New construction markings.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I think the Aquatic Stadium will be the "Snake River Falls" of 2011. CP seems to do pretty good planning in terms of ride removal. Consider that both WWL and Millennium island were cleared a season before they were re-used.

On that topic, let me share this set of thoughts

  • Cedar Point is known to have a "5 year plan" for new attractions.
  • Demon Drop was put up for sale in 2005.
  • Shoot the Rapids has been reported as delayed from '09 to '10.

Sure seems like an addition to the Demon Drop site would be in the works for ' year after it was cleared. However, I suppose that '12 wouldn't be out of the question.

Last edited by Chuck Wagon,

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Minime15834's avatar

So...did this thread die? Anybody find any new markings yet?


Kevinj's avatar

I was there yesterday and saw absolutely nothing that would indicate anything of significant size at all. I had not visited CP since these threads popped up, but having viewed what is actually on site in person, I am 99.99% confident that this is not a coaster.

That said, Michael Jordan was 99.99% sure he was retired after his second stint with the Bulls, so there is room for error, but anyone hoping for a coaster should lower their expectations IMO.

I should add that 1) I hope I'm wrong, and 2) it's clear from the video clip that the Cyclone was a tremendous ride for its day.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Minime15834 said:
So...did this thread die? Anybody find any new markings yet?

I was in the park today. There were markings directly in front of one of the games next to Maxair and in front of Maxair's sign.

Interesting find, and welcome to Pointbuzz. :) Would you happen to have any pictures of them or remember what color they were and point them out on a map?

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

I didn't have a camera with me today or I would have taken pictures. I believe they were red and were located right in front of the "knock down the bottles game" and not to far away from Maxair's sign.

What Nate saw was electric and gas. I saw them Sunday and mentioned it earlier in this thread.

When I go this weekend I am going to ride Space Spiral and look to see if they are any visable markings behind the games and DT, etc. which is not accesable to the public.

Probably completely unrelated but they have also removed some trees between Mantis and Iron Dragon right to the left of the stairs on Mantis. Seems like a really strange place for anything. Any ideas?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

They want to get rid of even more charm! :)

Let's Get Weird.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'd hardly call Mantis charm.....oh you meant the trees! MY bad! ;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Minime15834's avatar

Hey! I like the mantis.


OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Haha no Mantis is making you think you like it! :P

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

TTD 120mph said:
I'd hardly call Mantis charm.....oh you meant the trees! MY bad! ;)

What?! You don't think Mantis' howl that you can hear all the way in Cleveland is charming? :)

Let's Get Weird.

Minime15834's avatar

..and I like Mantis' howl too...unfortunately I can't hear it from the middle of Pennsylvania. :(


TTD 120mph's avatar

Hey it's ok to like Mantis.......if you enjoy not having children. ;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I looked at the pics of the marker stakes a little closer and as you all may have noticed they are 3 (so far) and each are numbered SB1 (front of OM)and SB2 and SB3 (on the beach. Im just wondering what SB means? My first guess would be Sub Base like a footer or something.But could be wrong. I havent been they since 4th weekend but hope to get back in Aug to snoop some more. But by then we should all know what its gonna be! Cant wait ;)

Last edited by zdabulls23,
Kevinj's avatar

I think "Sub Base" is exactly what they stand for; the markers observed for Maverick also had SB on them.

With only 3 being observed at this point, I think that adds support to it being a flat.

One question: Do the SB markers by any chance form a triangle?
That is, with the two markers in the beach aligned, with the "peak of the triangle" (if you will) being the lone marker by OM?

If so, seems like a tower-like structure...

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Kevinj said:
One question: Do the SB markers by any chance form a triangle?

Unless they are perfectly aligned, any 3 points will form a triangle. ;-)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Kevinj's avatar

I knew someone would post that. :)

Allow me to elaborate...

Do they form an equilateral triangle?

Promoter of fog.

I just returned from a week in the Clearwater, FLA area (my 'part time' home since childhood)...and I overheard people in area restaurants & a coffeehouse discussing the new ride at Cedar Point! Ha! We 'do' live in a small world!

I agreed with the 'majority' of the comments too. Many, from what I could overhear, spoke of the great opportunities available with the Boardwalk, beach, etc and how CP execs should take full advantage of that aspect when designing the new ride and coming up with theming/creative ideas.

I ended up introducing myself to one gentleman who grew up in Elyria, Ohio and currently is contracted through a design company (forget the name, sorry). He had some very unique thoughts. He liked the idea of a retro Depression Era Boardwalk (similar to Disney's) with a Lake themed interactive dark ride, as well as a flat ride that had Lake/water elements. We were definitely on the same wavelength/mindset.

Also, as a side note: Anheuser Busch parks (Sea World, Busch Gardens) are running a Summer promotion for children age 5-11...they can get park admission for only $5!! The TV commercials were re-run every 5 minutes. Also, Busch Garden's "Adventure Island" water park has "Hot Summer Nights" which is extended hours (til 9pm) on Thurs-Sat. night. Something to consider.

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