New construction markings.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Actually, being a great idea pretty much means it won't happen with this regime doesn't it?

Goodbye MrScott


pointperson's avatar

Only if the idea includes being the Tallest, Fastest, Meanest boardwalk to ever strike Cedar Point ;)

Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!

To be fair, even under the most recent years of Kinzel management, some terrific ideas have been realized. Maverick, obviously, is a home run. When all's said and done, I do (despite my reservations) think StR will be a very good addition to the park, once the bugs have been worked out. Starlite Experience was a great concept and a deft 'two birds with one blow' move, even though the display is suffering from its initial installation.

But it's also true that some pretty stupid ideas have been put into play, and an inordinate number of opportunities have been squandered.

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JuggaLotus's avatar

Mike - even a blind squirrel finds a nut.

And rides have always been their strong suit, so giving them credit for putting in a great ride isn't saying much. Its making those other additions and changes to the park that have been an issue.

Unfortunately things like Starlight are the exception rather than the rule.

Goodbye MrScott


That is the problem in a (plucked by a sight-disabled rodent) nutshell. Too long they've relied on higher and higher food and merch prices to jack up the per cap as attendance fell. This might have been more sustainable if the actual quality of the food (not to mention the service) had been increased commensurately. And the way they've let many of the resort rooms and facilities fall behind industry standards is just mind-boggling.

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djDaemon's avatar

Yes, the "resorts" are pathetic, at best. And don't even get me/us (re)started on the food situation.


JuggaLotus's avatar

What food situ.....hey look a new ride!!!!!!

Goodbye MrScott


Hey, at least Midway Market hasn't quite gotten to the point where, a la Brazil, they have to put up little pictures of what your meal is supposed to look like.

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JuggaLotus's avatar

That's not necessarily a good thing.

Corporate officers should not be micro managing an individual entity of the company the way that they do. Getting them away from the peninsula would be a good thing.

Goodbye MrScott


JuggaLotus's avatar

Not likely to be moved, seeing as they just built a brand new building to house the corporate offices.

Goodbye MrScott


Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I don't know if I am thinking the same thing as you guys, but what would CP's boardwalk look like? Is there a modern one today that I can look at?

Let's Get Weird.

I can't get links on here to work, but if you want to check it out yourself, google or youtube Pacific Pier in Santa Monica. Or any of the boardwalk parks in New Jersey. There are some incredibly cool places out there, which CP could do well to emulate.

My author website:

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Yeah those look sweet. Doesn't look like something CP would do though.

Let's Get Weird.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Neither does one of these....

OH SNAP!!! Yup, I just went there. ;)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Minime15834's avatar

*shock*...I can't believe you just went there! This is going to take me a while to process this situation. ;)


OKSIRYDOC's avatar

What you have said has shocked me haha.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Is that Terminator? I seem to be missing the joke. lol

Let's Get Weird.

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Cedar Point will never have a GCI Wooden Coaster, at least that's how I took it.

coolkid2345's avatar

^Why would that be? Even though I dislike GCI, they have built 2 other coasters at Cedar Fair parks in the past 3 years. The 2 other choices would be Gravity Group or Intamin. I am just saying, Vekoma did make an amazing wooden roller coaster at a park in Belgium.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Must you question everything I say? Second off I didn't even say it originally.

TTD 120mph said:
Neither does one of these....

OH SNAP!!! Yup, I just went there. ;)

There ask him. Not me I didn't say it.

Last edited by OKSIRYDOC,

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