New construction markings.

Kevinj's avatar

I think the most logical assumption is "Sub-Base", although I am not 100% certain. A sub-base is something layered underneath something like a cement footer. Again, I could be totally wrong about that, but the "SB" markers always show up with new rides...and Maverick's area had plenty in the planning stages.

Promoter of fog.

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

Im sure someone already has asked this but what does "SB" stand for? one post above yours...

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

oh, didnt notice it. wow dont i feel like an idiot (:

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

^Dj being completely right again. :)

djDaemon said:

It's my own fault for being naive enough to assume people actually read before posting. ;)

Let's Get Weird.

But seriously, what does "SB" stand for?


Wait for it.



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djDaemon's avatar

Kevinj said:
I think the most logical assumption is "Sub-Base"...
Maverick's area had plenty in the planning stages.

Do we have any pics of those "sub-base" stakes?

Nevermind - did the detective work myself. :)

Look at this image. There's an "SB" stake there in what I believe is Antique Cars' infield (notice Wave Swinger in the background, with TC's queue behind it). This picture was taken in October 2005. There were no footers poured here for either Skyhawk or Maverick.

Furthermore, if you look at this image, you'll see they're not exactly subtle when it comes to marking where footers will actually go.

Once again, the markings you're seeing now out near the beach are early stage markings. Some may point to where footers will go, or not. But I'd say we can put the "SB = sub base" theory to rest now, unless Maverick has a secret footer beneath Antique Cars. ;)

Last edited by djDaemon,


Chuck Wagon's avatar

Excellent detective work dj. Too bad most people won't read it. ;)

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Haha what does SB mean? Just kidding I was thinking today maybe SB stood for site boundary, But Dj pretty much got it.

Kyle2154's avatar

With all the teasing CP does, they should do a competition. Two or three days before the announcement they should have people submit, as detailed as possible, their guesses for the new attraction, then award the winner (and a friend?) a seat (or two?) on the first ride when the ride opens to the public.

Yes? No?

JuggaLotus's avatar

But what teasing have they done?

They posted a picture of a stake on the blog. That's been about it.

The enthusiasts have built up the rest of the hype pretty much on their own.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

In a perfect world, yeah, that would be interesting.

But there are actually people with inside info, so that would sort of present a problem.


i actually think thats a great idea...just to see how crazy (and off) peoples thoughts may have been.

People who don't know me think I'm quiet...People who do, wish i was!

JuggaLotus's avatar

Speedy - you can do that by just reading anything in the "2011 Watch" section of this forum.

You don't need CP to have some special contest.

Goodbye MrScott


Kyle2154's avatar

lol - I still think it would be fun though. CP would have to find a way to filter out the "small" group of executives and construction company (and employees) building it, but it would be tons of fun.

Just imagine, drafting your "official guess for the 2011 attraction" and submitting it just before midnight before the big announcment day.

I know that, but I think it would be worth it...and i bet there are thousands out there with the same ideas that don't even know this site exists.

People who don't know me think I'm quiet...People who do, wish i was!

djDaemon's avatar

Except that it's not just executives and construction employees that are "in the know". Take last year, for example - we knew exactly what the ride was long before the announcement, based on information posted here.

Of course, because the info wasn't OMG 500 FOOT COASTER LAWL, it was ignored by many.


Chuck Wagon's avatar

djDaemon said:

But there are actually people with inside info, so that would sort of present a problem.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen RaceRinger or some of the other users who were so adamant about being right about last years ride. We usually have folks claiming inside knowledge by this point in the year. You think CP is doing a better job with leaks this year? Or just coincidence?

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

JuggaLotus's avatar

Why would I want to read thousands of submissions of the same idea? That's just boring and redundant.

Goodbye MrScott


NO WAIT!...I just heard from an a construction worker from a reliable site, that the new attraction will be a....wait for it....a 530ft. flyer that goes underground another 100 ft....I KNEW IT!

People who don't know me think I'm quiet...People who do, wish i was!

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