She told me the tape came undone and some of the shirts had to be refolded and the box needed to be retaped. She didn't open the box on purpose.
Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1
Oh I'm sure it just "accidentally and all on it's own" came undone. Sounds like a great story. ;)
The candy bar was already partially unwrapped. Then it just flew right into my mouth! Totally not on purpose. ;)
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
I’m kinda surprised they didn’t move check-in to the Resorts Gate seeing how everything in the morning is in the back of the park. Gonna be a crazy running of the bulls at 7am to Steel Vengeance.
The itinerary says that check in begins at 6am along with the gates opening at 6am. ERT starting at 7am.
Maybe they actually thought of that long walk to the back of the park....
When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835
I think that time frame has been the same for years. It's mostly to allow for enough time to hand out credentials.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
Sealedseven said:
They may likely open up tickets soon with those that canceled. Last year they released around 20+ tickets in the last week or so. Just keep an eye on Tony's Twitter.
Just out of curiosity, did they release any more tickets? I didn't see in any in my limited viewing of Tony's tweets. The thing is, over the years, I've found out that CP many times will not do the same thing two years in a row like that. I've had expectations that didn't happen the following year that did the previous. No big deal or anything on my part. Like I said, just curious. I got my CM ticket soon as they went on sale.
Thabto said:
She told me the tape came undone and some of the shirts had to be refolded and the box needed to be retaped. She didn't open the box on purpose.
That's more than likely what happened. I'm a 35 yr. retired UPSer. Believe me, it happens all the time.
darkrider68 said:
Sealedseven said:
They may likely open up tickets soon with those that canceled. Last year they released around 20+ tickets in the last week or so. Just keep an eye on Tony's Twitter.
Just out of curiosity, did they release any more tickets? I didn't see in any in my limited viewing of Tony's tweets. The thing is, over the years, I've found out that CP many times will not do the same thing two years in a row like that. I've had expectations that didn't happen the following year that did the previous. No big deal or anything on my part. Like I said, just curious. I got my CM ticket soon as they went on sale.
yea, doesn't look like they released anymore. May not be many cancellations this year or they changed how it's done now.
Did your UPS friend take 'L' size shirts. They ran out of 'L's.
Coastermania shirt is pumpkin and has only SV on it,dissappointed with the design. But the Coastermania pin was great.
Was there from 6:45 to 1:30,left after lunch. Did not ride SV,haven't ridden it yet. I got all season to ride it. Went to it and watched it,quiet and looked smooth. Did 3 Maverick walk-ons,did Wilderness Run. Went to MF at 9,waited and it didn't open until 9:45,did a front seat ride.
It appeared to me that almost all of the 9am early entries went to SV and then the 10am 'running of the bulls' also went quickly to SV. With seemingly everyone coming in was going to SV,MF didn't have many riders,unboarding returning trains went directly to boarding. Went to Valravn and that was only to on the stairs. Went to Gatekeeper and that was a walk-on.
At lunch I gave my boat ticket to Christy(I think that's her name) to give it to someone to use.
For me it was a good coastermania as I was only planning on doing it from early to only after lunch.
number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.
^ Dennis, that is how it has been all of May. My son & I logged 19 visits in May, all Early Entry. Most park visitors would head toward SV. We would do multiple walk-on rides on Valravn, Gatekeeper, MF, & Maverick. My son is intimidated by SV as of now so we will not force the issue, maybe later this summer.
Today was visit #20, boy those Coastermania shirts are ugly.
Holy Guacamole Batman, have there even been 20 operating days? I wouldn’t mind hitting a park twice a week but my boys generally only want to go once a week.
Was the Q&A session really boring or top secret pinky swear to secrecy?
New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus
I actually like the shirt design. I met a few PB users here including Bluestreaker, JimmyBurke, and one other person at the QA, I didn't catch your name. But it was great meeting you all.
Oddly enough, middle of the day, SV had a shorter wait than ERT. I waited almost an hour during ERT.
Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1
We rode SV 3x including a front seat ride from 7:30-10am. The line got shorter as early ERT went on, then jumped up when Early Entry folks arrived. That was kinda funny, they were all out of breath from running to be first, only to find out there was already a line. Rode SV 8 times throughout the day. Doubt that will happen again for quite a while without FL+. But if the result of everyone piling into SV’s queue is short lines for MF, TTD, and Valravn then I’ll take it.
XS NightClub said:
Was the Q&A session really boring or top secret pinky swear to secrecy?
Nothing really noteworthy, they said the big 150th anniversary would be in 2020.
I was at the park Wednesday evening through Friday. I had pre-purchased Fast Lane Plus for Thursday and Friday. After no Steel Vengeance Thursday, I got all my rides on other coasters done with the Fast Lane. Friday was all Steel Vengeance. I returned the Fast Lane since it wouldn't help me. I got 4 rides in before the 11am lunch, a return to the hotel for a nap, 1 ride on Gemini because I didn't catch it open Thursday, a ride on the train to Steel Vengeance, a walk looking for ice cream that took me from Steel Vengeance all the way to the front gate, and 5 more rides on Steel Vengeance. That is one hell of a ride. The night rides were amazing. I think it is better than Superman and Voyage. The theming appeals to me in a unique way because Maverick sort of caused me to leave town in search of other rides when it was built with over the shoulder restraints. But now I'm back and I agree, Say no to Maverick! Actually Maverick is better than I remember and the soft restraints help a lot, but still it's nothing compared to Steel Vengeance.
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