It's "messed up"? You do know they don't even have to announce anything in advance, right? They do it for the hype and publicity..
Buckeyeshaman said:
...some of you seem like your addicted so much, this place could never ever do anything wrong. Well, to me.. This announcement deal is messed up. I know what happen, but hey, let's move on. Life waits for no one. It's a rollercoaster for Godsakes.
Wait, so you're all bent out of shape that we don't know the name of the coaster, and we're the ones who are "addicted so much"?
Unless I'm missing something, the overwhelming majority of folks here aren't all that concerned that the announcement is delayed indefinitely (I don't count new members or those that only come out of the woodwork when a new coaster is announced - they're not "the community", as it were).
Look, we know they're installing a coaster. We know the color scheme. We know the type. We know the layout. And we get to watch the thing get constructed. Who cares if we won't learn the other stuff until later?
Uh, yes, Im 52 yrs old and smart enough to know that. They don't have even build a coaster for the next 10 yrs if they don't want to. Well, as to hype, thats cool...its marketing, business, of course I understand that. May be they should be figuring out a way to get the Golden Ticket back instead of playing games abt a new ride.
I don't care at all that the announcement has been delayed. Won't affect when the coaster opens or my ability to ride and enjoy it next year. :)
Buckeyeshaman said:
playing games abt a new ride.
Please, don't insult our collective intelligence. Share your detailed description of these "games" they are playing "abt" the new ride. Share also your source for information that led you to draw this conclusion.
It's a blasted announcement. For a new roller coaster. Right next to the site where someone just committed suicide by roller coaster. Themed after a bird (raven) who consumes the bodies of the dead. That was scheduled to be announced right after this death.
If you don't think that's an idiotic PR move, well, that figures since it's not your forte. As such, why do you feel that your opinion matters so much?
So many questions I have...
1) How is Cedar Point playing games?
2) Why is the Golden Ticket so important to you?
3) Have you not read the forums where we came to the conclusion that Cedar Point would wait for the incident to blow over so they don't get bombarded by the media when they're trying to focus on expansion?
4) Where did you go to school?
How would you feel if it was someone you knew that was killed then they announced a ride with a name based on something associated with death? Delaying the announcement will not affect the construction or opening of the ride. It will be open on Opening Day 2016 whether they announce it today or at a later time. Right now if they announce it all news reports will likely make references to the incident and the park wants their announcement articles to be just about the announcement, not with the last paragraph talking about someone who died at the park recently.
Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1
I will say this, and got things to do today. I love CP as much as you hard core folks, it's a pride thing to know we have the park here in the Buckeye state. Its good for the town of Sandusky, prolly next to the movie Tommy Boy which was abt the town. If we know so much abt " The New Coaster " and its official , then why have this forum at all ? Has there been a official announcement ? no, yes, a story leaked out. Heck, the US gov't is pros at that. Its just a hey we really know thing. We can sit here and comment for hrs. Its like who is going to win, " THE GAME " every year in Nov. The Buckeyes or ttun . Does it really matter, no bottom line cause in May 2016 people will come to CP to enjoy it.
I understand that a man made a bad choice and got killed, that is not the parks fault. And the park I believe in great taste and respect didnt annouce after that. I highly respect them for that. Most of the news is controlled by the illuminati anyways so, that is its own problem. The construction will start, and the deliveries will continue, and we most likely will see it as it goes up. As to the Golden Ticket thing, its like knowing we beat ttun every year, its a state pride thing. No, i don't work in marketing, PR yes, I own a business myself. As to waiting to the blow over of what happen, yeah we do that for those who die keeping us free to enjoy CP everyday, NOT ! As to the school, I am a person of the 1st Nations, I understand more abt life than you will ever know.
Buckeyeshaman said:
Most of the news is controlled by the illuminati anyways so, that is its own problem.
Oh. Oh my. That certainly explains an awful lot.
*Backs slowly out of room.*
Buckeyeshaman said:
Most of the news is controlled by the illuminati anyways so, that is its own problem.
As I suspected. Thanks for clearing that up.
Did someone say illuminati?! ::grabs tin foil hat::
Seriously though, the park doesn't owe us anything. Getting worked up about this whole deal and suggesting were the real losers in this is both childish and a waste of your energy. Let things calm down (something you don't have a choice in the matter of) and just revel in the fact of what we DO know. Yeesh.....
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
Good, hope it does for ya. My sisters husbands dad was one of the illuminati, so, i know first hand abt them, if you don't not my problem. Nothing I ever want to be part of, laugh all you want to, but, the joke is on you.
Illuminati: The Ride.
The world's first roller coaster to control your mind. As seen on the news.
Some of you are as dumb as custer was at the Battle of the little Big Horn w your comments abt tin hats.
Anyways, have a good day everyone.
Buckeyeshaman said:
Most of the news is controlled by the illuminati anyways so, that is its own problem.
You must LOVE Halloweekends then!
I'm just throwing this out there, but generally when someone goes around calling someone (or worse, groups of people) dumb or idiots online, that's more of a reflection of the poster making those comments.
Make of it what you will.
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