If the guy on the left, from cdride, in the second video said woooo one more time, I may have thought he was handicapped.
It's actually more of the same footage shown over than the whole ride. The video of Top Gun is a better edit, in my opinion.
I personally think they were short on time in Sandusky and that's why the stock footage from other parks ended up in there.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
The Yourday video at Alton Towers is amazing. They used some very innovative filming techniques to get their footage and it really shows. They're also using RFID technology to do more than just single ride videos. Very interesting product to keep an eye on.
EDIT: Link for Your Day at Alton Towers:
http://www.yourdayataltontowers.com/ *** Edited 5/16/2007 2:15:10 PM UTC by halltd***
I'm for the longer rider shots. Run it at about 8-10 seconds (maybe even longer) of the rider, then 2 seconds of a POV, then another 8-10 seconds of the rider, then 2 seconds of a third person. Then another 8-10...etc.
Goodbye MrScott
Amen Jugga.
That is exactly how I feel as well. When I buy my "Onride DVD," I don't want to see the ride, I want to see me.
Trip Count 2003: 13 2004: 24 2005: 22 2006: 25 2007: 25
Well, you want to use the "other" shots to set up the video, so you know, "Oh, ok. This is where I'm at." So you don't want those third-person shots of the ride to just be random, you want it to be of where the train is at that point. So, its got a mix of third, POV and reaction the way up the hill and shows your reaction coming down the hill and through the loop and coming up and through the zero g. Then maybe a POV of it heading down and to the base of the cobra, before flipping back to the reaction all the way through the Cobra and starting the pull into the MCBR. Show a third-person of a train making the final turn into the MCBR before cutting to rider reaction in the MCBR and down the turn through the cork.
What would also be a cool feature as like a "second chapter" on the DVD would be the full reaction video split-screened with a POV of the ride. That would be fun to watch as well.
Goodbye MrScott
While I realize the weather changes often, they video taped the stock footage of the first video on a cloudy day. The actual personal ride footage was clear and sunny. This makes for a video that's pretty disjoined.
I'd suggest making sure the stock footage is on a clear sunny day.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
I can't wait for the first CDRide where you see someone throw up all over themselves! LOL!
CP needs to revamp theirs. I was truely dissappointed with spending $21 on this "advertisement" for CDRide. The gripes are all right on the money here.
OOps. I missed that one. I will be returning mine for the new version later on this summer. Good move CDRide!!!!
*** Edited 5/29/2007 5:09:24 PM UTC by Zanderdad***
MLEM4S Still Rules!!!
You did see the response from Al Orion, from cdride, on page 3 right, Zanderdad?
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
New Thread Name:
Consider Buying The DVD in 15-20 Days.
I swung by the CdRide booth outside Raptor and talked to their Rep.
She said they were there this weekend shooting new footage of the ride and they had a lot of complaints.She also mentioned the DVD should be done by the end of June at the latest. I just have to bring my DVD back at that time and I will get a new one in its place.
I will write Consumerist.com so that they might post an update on that story.
Glad to see they are doing something to rectify this!
Looking forward to Cedar Point- July 4th-5th, 2007!
Hasn't it been raining up there all weekend? Does that mean all their new footage is going to be dreary and rainy? That doesn't sound very good.
lets wait and see, if they turn out good I would like to buy one :)
1:MF 2:TTD 3:Raptor 4:WT 5:Mantis
Speaking of Cedar Point's media, has any one noticed that in the Cedar Point commercials, they show something that looks like Power Tower, but has yellow shoulder harnesses? What is up with that?
Top Coasters:
1) Millennium Force 2) Apollos Chariot 3)Wicked Twister 4)Top Thrill Dragster 5)Dueling Dragons
FYI, I saw 2 people from CD Ride taping footage at the park today, including the park entrance.
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com
The more you have of actual onride footage with less break in of POV the better. If I buy a DVD that says "we recorded your entire Raptor ride buy this DVD too see it"..... then I don't want to see break in of POV in the middle of my on ride video. Put that at the beginning before my actual ride video starts. A shot of CP from the air, their entrance sign, some POV of Raptor, maybe a few other rides, not too long. Then go into the onride video from start to finish with no break in. Then at the end of the video after a little portion of the actual recorded video on the break run, put a few more nice POV's of Raptor, then put the Raptor logo in and your done.
Sorry maybe it's just me, but I never am fond of on-ride videos that insert any POV into it during my actual ride. I like to see my actual ride video start to finish with no break in. Put the POV at the start before the on-ride video starts.
"This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!"
TTD Status: "Contaminates in the system" Sandor Kernacs CP Place Quote: Walt - We don't need moderators. We need babysitters.
Or just make a "bonus feature" where you can watch your whole ride without any of the POV and other shots included. It's the best of both worlds, and with DVD technology, it's entirely possible.
I'm really impressed with CD Ride's efforts to make the video better. I'll probably end up buying one when I get back in August.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
There is really no reason why they can't make just about everyone happy and with a price tag of $22 they should try to. That is more expensive than most full length movies. In the end having extra footage on the dvd would amount to a few more seconds of burn time. Along with an on ride montage I would like to see the complete uncut ride, pov and bystander view. It would also be cool if they could put the commercials from the year Raptor was released on the DVD.
Fight the Shapers . . . Join the Resistance . . .
Save Humanity!
Looks like CDRide is very close to having the Raptor DVD reworked. (CDRide credits at the end) Look what I found:
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