Cedar Point's 2011 ride will target thrill seekers

TheRealLasagna's avatar

I wonder if you'd be able to see that ride from most places in the park, similar to Top Thrill Dragster? Also, could you imagine riding Maxair and seeing that thing while (mostly) upside down? That'd be.............interesting.

On second thought let's not go to Six Flags, 'tis a silly place.

Jason Hammond's avatar

I'm pretty sure that enthusiasts encompass much less than 15% of the population. And I'm sure when CP says 85% of "us", they are talking about all of their customers. Not just enthusiasts. Unless they debuted a brand new ride, it's not likely they could find any ride that 85% of enthusiasts have never seen.

Last edited by Jason Hammond,

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

True, I guess it really depends on who they were talking about and when. With the clues and the FB junkies it is likely that 90% of CP followers have viewed the star flyer rides by now. A month ago I had never heard of a star flyer so I can see your point. All I know is I was shocked when I logged in this morning and read the article posting. I never saw that one coming.

No coaster will ever be too fast or too tall!

How come everyone is so convinced the Wind Seeker will be 400ft tall?

The article says "Mirfin said his company planned to build a StarFlyer for Cedar Point that would be 400 feet tall — even bigger than the StarFlyer at Prater Park in Vienna, which stands 384 feet tall." That was the starflyer not the Wind Seeker.

I believe this http://www.parkworld-online.com/news/fullstory.php/aid/1596/Mondial_unveils_Wind_Seeker.html says it could be a little over 200ft. Do you really think they were willing to double the size?

Plus, I'm pretty sure you could see a 400ft ride from just about anywhere in the park.

nate0902 said:
How come everyone is so convinced the Wind Seeker will be 400ft tall?

Go big or go home.

Last edited by walleyewhacker,

No coaster will ever be too fast or too tall!

^ Duh. Increasing to height to 400ft is not unresonable. when funtime built the star flyer in Vienna the actual height was higher than what was posted on funtime's website. Im sure they would be willing to raise the height if it meant making a hefty profit. If they do plan on building a wind seeker instead of a Star Flyer it is more than likley because the wind seeker could handle higher wind speeds.

TheRealLasagna's avatar

Hopefully they don't make the queues small, like they did with Maxair, when the line was way out to the children's bumper cars. Though Maxair's lines got shorter eventually.

Last edited by TheRealLasagna,

On second thought let's not go to Six Flags, 'tis a silly place.

XS NightClub's avatar

nate0902 said:
How come everyone is so convinced the Wind Seeker will be 400ft tall?

The name stratosoar may refer to the term stratacoaster that designates over 400 feet.

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thescythian said:

crazy horse said:
To me, it seems that a chain would have more resistance to the wind. In otherwords, air/wind is more likely to go thru or not effect a chain as much as a solid steel arm.

I could be wrong, but just a guess.

Maybe the article was meant to make us believe we're getting a lame wind seeker, when in fact, we're actually getting a starflyer? (lol)

If you think about it, Mondial isn't made out to look to bad. The whole "ride plagiarism" concept is kind of ridiculous, just adding even more credibility issues to the article.

Has anyone ever heard of anything even remotely close to this going down?

I for one would find a star flyer quite thrilling. It's not so much the heights, as much as it would be the lack of secuirty and vulnerability..

I have in the traveling carnival industry. It happens a lot when there are new ride concepts and everyone wants theirs out there and there almost identical in every way but one more bolt here or one less is not infringement or plagiarism or trade mark issues

If i am wrong tell me
I am not prefect neither is anyone else

deeganator's avatar

Sorry if this is off topic... or been posted here already... I scanned the past 5 pages (where I least read) and didn't see it. Buuuut I found an interesting comment thread on CP's Facebook...

An angry Facebooker claimed Cedar Point is ignoring their customers and treats them like crap (for not putting in a new woodie). There were other snarky comments in there too...

Cedar Pointed posted as a reply:
"We'll be real with you here - we cannot build coasters every single year. We need to round out our ride collection. Just because we have 17 doesn't mean we need 18, 19 or 20 coasters. We are the Roller Coaster Capital of the World and will remain that way. "Roller Coaster Capital" doesn't refer to only the quantity - it's the quality. We believe we have the best coaster collection on the planet, plain and simple.

We read you loud and clear that you want a new coaster - but we also have to maintain our balance sheet. What we have in store for 2011 is a much-needed addition that will thrill all who ride it. Will you like it? It's too early to say. But we'd withhold judgment until you have a chance to experience it yourself."

After another snarky comment from the original poster still claiming CP blows off their customers... Cedar Point strikes again!

"How is not building a roller coaster considered "blowing off our customers?" Totally wrong and totally incorrect.

Building a roller coaster every year does not increase our business nor does it make financial sense."

I think Cedar Point wins that argument. And those of you still hoping for a coaster... this pretty much disproves that! Err, well, I'm sure you probably still think they're hiding a coaster even after reading this. hah! :)

Now back on the subject that star flyer/windseeker all by its self on that side of the park. Jolting out above almost everything makes the skyline look like crap.I said it that thing is a sore thumb on a hand that needs amputated. i know cedar point can not build. Coasters every year but six flags have 5 coasters planned for the 2011 season since it is there anniversary year. So Hold on to your wallets. The admission prices for all cedar fair parks will go up if the law suit is legit. And Cedar Point will no longer be the roller coaster capital.It will be know for how many stupid air powered swings can we add.

If i am wrong tell me
I am not prefect neither is anyone else

I personally can't buy in to the whole "It's a hoax to get us to think one thing so they can do something else" theory. I really don't see the SR and a reporter putting their reputation on the line to help CP pull of some sleight of hand. Not to mention convincing Funtime to put their business reputation on the line for the same reason. My opinion: CP and Funtime may have discussed building a Starflyer. CP may have asked if they could build one that would be a little bit better in the windy conditions that come with being on one of the Great Lakes. Funtime may have said, nah, don't think we can. So CP approaches Mondial, who may have said yeah, we can do that. So now Funtime is peeved because they don't get a contract to build a multi-million dollar ride at one of the most popular parks out there.

Everything leading up to this article had me leaning towards a Starflyer type ride. Now I'm convinced. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it. In fact, I'd LOVE to be wrong. I think I'll be waiting another year or two with the rest of the coaster junkies though.

cpfourlife said:
^ Duh. Increasing to height to 400ft is not unresonable. when funtime built the star flyer in Vienna the actual height was higher than what was posted on funtime's website. Im sure they would be willing to raise the height if it meant making a hefty profit. If they do plan on building a wind seeker instead of a Star Flyer it is more than likley because the wind seeker could handle higher wind speeds.

Yeah but the starflyer wasn't twice as large as the manufacturer said it could go and if Cedar Point requested for one that could work better in high wind conditions you would think that they would mention that they would also want it to be 400ft tall. Don't "Duh" me. I think its a little more difficult to add an extra 200ft than you think.

I'm not saying it isn't possible. Just that doubling the size of it would probably take more time and engineering.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Sounds like someone forgot to take their nap today.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

100% confirmed we are getting a Star Flyer.


Knotts is getting the same treatment we are!

Whatever, just gonna wait till the announcement.

Last edited by kreed300,

MilleniumFan94 said:
100% confirmed we are getting a Star Flyer.

what source did this come from i have yet to read from any other new company that cedar point is being sued i mean cnn has not picked up the story or fox news or msnbc or any of the business news networks

If i am wrong tell me
I am not prefect neither is anyone else

Kevinj's avatar

CP said we would be surprised and that it would be something that 85% of us have never seen. We have been talking about starflyer rides for at least a month so how would we be surprised?

CP was not talking to you, it was talking to the rest of the world. Anyone nerdy enough about CP to post here and actually take the time to research this thing (and even know what a StarFlyer or Wind Seeker is) represents about .01% of the people that come to CP every year.

Guess what? I met a guy on TTD today who didn't even know there was a new water ride installed this year.

To nearly everyone who comes to CP, this will be a surprise. It's your own fault if you ruined it for yourself by coming here.

Promoter of fog.

kreed300 said:

Knotts is getting the same treatment we are!

Whatever, just gonna wait till the announcement.

CP, CW, now Knotts.....all have hints leaning in the same direction now....sounds like a nice package deal to me.

Joe2899 said:
Now back on the subject that star flyer/windseeker all by its self on that side of the park. Jolting out above almost everything makes the skyline look like crap.I said it that thing is a sore thumb on a hand that needs amputated.

I understand your displeasure. At the same time, I can't help but imagine that late 19th century Parisians had the same reactions to the monstrosity that a certain Eiffel fellow was putting up over the city... ;)

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