"Wood You Believe It?"

Loopy's avatar

If you can't fit two "average" size adults in a seat, I call it a kiddie coaster. :)

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

How about the Fairly Odd Coaster at Kings Island.

Kevinj's avatar

So somewhere there's lots of wood...yet no one seems to have seen it? Is the P and D building off limits?

Promoter of fog.

As of last weekend the wood was near the Soak City lot easily visable to the public. That's where the photo was taken.

I wonder if this additional wood is visable from the train.

mermaidsair's avatar

There is also a blue gemini train sitting in the center of mean streak but I am guessing that means nothing at all.

I'm going out to get some air.

Loopy's avatar

No, actually it doesn't (mean anything). It's a spare.

In addition to The Fairly Odd Coaster at KI, you have it's brother at KD, Scooby-Doo's Ghoster Coaster.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

10 bucks says Tony has no idea what the pile of wood is and he's just dangling this blog in front of your faces like a giant worm in front of a large mouth bass. And you all bit. Shame on you.

mermaidsair's avatar

Canada's Wonderland's children's Ghoster coaster is a wooden coaster. Don't know if it was mentioned.

I'm going out to get some air.

Josh M.'s avatar

Well a new blog was just posted, and the wood is indeed for coaster refurbishing... However, it may not be the "massive overhaul" everyone was hoping for. In the first coaster pic, it does look like track is being replaced on Mean Streak... I wonder if it's closed for the rest of the season?

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

They didn't mention the track getting replaced in that picture, only the railings. It takes a while for wood to age -- that track might have been replaced last off-season.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

djDaemon's avatar

And is that technically track that's been replaced? Or is it the structure that supports the track?


Josh M.'s avatar

I suppose... the first picture just appeared to show track removed, and wood being replaced in that section, but I did notice that they only mentioned the railings...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

djDaemon's avatar

I honestly don't know, as I'm not sure as to where the structure "ends" and the track "begins", so to speak.


OnPointTony's avatar

They are indeed working on track as well, as shown in the first picture (replacing boards only). This is standard procedure when we are closed during the week and it's part of their inspections. They will continue to refurb during the winter on "good" weather days.

Director of Communications at Cedar Point

Josh M.'s avatar

So what we are seeing is standard maintenance, and nothing we wouldn't see during any other off-season? Perhaps if GCI was indeed there, they were there for another reason that we will find out about in a year or so ;)

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

tedfuzz's avatar

Hey Tony, anything else new next season? I live in Texas and I'd like a great reason to fly up to the Point for a week. Thanks! :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

e x i t english's avatar

I'll give you 17 great reasons that they already have...

Force00's avatar

When I was at the park a few weeks ago Mean Streak was making this horrible sreaching noise, I'm not sure if this was due to the weather conditions which were cold for a while and then went up to the 70's, but it sure didn't sound all to well.

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

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