New construction markings.

Oh, I don't think it's too huge of an assumption. You have Kinzel's statement that Ride 2011 will be near the beach. Then there are the electrical and water markings all over that area. Throw in the stakes out in the sand (not all that far from OM, I might add), and you have enough of a circumstantial case to win a conviction in some states. ;)

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JuggaLotus's avatar

And how many years was Demon Drop up for sale before being removed at the end of last season?

Goodbye MrScott


Minime15834's avatar

That doesn't necessarily have to do with anything...maybe it was for sale for a long time because they really wanted to get rid of it and knew it would take forever to sell and maybe they think ocean motion could be sold more quickly.


Apples and demons. At the time DD went up on the auction block, there was no other evidence that its landprint was going to be used for anything in the immediate future.

IF OM's location is the site of Project 2011, any hypothetical timeline for the sale of OM is irrelevant. They can simply dismantle the ride and stick it in a warehouse to catch fire at a later date. ;)

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Minime15834's avatar

Haha that made me lol a little. :)


JuggaLotus's avatar

The Mean Streak infield is a warehouse?

2 - If the ultimate plan was to remove OM via sale, why wait until the "last minute" to do so? It would have made more sense if, like DD, it had been on the block for the last few years.

Goodbye MrScott


I'm guessing it's a number of factors. DD probably had a much higher maintenance budget than OM; it takes longer to remove a drop tower than a swing ride; Cedar Fair can probably expect to move (as in, sell) OM far faster than a 1st gen Intamin drop ride; it takes far less room to store a swing ride than a dismantled drop tower. But the main thing is this: how the company chooses to remove one ride may have nothing to do with how it chooses to remove a completely unrelated ride.

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Kyle2154's avatar

@Juggs: I agree with that. They are going to, assuming it starts right after announcement, be building the next "attraction" in late August. I doubt someone woke up yesterday and thought, "oh crap, what should we do about Ocean Motion?!" and they decided to sell it.

I could see it moving to DD's spot for a few years, even being up for sale.

Last edited by Kyle2154,
Kevinj's avatar

Maybe they should keep the boat from OM and use it on Shoot the Rapids and see if THAT fits better than the current boats.

Promoter of fog.

Jason Hammond's avatar

The manufacture year is right. But, I think most of us knew that already. :)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Maybe they were planning on moving the ride to a different area of the park but just recently decided to sell it instead.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I think Ensign's theory is the best. There is no reason they can't just store the ride if it doesn't sell quickly. They obviously planned for it to operate this year, although they will cut that short if it sells.

As for Demon Drop, I still think it was part of the 5 year plan. It was put up for sale in 2005. If the maintenance budget was out of control, they would have dismantled it earlier, rather than keeping it and then sending it to a sister park.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Kyle2154's avatar

Yes, but if they store OM that leaves the big (not literally) void up front where Demon Drop was. OM was the obvious choice, if not it, then what is going where DD was?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

The statues of Tony and Tyler duh!

Let's Get Weird.

Perhaps nothing, for the time being.

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I thought it would be nice if they could re-theme OM as a wagon and relocate it somewhere in frontier trail.....

Minime15834's avatar

Is there even any room in frontier trail for that? I know it's not that big but still I can't think of anywhere that it would fit.

-Mike's my first i have to think of EVERYTHING? ;)

AmazingMaverick(:'s avatar

Jason Hammond said:
^Yes, they close of part of the lot for the fireworks and do it a few days ahead of time to get set up.

I thought so.

Ensign Smith said:
They can simply dismantle the ride and stick it in a warehouse to catch fire at a later date. ;)


Obviously if it's available immediately as the website says, then they would have no problem taking it out while in the main season. For all we know maybe they had a buyer that backed out of the deal and that's why they want to get rid of it quickly. Perhaps Cedar Fair had previous plans to move it to another park. As always, it's just speculation, and we don't know.

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