markers are in reference to one another.

I put together this picture based on the pictures that Doug Bollard posted on Point Pixels. This is just a rough estimate though.

The markers are their own respective colors and the orange is for the stakes.

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Ok, here's my updated prediction.

Tall tower flat ride (StarFlyer/Aviator/Something)
Behind Ocean Motion's current location
Queue using OM's current queue location
Won't effect the beach gate

My new question is whether Ocean Motion will operate for Halloweekends. If the tower footers are going on part of OM's site, it might come down during September. How tall the ride is will effect when the footers need to be poured, at least, it usually does. Earlier = Taller.

Also, here's the aerial view again for comparison.

Last edited by Chuck Wagon,

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

CP fanatic 2400 said:
Someone mentioned that they would like to see an aerial view of where the stakes and markers are in reference to one another.

I put together this picture based on the pictures that Doug Bollard posted on Point Pixels. This is just a rough estimate though.

The markers are their own respective colors and the orange is for the stakes.

Thanks for that! If we're seeing things right, Ocean Motion will certainly be gone no matter if it's sold or not. The distance of some of the markings from the stakes are a bit strange. Perhaps part of the announcement is telling people to ride Ocean Motion while they can before it's taken down.

@Chuck, nice map, you can see the Maverick with the Heartline Roll too :)

Last edited by Tim Seydell,

80+ coasters and counting

^^^If your orange marks are in any way accurate compared to the real stakes, a circle (i.e., the minimum footprint of a Star Flyer) that encompasses all three of those stakes would require removing Coral Courtyard, and probably the stadium as well.

Edited for carrot correction.

Last edited by Ensign Smith,

My author website:

CP fanatic 2400 said:
Someone mentioned that they would like to see an aerial view of where the stakes and markers are in reference to one another.

I put together this picture based on the pictures that Doug Bollard posted on Point Pixels. This is just a rough estimate though.

The markers are their own respective colors and the orange is for the stakes.

Remember that there are very similar markings near Maxair. Could be unrelated but are very similar to those found near Ocean Motion. Also, if I remember correctly the stakes on the beach are not the right color for markings for footers. I believe those are supposed to be white or pink, not orange.

I know white is proposed excavation, pink is temporary survery markings. (according to

80+ coasters and counting

Yes and according to that website orange markers are for Telephone and telegraph systems ,Police and fire communications, and Cable television.

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

I never knew any of this. Lol.

nate0902 said:
Yes and according to that website orange markers are for Telephone and telegraph systems ,Police and fire communications, and Cable television.

You're right, the page or 2 after the color coding says to use white for installing poles, pedestals, etc.

80+ coasters and counting

Jason Hammond's avatar

So, just for fun, and assuming the SB stakes are accurately depicted, it looks like they form a fairly nice right angle isosceles triangle. Who's going to check the Coral Courtyard to see if a 4th stake is there forming a regular square. ;)

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