Cedar Point's 2011 ride will target thrill seekers

I am still not sold on this Star Flyer guys. Why all of a sudden have we seemed to have completely thrown that entire discussion of capacity out the window? I don't remember coming up with a good way in which to counteract that. The only ideas that I remember seeing were to add more seats, thus making it even larger. And having two going in alternation, which I can not see CP building two of these things.

I also, see neither of those two options fitting on the OM site which seems to be the place in which the ride is going. Furthermore, as there appears to be no markings in the Coral Courtyard that would mean that the ride needs to be within OM's space. It could also possibly go out onto the beach over the current beach walkway and entrance. I just can not see a Star Flyer being able to accomplish that.

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

On the morning of July 15th I Iogged on to Screamscape and they reported this, "If the latest rumors are true, we could be seeing them install a new Intamin version of a Star Flyer style tower ride." My jaw dropped as I thought it was bogus, but turns out the ride concept was true. This was the first report of a star flyer and that's all I am saying...give them credit for a good source...they didn't just wake up and take a wild guess that you imply.

They also stated that rumors persist of a wooden coaster on the beach, but THEY NEVER STATED IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN...they stated it was RUMOR. You act like they state facts, when in fact they state it is indeed a RUMOR!!!!!!!! They reported two possible rumors that day (50/50) and one turned out to be correct before we heard it anywhere else. What the hell is wrong with reporting rumors? They are not predicting medical science...this is amusement park rides. How is it any different than sports trade rumors? They are reporting what they hear for fun. Who knows, maybe CP was considering a wooden coaster but shelved it. They revisited STR.

Last edited by net,
Jason Hammond's avatar

My favorite CP rumor from Screamscape this year was that the new ride would be from Intamin. He posted that After Cedar Point said the new ride would not be from Intamin.

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DJ: in reality, I think we are on the same page, even though our posts do not reflect that :-) I get that Screamscape often reports bogus rumors. I'm just saying two things (1) they report sources, whether right or wrong, and many people enjoy for fun; (2) you have to admit on July 15th you were shocked to read a possible star flyer as CP's next attraction. That rumor came out of left field and looks like it is going to be true. So, they had a pretty awesome source on that one, considering it's a brand new ride for U.S. property. No one was talking about a star flyer prior to July 15th.

Last edited by net,
Break Trims's avatar

In other news, Screamscape is reporting that on the former Demon Drop site, there will be installed a large broken clock, which will be right twice a day.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

Good one. :-)

djDaemon's avatar

net said:
What the hell is wrong with reporting rumors?

Nothing, and I even said as much above. I was merely taking exception to your claim that Screamscape deserves some sort of recognition for being "right". They don't, even though I agree that what they do has a place, and clearly some consider what they do enjoyable. And again, that's fine. But to call them "right" ignores all the things they were demonstrably wrong about.

...you have to admit on July 15th you were shocked to read a possible star flyer as CP's next attraction.

Well, not really. From the perspective of ride capacity and such, yeah, it seemed a bit questionable, but I really had not formed any ideas about what CP was getting in 2010.

So, they had a pretty awesome source on that one...

Apparently, but they also had plenty of inaccurate sources, not only for 2010's addition, but in years prior.


Good points. We are not really that far apart. I just thought a star flyer was such a wild rumor, but have been pretty impressed that it appears to be true. I agree with you, many of their sources are inaccurate...no doubt. I'm still waiting for that wooden coaster on the beach (LOL) :-) :-)

RideWarrior18's avatar

So, I'm assuming we're pretty much sold on the fact that 2011 is not the year of the coaster at Cedar Point. Thats fine by me, however what are the possibilities, other than a Star Flyer. I'm with CP_fanatic on this, because I'm not entirely sold on the idea.

I can see where you might match up the puzzle pieces to get this Star Flyer picture, but with a maximum capacity of 600 rph, I just don't see it as a plausible option. Granted, we have to take into consideration custom advances by this company, but as a base spec, the capacity is super low.

Also, Funtime Group (the people who design and sell the StarFlyer) lists a maximum height of 96 meters (about 314 feet.) That's far shy of soaring in the stratosphere (assuming CP considers the stratosphere at 400+ ft.)

I'll throw some ideas out there: Vekoma I-Ride (similar to Soarin' at Disney's California Adventure and EPCOT) or a Huss Shot'N Drop Maxi (Link). I know Intamin is rumored to be out of the question, but they have: the Intamin Giant Drop, the Intamin Gyro Drop, or a simulator.

Just trying to throw some new ideas out there. Try not to destroy them too quickly.

TheRealLasagna's avatar

Could it also be a Huss Fly Away? It is slightly similar to Chaos in ways of aesthetics (historic reminder), you fly (StratoSOAR) during the ride, and the flying "cars" are 2 person (teenagers would like it). Though it only has 600-750 rph (the Huss website says that it depends on the operation procedure). Cedar Fair would probably improve on this design (depending if they would do it with Huss or another company) but yet again, this is just an idea.

RideWarrior18 said:
Just trying to throw some new ideas out there. Try not to destroy them too quickly.

Same thing here. :)

Last edited by TheRealLasagna,

On second thought let's not go to Six Flags, 'tis a silly place.

If the starflyer is the new ride. It does not impress me at all. Its just another round and round ride to me . Iam sure many people will like it and that's fine. But it will not get me excited about next year. Granted I'll be plenty happy to ride the great roller coasters at cedar point again.

Is Flight at Martin's Fantasy Island a true Starflyer? Because if it is, I can confirm that these things may not look like much, but they are incredibly nerve racking.

-Chance M.
1. Magnum XL 200 (trimless)_____1. Voyage
2. Maverick_____________________2. Boulder Dash
3. Millennium Force_____________3. Prowler

Valleyfair Enthusiast said:
Is Flight at Martin's Fantasy Island a true Starflyer? Because if it is, I can confirm that these things may not look like much, but they are incredibly nerve racking.

I was pretty bored on the Orlando StarFlyer, I guess it really all depends on your fear of heights.

The key thing to remember is that it will "bring back a lot of memories for people that follow Cedar Fair." So, this is a modern version of an old ride.

net said:
The key thing to remember is that it will "bring back a lot of memories for people that follow Cedar Fair." So, this is a modern version of an old ride.

I still think the memories line has been way too overanalyzed. If CP had built a starflyer and not dropped that line would anyone say "Oh, that reminds me of the swing they used to have in the lake"?

djDaemon's avatar

Actually, yeah, I think it would.


I have to agree, I don't see a 300-400 foot giant swing bringing back memories of a 3-4 foot swing from 100 years ago. Also, the name stratosoar would seem to indicate a "starflyer" type of ride, but remember, such a trademark could be for next year's ride just as easily as this year's ride. Wasn't Maverick filed well in advance.

Just going out on a limb, and I know a few of you in particular will absolutely rip me apart for this, but I will bet if it is a "starflyer" it will be met with a very poor reception. Yes, hanging from a string at 300 feet will be a little thrilling, but in the end it takes you up, spins you around at 20 MPH, and brings you down. Personally I don't see the thrill in it.

If I said it once I have said it a thousand times, Cedar Point's core competency is roller coasters. Rides like maXair and Skyhawk enhance CP's profile and were excellent additions, but roller coaster make the park and the lineup of coasters draw people in. No I have no statistical proof to give you on that, I have only the fact that roller coasters are frequented more than any other ride and always have the longest lines of any ride in the park. Even Disaster Transport has longer lines than maXair and I think maXair is the best non-roller coaster ride there.

99er's avatar

RideWarrior18 said:I can see where you might match up the puzzle pieces to get this Star Flyer picture, but with a maximum capacity of 600 rph, I just don't see it as a plausible option. Granted, we have to take into consideration custom advances by this company, but as a base spec, the capacity is super low.

Unless of course they introduce a 64 seat model;-)

Kyle2154's avatar

If it is a 64 seat model and strato refers to some incredible height, it's going to be massive (wide and tall)...it's gonna have to be like the John Holmes of Star Flyers.

Someone mentioned a Huss Fly Away...

My guess is that it was someone who has never *ridden* a Fly Away. :)

Of course, Huss showed a concept whereby they put Fly Away passenger cars on a Condor frame. Interesting concept, but mercifully I don't think any were ever built.

One comment that caught my eye...

Walt wrote:

If you can get that kind of credit for that many misses, I'm obviously in the wrong business!

Funny thing is, I don't know what business Walt is in these days (apart from hosting this place)...but I do remember what he studied in college, which makes that a kind of an interesting comment... :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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