No 2005 Coaster?


Saturday, July 10, 2004 4:11 PM
A spinning wild mouse is a pretty good guess for Cedar Point's next family coaster. It wouldn't surprise me at all.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:55 PM
But a spinning wild mouse doesn't have very good capacity. Look at Exterminator at Kennywood.

Rides 2001
Guest Services 2002



Saturday, July 10, 2004 6:37 PM
kylepark's avatar
Oh my gosh! The ICEE stand was moved 2 inches to the left! CP must be getting ready for #17!!!!!!

- Uncle Jay


Shawn Meyer

Saturday, July 10, 2004 7:51 PM
I would like to see Cedar Points next coaster to be a B&M Floorless. To Make room I think they should take out the Log Flume or remove the CCMR. In this case keep the trees up so that way it kind of hides the coaster and gives you the illussion of going through the trees. And knowing Cedar Point they'll probably try to build one taller than Scream and with more inversions. I won't be surprised if they don't build anything for next year and build the rumored Huss. I'm happy with what Cedar Point has right now though, especially since they have Millennium Force, which is my favorite.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:27 PM
Putting a B&M Floorless in Frontier Town would seem to be somewhat out of place. A modern looking steel roller coaster in a rustic-themed, pioneer-village, use-a-cornstalk-instead-of-toilet-paper, western town? Hey, it might work. I've seen stranger things (cough-Pontiac Aztek-cough).

I love lamp.



Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:30 PM
Don't get me wrong, i think the Huss Frisbee's are incredible and i would love to see one at CP, but I would find it quite odd for them to put one in 2 years after PKI built one. With how close the two parks are, I just don't see CP building one. But if I had to choose a flat ride, that one would definitely be my number one choice.

"Let's Ride!" ~ Nicholas Cage from Gone in 60 Seconds



Saturday, July 10, 2004 10:24 PM
I've never ridden the Huss frisbee but by looking at it from the shows on Travel Channel, it looks like a fun ride. But I personally see them adding little rides for the next 2 years to make way for the "Big daddy" coaster in 2007. i also see a spinning wild mouse in 2005. The reason is that they need an up to date family ride and i believe that this is the right time to do it. 1 more thing, does the Wild cat have good capacity?

TTD is sinking too!

Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:17 PM
I think the wildcard is Geauga Lake.

Cedar Fair has clearly stated GL won't be the park Six Flags was promoting. It's destined to become a "family" park geared toward "single day" visits. They spent $145 million to acquire it, so don't expect them to sit back and wait forever for the payback. This transformation will almost certainly take place in 2005.

How much does it cost to turn GL into what they envision? $10M? $20M? How quickly will they do it? What effect will this "capital drain" have on "premier" parks like Cedar Point? Is it enough to delay a new "major attraction" a year (or two?)

My opinion is that GL will get more than its fair share of money, at the expense of other Cedar Fair parks. No executive wants to see their new acquisition become a loser, so expect Kinzel to "take care" of GL in 2005. Quite frankly, I think it's a mistake (I see GL as the next "Money Pit"...) Time will tell.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...



Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:18 PM

kylepark said:
Oh my gosh! The ICEE stand was moved 2 inches to the left! CP must be getting ready for #17!!!!!!

What are you saying that removing the Swan Boats isn't an indication of a new ride? When is the last time that a ride has been removed not to make room for a new one?

The idea of a spinnning wild mouse sounds good, I can also see it being themed to fit in Frontier Town.

Ever think that the Swan boats were removed in order to move another ride...(Like Chaos) now there's some food for thought.



Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:37 PM
Gomez's avatar

Magnum Jeff said:
Cedar Point got Raptor then Dorney got Talon.

Raptor was built in 1994 and Talon was built in 2001. So I guess if your thoery is correct we'll see a spinning wild mouse and a B&M flyer in 7 years. To bad I really thought Kinzel would do something special. But hey the past tells the truth.

What I'm trying to say is, just because CP did things like that in the past doesn't mean they're going to repeat the same way. In 1999 no one would have imagined CP to build a 420 foot coaster so soon. I have no doubt Cedar Point will continue to be the best amusement park and will continue to surprise us with bigger and better rides.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



Sunday, July 11, 2004 1:08 AM
All i can say to that is your right i mean it cedar point i just dont like waiting and not know o well


JW Addington

Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:01 AM
JW Addington's avatar
I'm not a hard man to please.....

just change the oil in the friars every now and then and im a happy man.

I dont want to see WWL be dismantled. I enjoy that ride....especially at night ;)

When you visit CP, visit my Mill, est. 1835



Sunday, July 11, 2004 2:05 AM
kylepark's avatar

A while back, CP removed the Frontier Carousel and sent it to Dorney. Was any new major coaster or ride constructed? No. Another example is the old Pirate dark ride near BS.

- Uncle Jay


Magnum Jeff

Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:46 AM

What I'm trying to say is, just because CP did things like that in the past doesn't mean they're going to repeat the same way.

I wasn't saying tha because cedar point did it. I was saying that THE COMPANY as a hole is just showing a little bit of a pattern. I am not saying just because cedar point built raptor in 1994 and the dorney built talon in 2001 it was the next Big B&M project in the company. It is also just a comparison. Yes they do sometimes don't fallow the pattern that i am speaking about but it is a good one to look at if you want to think of what MIGHT be next.

2005- Sky Ride
2006- Sky Ride
Happy not to be working at the Point any longer



Sunday, July 11, 2004 5:06 AM

Jeff said:
The removal of the Swan Boats was to make room for a 200 mph, 1,200-foot tall roller coaster named Atom Smasher. I thought everyone knew that. I mean, why else would they remove the Swan boats?

Interesting idea. Split an atom to launch a rc train. That would be sweet, but very very very dangerous.



Sunday, July 11, 2004 5:49 AM
During a visit to Cedar Point in May, an operator from Wave Swinger told me a rumor about a new coaster for next year. I'm not saying that I believe the rumor, but you never know. He told me that they are taking out White Water Landing and the Antique Cars to make room for this coaster. hmmm...maybe thats why Swan Boats is gone....but anyways...back in 2002 a game attendent told me a rumor about a new coaster that was going to be the following year, I didn't believe it, but it was,and exactly how he told it(Top Thrill Dragster) too. So maybe I should start to trust these guys with the rumors?


Sunday, July 11, 2004 5:54 AM
Quite honestly, CP does not have to add another coaster this year. If there is a so called "coaster race" CP will always have one up on SFMM just for the plain fact that CP has a much better uptime for their coasters (and that does include TTD).

Removing the Swan Boats does raise the red flag of popular opinion that the particular location of a potential ride will be there. A Huss frisbee would be intresting over the pond, but after riding Delirium at PKI, my opinion is that it is a fun ride, not a must ride.

I also hope the rumor that WWL is going to be removed is false. It is a nice, refreshing ride that cools you down w/o getting completely soaked.

Beer and golf Thursday thru Monday, Cedar Point & beer, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Can you see One-Eyed-Willie from the top of Magnum?



Sunday, July 11, 2004 7:59 AM

Browntggrr said:I also hope the rumor that WWL is going to be removed is false. It is a nice, refreshing ride that cools you down w/o getting completely soaked.

i think i rather see a coaster or a huss than sucks *** Edited 7/11/2004 8:00:00 AM UTC by Kasey*** *** Edited 7/11/2004 8:00:39 AM UTC by Kasey***



Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:17 PM
I don't think that screamscape can just be dismissed either. The site makes the claim that you can give info anonymously (pretty much), so why couldn't park employees go there to let people in on inside info?


Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:19 PM
because Park Employees dont know whats going on 99.9% of the time either?..

Closed topic.

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