Facing the facts

Whatever CP announces as their official stats. You'll have to gamble whether or not they'll count the brake run.
That's ok, Front Seat. I don't think I could eat "that much" ice cream in one sitting, anyway. I'll get plenty, though, no doubt.
Front Seat Rider:

I missed Jeff saying that. Thanks. I can't change my vote though! While on the subject, who plans to be there opening day? I hope to be.

Maybe during the evening hours, I don't feel like being trampled in the morning trying to run to #16, just to find out that 1000 hotel guests have already been in the line for a half hour.
*** This post was edited by Coaster Freak 12/10/2002 5:30:26 PM ***
speed - 117 mph

height - 426 ft.

drop - 408

The database said Moonsault pulled 6.2 Gs!

Launch Coasters Rule!

I guess this is "off topic", but not technically because this is still a fact. I find it funny how both CP and SFMM have only two wooden coasters out of 16 each. Shows what kind of coaster is better, obviously steel. But, the sad part is SFMM has 28 inversions while CP has only 13. CP needs to catch up on a few things. CP needs a 4-D or a floorless.

Launch Coasters Rule!

You know, people in SFMM forums are saying that SFMM needs a 400+ ft., 100+ mph coaster...

(Insert something clever here)

SFMM needs a nice high coaster that is full circuit.

Launch Coasters Rule!

Jeff's avatar
Someone got it all right. Nice.

Webmaster/GTTP - Sillynonsense.com

Sweet, but who? Come on Jeff, give us one more hint please.

Launch Coasters Rule!

Oh boy... here it comes...

3 more pages of "so-and-so is right", "no, SO-and-so is right", "NO, SO-AND-SO is right", not to mention the non-believers who, despite the overwhelming evidence, either can't read or just can't accept the facts (I pity them all).

EDIT: Clarifying what I meant - can't be vague around here, it might be a clue! :)

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good launch.
*** This post was edited by jimmybob 12/10/2002 9:35:33 PM ***

What's that supposed to mean?

Launch Coasters Rule!

I'm going to go with Dougster.

DGY at the Po!nt

I'd put my money (or ice cream, or whatever) on Gibby, folks.

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

I would have to say jdubya is right. Jeff hinted that the end of the brake run is 6 or 7 feet off the ground. And since jdubya's guess for height and drop have a 6 foot difference. But thats if you get "technical" about the drop.
Yall are all worng it's going to be 452' high and go 122 mph. and have a drop of 445'.
Not to toot my own horn, but I think that I got it. First, jdubya guessed 121 mph while Jeff gave us a range of 110-120. Second, I think the number that I am most certain of is the 400 foot drop. MF is 300 and 310 feet high. PT is 300 feet high. I know that not all the rides at CP are round numbers, but they do happen there, and a 400 foot drop sounds better than 408 or 406. I thought it was cool when the ride ops were saying, "enjoy your 300 foot fall on MF." As far as dougsters guess goes, I think that the break run is higher than 12 feet and I think that CP will only count the distance to it. Also, now that I have reread Jeff's post on it, I think that it may have been tongue in cheek. (I don't want to speak for him though.) I like !Gibby!'s numbers except for the fact that the height and drop are not round numbers. Also, CP would get no added benifit for going just over a 400 foot drop and it would cost more. I have a feeling the numbers will be just as smooth as the 310 and 300 for MF. I also liked ScottieRock's numbers, but they were before the contest started and they were minimums, not exact guesses.

420 feet tall
400 foot drop
117 MPH

I scream
You scream
We all scream
For sixteen
And I scream
For my Ice Cream!

Thank you Jeff for all the hints!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong. And I know someone will. A couple of weeks ago, it was reported that some of the pedastals on the brake run had to be cut down. Does anyone suppose that the grade was miss-calculated in planning? And, that the cuts that were made have affected the final planned height? This, quite possibly, may shoot the "well rounded numbers" theory down the toilet. Remember the new "flood plane" permits? Which, incidently, were applied for/attained around the same time the cuts were made.

Just food for thought!:-)

olympic10086 said:
A little faster? Let's bet $100 on 115 mph..:)

In terms of height, let's take a wild stab and say 425 in terms of height, and a drop of 370


i'm sorry, IMO (in my opinion) it's to early to think that the brake run is going to be 50+ feet from the ground. i'm guessing 20-30 at most.

Let your mind go...and your body will follow...

Got One?? Yeah, it's a metallica thing.
Love ya tiffers, always will.
TMG -- 5.29.82-02.02.02

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