Cedar Point "Most Coasters" Title Indefinitely in 2011?

Ensign Smith

Friday, October 15, 2010 12:58 AM

If you put it that way, CP has the most best coasters. ;)

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Friday, October 15, 2010 1:13 AM
Pete's avatar

This reminds me of the back in the early or mid 90's when CP was either tied or had one more coaster than Magic Mountain. Problem was CP did not consider Superman a coaster but Magic Mountain did. There was bickering between the parks about who had the title, in spite of the parks being 2000 miles apart. This will probably happen again since I doubt either park changed their view on what is a coaster.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Friday, October 15, 2010 1:18 AM
Walt's avatar

Laying claim to the "Most Coasters" title makes for a nifty marketing angle, but it does nothing to drive attendance to the park.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Friday, October 15, 2010 2:46 AM

chris325 said:
Cedar Point does not need another kiddie coaster. Not only would that be a pretty pathetic way of stealing back a title that isn't all that immense, but the two they have right now more than suffice.

Well, in that case, Sig Flags is stealing the title in the first place in a pretty pathetic way. Then again, Six Flags itself acts in a pretty pathetic way regardless of (considering their bankruptcy, Astroworld, and Geauga Lake among other things. After all, the GL that lived over 100 years died in 2000, not 2007. What died in 2007 was a CP wannabe).


Jax R.

Friday, October 15, 2010 3:01 AM
Jax R.'s avatar

I think one thing stands clear-In visits to SFGreat Adventure, not all coasters are ever operating at all times-somethign was always going down for some reason or another. And I understand the same was/is true of SFMM.

All coasters are running at the Point when I've been there. I was even surprised last season when Mean Streak was down for most of a day and re-opened in the final 2 hours. I didn't expect that.

Like others have said...it's quality, not quantity and for that, Cedar Point cannot be beat. From Blue Streak to Dragster and everything in between....they just do it right. SF can't hold a candle to them.



Friday, October 15, 2010 3:04 AM

I'm going to be pissed if CP loses the most coasters title.

But why don't they consider Superman a coaster..? I don't see how you could say it wasn't.



Friday, October 15, 2010 3:14 AM
Dvo's avatar


It doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Period. Cedar Point can always market itself as the "coaster capitol" of the world, as there's no definition of what that really means. And I think we can confidently say that CP will compete with any park for the "biggest and best" coasters, at least for the forseeable future.

That being said... SFMM has downtime on their coasters, yes. But a lot of that is due to the fact that unlike CP, they're not a seasonal park. They don't have a full off-season to do maintenance on their rides. They have to do maintenance on a schedule, and normally that means closing certain rides down for weeks, maybe a few months at a time, all while the rest of the park is open.

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crazy horse

Friday, October 15, 2010 3:55 AM
crazy horse's avatar

Kevinj said:
Who needs the most coasters when you have the best?

That's all a personal point of view. Cedar point has some great coasters, but I will take X2 or goliath over maverick or millennium force any day.

If you want to compare some coasters from magic mountan and cedar point, here ya go.....


Gemini Collossus

Mantis Riddler

Wicked twister Superman escape

Goliath Millennium force

Mean streak Terminator

Corkscrew Viper

Iron dragon Ninja

Mine ride Gold rusher

Raptor Batman

Batman slightly edges out raptor due to the intense ride it gives. Again, this is personal choices, and I am not knocking anyone who thinks differant.

Last edited by crazy horse, Friday, October 15, 2010 4:19 AM

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


crazy horse

Friday, October 15, 2010 4:09 AM
crazy horse's avatar

Jax R. said:
I think one thing stands clear-In visits to SFGreat Adventure, not all coasters are ever operating at all times-somethign was always going down for some reason or another. And I understand the same was/is true of SFMM.

All coasters are running at the Point when I've been there. I was even surprised last season when Mean Streak was down for most of a day and re-opened in the final 2 hours. I didn't expect that.

Like others have said...it's quality, not quantity and for that, Cedar Point cannot be beat. From Blue Streak to Dragster and everything in between....they just do it right. SF can't hold a candle to them.

That's funny, because I have been to several(5) six flags parks this year and only ran into 2 coasters the whole time that were not operating. And one of those coasters was open later in the day. And yes, 2 of those parks were sfmm and sfga. Of those 2 parks, no coasters were not operating. The coaster that was closed was ninja at sfog....no loss there.

I have been to cedar point several times this year as well, and not counting shoot the rapids, I have ran into several closed rides. Just because a ride is closed, does not mean they park is not doing what they are supposed to be doing to make sure the ride is running safe. Crap happens.They are machines.

I would expect nothing less comming from a "cedar point" fan site, so it's no surprise you would think like you do.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



Friday, October 15, 2010 4:15 AM

crazy horse said:

Jax R. said:
I think one thing stands clear-In visits to SFGreat Adventure, not all coasters are ever operating at all times-somethign was always going down for some reason or another. And I understand the same was/is true of SFMM.

All coasters are running at the Point when I've been there. I was even surprised last season when Mean Streak was down for most of a day and re-opened in the final 2 hours. I didn't expect that.

Like others have said...it's quality, not quantity and for that, Cedar Point cannot be beat. From Blue Streak to Dragster and everything in between....they just do it right. SF can't hold a candle to them.

That's funny, because I have been to several(5) six flags parks this year and only ran into 2 coasters the whole time that were not operating. And one of those coasters was open later in the day. And yes, 2 of those parks were sfmm and sfga. Of those 2 parks, no coasters were not operating. The coaster that was closed was ninja at sfog....no loss there.

I have been to cedar point several times this year as well, and not counting shoot the rapids, I have ran into several closed rides. Just because a ride is closed, does not mean they park is not doing what they are supposed to be doing to make sure the ride is running safe. Crap happens.They are machines.

I would expect nothing less comming from a "cedar point" fan site, so it's no surprise you would think like you do.

I'm just curious as to where you live. I don't go to many amusement/theme parks. I try to make it to Cedar Point once a year and that holds me over. I'm interested in checking out Magic Mountain, but it's 29 hours away which just seems like too long of a trip. Cedar Point is 8 hours away from me which seems too long already. So yeah, where are you located? What parks far away from you do you go to, and how often do you go to them?

Last edited by bribrihate, Friday, October 15, 2010 4:15 AM

crazy horse

Friday, October 15, 2010 4:32 AM
crazy horse's avatar

I live just north of Detroit.

I fly out to california a few times a year for family, and I have a lot of vacation time. So that gives me a lot of time to hit a lot of parks every year.

There is only a handfull of parks I have not been to, and plan on doing a lot of those parks next summer. I have not been to any parks in Texas yet, and may get down there soon(I hope).

The parks I get to the most are cedar point, sfga, sfog, dollywood, bgw, kings dominium, sfa, sf great adventure, most parks in Pa, and kings island. I may hit those parks a few times a year, and every year we do a east coast trip that starts in Canada, and ends in florida. We also do at least a week at Disney every year.

We fly quite a bit, so it's not too hard to get to a lot of parks. Lot's of FF miles:)

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



Friday, October 15, 2010 4:47 AM

What do you all mean when you say having the most coasters isn't important? Its what Cedar Point has its foundation built on. I'm sitting here reading some of these posts, when we had the most everyone was so happy and that was all that mattered, now that title suddenly isn't important since Cedar Point doesn't have it. Bottom line is without any sugar coating, looking at the surrounding area economically and demographically, and taking in the current Cedar Fair management, Cedar Point is in a state of decline. Sorry to say it.

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Friday, October 15, 2010 7:03 AM
Pete's avatar

bribrihate said:
I'm going to be pissed if CP loses the most coasters title.

But why don't they consider Superman a coaster..? I don't see how you could say it wasn't.

I think CP considers Superman a freefall ride, similar to Demon Drop which arguably could have been called a coaster but was not.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Friday, October 15, 2010 9:39 AM

ejh1701 said:
What do you all mean when you say having the most coasters isn't important? Its what Cedar Point has its foundation built on. I'm sitting here reading some of these posts, when we had the most everyone was so happy and that was all that mattered, now that title suddenly isn't important since Cedar Point doesn't have it. Bottom line is without any sugar coating, looking at the surrounding area economically and demographically, and taking in the current Cedar Fair management, Cedar Point is in a state of decline. Sorry to say it.

Has Cedar Fair had the same management since they built Maverick? If so I'm not really concerned, and think we'll get a new coaster come 2012.



Friday, October 15, 2010 11:13 AM
JuggaLotus's avatar

They've had the same management since they built Avalanche Run. That's part of the issue.

Goodbye MrScott



Break Trims

Friday, October 15, 2010 12:14 PM
Break Trims's avatar

People, you're getting all up in arms over marketing terms. You might as well be arguing over whether something is quacktastic.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.



Friday, October 15, 2010 12:51 PM
bholcomb's avatar

I'd take gemini over colossus. Riddlers over Mantis. Superman over Wicked Twister. Millennium Force over Goliath (Im not a fan of goliath). Haven't ridden Terminator. Viper over Corkscrew, Ninja over Iron Dragon. Gold rusher over mine ride. Raptor over batman.

But Magic Mountain doesn't have the greatest ride in the world - Magnum XL-200 :)



Friday, October 15, 2010 12:58 PM

It's still America's Roller Coast. MM can never claim that.



Friday, October 15, 2010 1:08 PM
JuggaLotus's avatar

More because Cedar Fair has it copyrighted than anything else.

Goodbye MrScott




Friday, October 15, 2010 1:11 PM
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

I haven't been to SFMM since '03, I'll agree with bholcomb about the comparison of rides between parks. And while SFMM doesn't have Magnum, they do have X2 and I was a HUGE fan of X, although I'm finding I'm in the minority.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is nothing wrong with a little competition. Competition is what forces a better product and better experience. If that means more coasters then so be it.



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