Cedar Point Announces Valravn - Dive Coaster for 2016 - 10 World Records!

Official Page

B&M's 100th rollercoaster.

1.Tallest dive coaster (223 feet)

2.Fastest dive coaster (75 mph)

3.Longest dive coaster (3,415 feet)

4.Most inversions on a dive coaster (three)

5.Longest drop on a dive coaster (214 feet)

6.Highest inversion on a dive coaster (165 feet)

7.Most roller coasters taller than 200 feet at one amusement park (5)

8.Most rides at one amusement park (72)

9.Most steel roller coaster track at one amusement park (52,125 feet/9.9 miles)

10.Most roller coaster track at one amusement park (60,110 feet/11.4 miles)

18th roller coaster at CP.

Valravn is "huge", 8 seats across, 3 rows on trains.

Track weighs 3 million pounds.

Tallest dive coaster drop in the world.

22 stories, 90 degree drop.

Most inversions- tallest immelmann in the world,

Cedar Point now has the two tallest inversions in the world (Gatekeeper, Valravn)

You can now buy Valravn merchandise and visit the preview center for Valravn.

Pics via Coaster Crew:

Last edited by InfiniteGs,

Most excited for is the trains! Vests!!

myxmastrmike's avatar

That announcement was really well done... Hopefully they upload it at some point...
I took video of it with my phone because my wife wanted to see it but doesn't have computer access at work at the moment (which Im sure wont be the best quality, but hey, I got it lol)

If nothing else surfaces I'll throw it on youtube later on today...

Trying not to complain.... but...

would it really have been that hard to add a rock/stone tunnel at the bottom of the drops? It would've made it just a little more creative and exciting to drop into darkness. I'd take a shorter, slower version (like Sheikra) with immersive elements than this concrete coaster.

Ok. I'm done.

In this video, around 1:53, it looks like they haven't improved the entrance there at all, which, of course, could come later, but I figured they'd have it in this video as well.

Aside from the keyholes, there wasn't anything of the new entrance on the gatekeeper video either.

REALLY! 15 minutes after the announcement and here come the Debbie-Downers!

99.9% of folks are so excited and cant wait to see this ride and then there's the 'others'

We have been waiting for this for quite a while,

some even managed to watch the announcement while at work -shhh

InfiniteGs said:

Aside from the keyholes, there wasn't anything of the new entrance on the gatekeeper video either.

Ah, well, then there's hope!

For the record, I'm super pumped for this ride. I've never made it to Sheikra or Griffon and this looks better than those already!

I love it! Congratulations Cedar Point!

I wonder what they have in mind in terms to "sprucing up" the Blue Streak midway.

Weather Freak
Ride Warrior

People were complaining about the ride months before it was even announced. Just how enthusiasts are...

I also note that the videos do not show any of the "clunky" fencing/cages alongside the track. Since so much of it is directly overhead I have to imagine that quite a bit of the track has the catch cages.

codeGR's avatar

Why would they not build a new entrance? They will be doing all sorts of heavy construction around it. Plus, it's hard to tell whether the new entrance will be in the same place as the current one.

I've been watching the POV and renderings on the CP website and there is indeed a new path and entrance area for the Marina Gate. There's also views of some of the fenced in areas but they are relatively few as the track doesn't sit very close to the ground with only a few exceptions. I think the area and new pathways look great. This coaster goes over the path from the marina entrance several times, to me, it looks great.

Splashdown is a giant missed opportunity. They talk about people at CP loving to watch. Splashdowns look great and are a really cool element. With that being said it looks like a lot of fun and cant wait. I hope it's has good as Griffon.

Top 5: (1) Superman the Ride (2) Millennium Force (3) Maverick (4) Leviathan (5) Diamondback

My initial thoughts are this

1. looks like a lot of fun! can't wait to ride

2. looks really intense G force wise!!!

3. love the station! i know its just an early rendering but it looks cool!

4. the trains look great.

Cant wait to see more as this ride comes along!

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

I'm stoked to ride this! One of the main things that sticks out to me is the speed.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

My only real complaint or concern is the Capacity. Why didn't they go 10 across like Griffon?

A Capacity of 1,200 per hour is about the same as Maverick.... and a lot lower than Magnum, Gatekeeper, and Raptor. I would have liked a tunnel or splashdown, but it still looks like an awesome ride.

A World Far Beyond our Own

Maybe this is all just to throw us off the scent of the real ride! I still think that track is going up to Michigan and they're just holding it in storage until it clears customs to get into Michigan. Well played Point, well played... ;)

Anyone know where we can get the announcement video where they went through all the coaster I thought that was well done and it's nowhere to be found

Bryansworld8 said:

My only real complaint or concern is the Capacity. Why didn't they go 10 across like Griffon?

A Capacity of 1,200 per hour is about the same as Maverick.... and a lot lower than Magnum, Gatekeeper, and Raptor. I would have liked a tunnel or splashdown, but it still looks like an awesome ride.

When has Maverick ever hit 1,200 an hour? Especially with fastlane.

I don't feel like the extra 6 seats per cycle will matter much. They more then likely went with 8 across to be able to use the new vest restraints. Which after being on Oblivion, Shei'kra and Griffon is a HUGE plus. The vest restraints are considerably wider. So these trains are probably just as wide if not a little wider then 10 across but they'll be a heck of a lot more comfortable to ride.

And finally this is a B&M. It will eat lines.

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