"Wood You Believe It?"

Final Coaster At Cedar Point's avatar

Well, I think most of us would love to see a new wooden coaster somwhere at CP soon. GCI makes some pretty incredible layouts. I've noticed a pattern when Cedar Point builds rides. Front, middle, back. They build coasters in this order.







THE ROGUE - Fro...oops I've said too much. Kidding kidding.

That would leave the FRONT for the next coaster. That is IF they build another coaster. I understand people will say the reason the park does this is to make a different part of the park more popular to space out crowds or new riders. And that's fine. I understand that. It's just something I noticed.

"Before you know it, that Maverick's got the drop on ya."

Final Coaster At Cedar Point's avatar

Also, I heard someone mention the Cedar Point myspace (I dont know whether it is official) said that an 18th birthday is a big one-or something along those lines. Yes, Mean Streak is turning 18 next year for 2009. Yes, Cedar Point built a new sign for Mean Streak, which would make the revamping MS's track more believable. 18 could also imply an 18 coaster but the chances of that are slim to none, just something I noticed. However, if CP got another coaster I think they might have to take Disaster Transport out to the parking lot and shoot it. So, I guess it would still make 17. But, whatever. When roller coaster footers the size of a one car garage start showing up near Mcdonalds on the causeway, and black floorless trains with 8 seats across and 10 cars back sit in the employee parking lot, we'll know that Final Force is here. Until then, lets just hope CP takes the park in the right direction to 2012. I'm sure that they will.

Just joking about Final Force btw. The last thing I need is some coaster-nerd web geek, saying that I'm wrong and that the facts just dont add up.

"Before you know it, that Maverick's got the drop on ya."

djDaemon's avatar

I would say that you're "wrong and that the facts just dont add up" with regard to the placement pattern. That's ridiculous.


I didn't realize that Mantis and MF were in different parts of the park. The last time I was at the park (less than 2 weeks ago) they were less than 50 yards away from each other. And for that matter MF is in the back while Dragster is in the middle?

Last edited by Ricko77,

Let's just all hope that this is for a new ride next year. I kind of miss the every other year getting a new coaster idea. We need something to look forward to next year!Jesz: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?? :)

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

Kevinj's avatar

So...with regard to what Jeff mentioned on the previous page, just how much wood is on site?

Promoter of fog.

e x i t english's avatar

Enough to bring on a 6 page Pointbuzz thread about it, I'd imagine.

They are toothpicks for Bill Spehn.

^no bill has plenty of toothpicks leftover from the two of the 3 woodies that geauga lake had.

Vince982's avatar

I was going to snap a picture with my phone on Sunday but thought the conversation was done. There isn't much, about 5 bundles. However Jeff says there's more behind P & D so take that how you will.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Phantom 1898's avatar

Stupid question. Whats P & D and were is it?

dsloban's avatar

I know that I hope that there will be someting big for CP. Don't the big announcement occur earilier in the year like a coaster?

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

Loopy's avatar

Phantom, it's Planning and Development and it's located behind MS if I'm not mistaken.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

XxMantisxX's avatar

Maybe the wood is for MS Jr. being placed in the MS infield. ;)

On a serious note,does anyone know of a wooden children's coaster?

Last edited by XxMantisxX,
JuggaLotus's avatar

Zach's Zoomer at Michigan's Adventure is one. I'm sure there are others.

Goodbye MrScott


Teddy Bear at Stricker's Grove. One caveat: only open three times a year.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Ensign, out of curiosity, why only three times?

Owner, Gould Photography.

Loopy's avatar

It's a private park and only available for rental.

Open to the public on the 4th of July, the 2nd Sunday in August and a day in October.

As for a wooden children's coaster, I suppose that Comet at Waldameer could be considered a childern's coaster.

Last edited by Loopy,

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

If you're going to count Comet, we should include Rollo Coaster at Idlewild.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

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