Cedar Point's 2011 ride will target thrill seekers

JW Addington said:
Even if they decided to replace Mean Streak, i think another wooden coaster should go in its place. Preferably a dueling woody. They did a good job with making Maverick fit the area, but with Mean Streak being back there for almost 20 years, it just wouldn't look right with a bunch of steel behind the train station IMO. It definately wouldn't fit the "old west" theme, yes i said theme, of the area.

I agree. If you have ever been to Hershey Park; which I went to for the first time this year. I believe something like Lightning Racer would be awesome in the back.

KevinL332's avatar

So for those of us who missed the interview, can we get a break down of the main points, or a link so we can see the interview ourselves. Thanks!

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

The guy who was hosting babbled worse than some of the posters on this site do. John could barely get a word in. I learned nothing new. I probably lost IQ points from watching it.

Let's Get Weird.

As for that video, absolutely horrible interview.Will it be a thrill ride was asked? Is this Jiminy Glick asking the questions?

So you don't want your 10 minutes back like me....here's the cliff notes..The comment about the "star" is exactly as follows:

>>Does the new ride include the word "star" in any way?

>>JH: No.

>>Will it break records?

>>JH: I'm not sure


>>Will it (new ride) be one to majorly change the skyline of Cedar Point?

He basically said it depends on your point of view. Wouldn't a giant starflyer (even 200 feet) change the skyline no matter where it is? He also said he rides just about every ride there but he isn't sure if he'll ride this....it will be in his words a "unique experience."

Honestly, how are these people reporters, a question was asked from some kids mom about getting a season pass revoked and who to talk to? I mean why.....(throws arms up).... The GM really needed to answer that in an interview?

Last edited by Tim Seydell,

80+ coasters and counting

coolkid2345's avatar

Woody72691 said:

okay if WWL was so popular why is it gone? and I have some evidence on why theres still competition.

Last decade (2000's) CP built 4 rides:

Millennium Force (2000)

Wicked Twister (2002)

Top Thrill Dragster (2003)

Maverick (2007)

all built by Intamin AG which is ironic.

SFMM built:

Goliath (200)

Goliath Jr. (2001)

Deja Vuu (2001)

X2 (2002)

Scream! (2003)

Tatsu (2006)

Terminator Salvation: The Ride (2009)

future: mr six's stupid roller dancing whatever

Now by my count that's 4 for our boys CP and 7 for SFMM. theres still no heat when SFMM is building all these coasters? just making a point moving on.........

White Water Landing was the most popular water ride at Cedar Point. If you want to be ignorant, go ahead. Why did they get rid of Mr. Toad at Disney World? Because they wanted to build something better for the park.

For your information, Cedar Point has built 9 new rides (counting Planet Snoopy as one) from 2000-2010. You are forgetting Shoot the Rapids, Planet Snoopy, Skyhawk, and maXair.

Quality matters more than quantity. I have to say, the quality of Cedar Point's roller coasters are outstanding. If Cedar Point really cared about having the most roller coasters, they could be like Six Flags Magic Mountain and build 4 junior roller coasters or they could keep a couple coasters down each day. Cedar Fair could also be like Six Flags and go "Spend boy Spend". Six Flags thought building roller coasters would help bring people in; that isn't the case for Magic Mountain. We know what happened with Six Flags last year.

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time: http://pep.si/bTTsfc

Has anyone ever been out the New Jersey coastline? Like Ocean City or Long Beach Island? They have huge boardwalks out there with multiple rides, restaurants, etc., stretching for miles. I have a feeling Cedar Point is leaning towards that, not really for next year, but something that will grow in the years to come.

Imagine, a boardwalk stretching from the Wicked Twister area down to Soak City and Magnum. They could easily build many restaurants and flat rides. They could move the existing flat rides to the boardwalk and make room for more rides and coasters in the actual park, or this could give them a chance to build newer flat rides for adventure seekers or even a small roller coaster.

This will also open up the beach to more attendants again, and hopefully lead to more maintenance of it (whenever I'm in line for WT, the beach looks like it's a mess, but it is Lake Erie after all).

But I must ask a question, why do some people think Cedar Point will build rides IN Lake Erie? It's one thing to build on the beach, but in Lake Erie would be ridiculous. Before you think about Cedar Point doing that, perhaps you should look at the Great Lakes when they are not frozen in the winter time. These lakes produce huge ocean-like waves that actually draw surfers from across the country. It would not only be a challenge for CP to build but to also maintain a ride out there. They would have to add more wave barriers just to be on the safe side.

My other suggestion would be for Cedar Point to utilize more of it's space in the existing park. I have been to multiple parks where the coasters are always flying above you and through other coasters. The only coaster to truly do that at CP is Corkscrew. Imagine a flying coaster not only going over the main midways but also right over and under Millennium Force and Dragster (ok maybe not TTD just in case the cable snaps again). If not, use some of the Soak City and Challenge Park parking lot. I have never seen that lot close to full (maybe at most 50% full) in my multiple trips.

Kevinj's avatar

He also said he rides just about every ride there but he isn't sure if he'll ride this....it will be in his words a "unique experience."

squashing any hope of a coaster for anyone who thought this still may be it.

Promoter of fog.

Everybody talks about a boardwalk along the beach. Is it possible they could build one out into Lake Erie? Maybe they could build attractions on the boardwalk itself. I know weather would be a factor, but other could climates have a boardwalk going out into the ocean, let alone a lake. So, it can be done.


kylepark's avatar

I mentioned several pages back in this discussion about a pier like this being built: http://www.statenislandusa.com/images/pier_aerial.jpg

Maybe not as fancy with the curves, but something similar to that idea with a new restraunt and the so-called starflyer ride constructed at the end of the pier along with areas for guests to cast their fishing poles from? That could be the first phase of the boardwalk/pier section of the park.

However, it is highly unlikely a pier would never be built. One can still dream about it! ;)

Hey everyone, first time post, read it everyday though... Well just for a recap on my thoughts. I started out believing a woodie, possibly "Cyclone" as the name like a lot of you have said on here. Then, I swayed to start thinking the Stratosoar stuff. Well what if Stratosoar does go somewhere else and all the rumors and different things that are being said are just to throw us off like last year. I've also been thinking over the last couple days about how cool it would be to have a nice classic looking woodie that was white, but have it more modern with design elements over by the water like where the ride looks like it will go. Maybe go with the "Whyte Lightning" name I think someone else mentioned. Just a thought...

Sorry, Kyle I have not been keeping up on the post, and it is quite long now to read the whole thing.

But, I also think the pier into the lake is only a dream. It would be neat though.


Kyle2154's avatar

It sounds like there may have been a few dents in the Star Flyer theory today.

- Word "star" has nothing to do with new ride.
- Hard to say if it will change the skyline.

Though with all the evidence pointing to a Star Flyer maybe they just wanted to throw people off a little bit.

^^ I don't think a pier into the lake is a dream. I think it will be a logical solution for expansion in the future. As someone else said, you can move flat rides on to it, as well as restaurants, and build more coasters back on the peninsula.

Last edited by Gabriel Peter,
TTD 120mph's avatar

^^Or he could have said no to the star comment because he just didn't want to say yes? Considering how secret this is (and who was talking about it), I wouldn't dive into every comment from John and use it to further determine what we might or might not be getting. All I got from the interview was a resounding "I cant tell yet."

If anyone here was expecting to get any solid leads or pieces of evidence (especially from the GM) then you still dont get the idea of patience. We were told mid August and that we will know when the announcement is. Patience is a virtue people.......an easy virtue. :)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

KevinL332's avatar

humm did anyone notice that Cedar Fair has a new facebook page.. one of the last comments on the Cedar Point statue is from Cedar Fair saying existing things to come. Do you guy think this is real or just someone makeing a cedar fair page? thoughts? worth watching or not?


Halloweekends Screamster!
Fear Faire 2010-2011

TopThrillCedarPoint's avatar

Kyle2154 said:
It sounds like there may have been a few dents in the Star Flyer theory today.

- Word "star" has nothing to do with new ride.
- Hard to say if it will change the skyline.

Though with all the evidence pointing to a Star Flyer maybe they just wanted to throw people off a little bit.

1. I knew it wouldn't be.
2. I find it hilarious that you guys think that was evidence.

EDIT: @KevinL332 He spelled "great" wrong in his comment, so I highly doubt it.

Last edited by TopThrillCedarPoint,

Ride on, my friends!
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/TopThrillCedarPoint

Kevinj's avatar

Though with all the evidence pointing to a Star Flyer maybe they just wanted to throw people off a little bit.

There is zero evidence of a starflyer...just assumptions and guesses.

Promoter of fog.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Starflyer or not, I think it's going to be tall, spin in a circle and you'll probably lay down or something. Make and model are less important to me at this point.

There are LOTS of similar flat rides out there.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

About the comment if he was throwing us off with the starflyer "star" idea, I think if it were a starflyer he would've said "i'm not sure" as he said when the other questions were asked, not specifically; no.

So now what? If it's something that he (JH) has seen and is considering not riding before it is even built.

As for the Cedar Fair page, due to a comment that page made on the Carowinds fan page, it is most certainly NOT an official page.

80+ coasters and counting

vwhoward's avatar

A starflyer would definitely be a unique experience. I ride all the rides and I'm not sure I could get on one.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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