"Wood You Believe It?"

Based on the economy, I think a re-do and re-branding of Mean Streak would be perfect for 2009! I would welcome that with open arms. Finally, the world's best amusement park would have a world class woodie! A re-do of Mean Streak would also explain the new sign, although I don't know why they would install it when they did. Only time will tell...

realmadrid311's avatar

remember this zinger from T&T?
I woodn't get too excited. There is alot of wood at CP that needs replaced from year to year

With any luck, it's kindling wood for Disaster Transport and/or Mean Streak!

If anyone spots a flint or magnifying glass at CP this weekend, we will know for sure!

The bigger issue with a redo may not simply mean "retracking". As I recall, Mean streak was built with ledger supports that are too far apart allowing excessive track flex as the ride ages, thus causing a severe bumpy ride we all love to hate.

To really fix the ride, it will involve a lot of support and track work, something I don't believe this ride merits.

Tear it down and build us something to be proud of.

tedfuzz's avatar

We would all love to see it torn down and replaced with something amazing, but apparently Dick has other plans.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Kevinj's avatar

I understand that excitement can be tempered at this point, and I remember the "teasing posts" from T and T as well as anyone, but, this is different given two other bits that would indeed support some attention being given to MS:

1) The aforementioned new sign; an odd move...a crappy ride with a new sign is still a crappy ride

2) Kinzel's quote about GCI possibly coming "in the future" to look at MS last season

It makes sense, at least...certainly not "wild speculation".

Promoter of fog.

They are building the new supports for the extra track being added on to Wicked Twister. Their going old school, metal is too costly.

ChrisC.'s avatar

Ensign Smith said:
It's out of the ordinary that Tony and Tyler are reporting on it!

Well since they did the same thing a year or two ago. It was just for maintenance on Gemini.

e x i t english's avatar

Coaster Nuts said:
It's definitley for a coaster, either a re-build, change to or new one all together. Read between the lines, "we bet you're all "pining" to know what it is for. Pine is the wood of choice for caostes, we all know this.


It's a PUN, pure and simple. You're reading way too much into this. Pine is the "wood of choice" for a lot of things because it's abundant and certainly cheaper than, say, redwood or hickory. For all we know, that "wood" under there could be composite decking for a re-work of Soak City.

CPcyclone Today Said: A re-do of Mean Streak would also explain the new sign, although I don't know why they would install it when they did. Only time will tell...what sign are you talking about??

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

I thought pine was sort of the cheap (or cheaper) wood for track. I forget what it is exactly, but isn't the more favored choice spruce or something like that?

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

e x i t english's avatar

^ Douglas Fir, I do believe.

loneranger7281's avatar

I thought MS was made out of Southern Yellow Pine?

Firemen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved

ashleygCP95's avatar

On Myspace, the Cedar Point person or whatever, posted a bulletin that said, "An eighteenth birthday is a big celebration...". Mean Streak turns 18 in 2009... Just throwing that out there.


An inverted coaster is like a ski lift gone haywire!!

Yeah, fir. That's what I was thinking of. And I'm only talking about the wood for the track. If I understand correctly, the wood type used in the structure doesn't matter nearly as much (for the ride experience, that is.)

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Well, it is 4:00 on a Thursday at the end of the season during bonus weekends. A pile of wood, that could be used for 1,000 different things, has arrived on property and T&T have blogged about it in an entertaining way.

Companies would LOVE for folks to be thinking about them all of the time and pay pretty good money in advertising budgets for that very thing. Whatever Cedar Point pays T&T they are getting value as there have been 3 pages of talk here and a couple more over on Coasterbuzz. If you don't think it will be on Screamscape soon too then you are fooling yourself.

My thoughts?

Mission accomplished.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

JuggaLotus's avatar

^^^ - to people it may be, not so much for inanimate objects.

^^^^ - the website says the STRUCTURE is 1.7 million board feet of Southern Yellow Pine, however they make no mention of the track composition. Since the stat specifically says structure, I'm not sure if they are including the track or not in that. Maybe Tony could tell us for sure what the track on Mean Streak is made out of.

*EDIT* Chief and Mike screwed up my carets. ;)

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


mermaidsair's avatar

Didn't they dig a hole last year and try to get us excited about it?

I feel if they were building a new coaster we would know about it already like the one we knew about for KI next year and CW this year.

I love MS but I want it faster and not as rough. I would love them to repair it. Here's hoping.

BTW, I do think CP needs atleast a new flat next year. Recycled rides from GL for the kids is not that exciting since all kids rides go in a circle and there are dozens of them.

As a child you can go in a circle in a old car, new car, sports car, truck, motercycle, boat, balloon, plane, etc

Good times...

I'm going out to get some air.

Caret-screwing is only of the many fine services we offer here at Ensigns 'R' Us.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Carets are pointless. We all have names.

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