"Wood You Believe It?"

"We suppose you could say we never get board with it."

Maybe there is something more to that sentence than we think.
We all are getting BOARD of mean streak...

Do not listen to e x i t!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!1!! He can't even keep unnecessary spaces out of his own screen name. How can you possibly trust a '!' provider who can't even maintain quality control in his own screen name? And don't even get me started on those missing capitals!!!!1!!!1!!!

Look, a little '@' isn't going to kill you. It's not going to be a c@astrophe. We at Ensigns R Us have sponsored much research, and there isn't one d@um to suggest '@' will hurt you! Heck, they even put it in baby bottles these days! So you know it has to be safe.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Ok, so I am going to say this wood is for a new ride or the famous rumor of re-tracking MS. I mean we have not seen any hints yet. This has to be the first.

Jesz's avatar

e x i t I'm still willing to meet you at the place at midnight. I don't care what Ensigns R Us says, I know what killed my aunt!!!!!1 And as you can see I am running out of !!!!!1's fast.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Loopy's avatar

::Still stockpiling "#" signs 'til the market free fall is over::

Just wait, you funny kids are all wasting your precious yen on "!" contaminated with "@". You all took my bait, now I just have to sit back and wait it out. I'll corner the market on "#" after it's all said and done, you just wait and see. You may not think there's much of a market for "#" but when everyone is buying all these contaminated "!" so low or even on a dark basketball court it has to bottom out at some point. When it does, I'm ready with my "#".


*Yes, I own plenty of stock in "a" and "h" also*

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

e x i t english's avatar

Just you wait, I've created a new formula called "reading way too much into harmless puns". Should be out next week. It's going to be all the rage around here.

Kevinj's avatar

They only put "@"'s in baby bottles in China. Particularly the gymnasts. @'s stunt your growth, making you look about 12 for life.

Promoter of fog.

I'm thinking that wood looks a bit thick for track...but thats just me...

Maybe they shipped it that way on purpose and then when they begin doing work, they'll shave the wood a little to their liking for the track.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Yeah because thats easier than just sending it the way its supposed to be.

Let's Get Weird.

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Attitude much?

Force00's avatar

I just saw the wood pile when I was driving to the Soak City lot today. Doens't look like there's enough to do something on MeanStreak, probally just for stuff around the park.

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Well, after watching painfully all of the guesses thrown left and right as to what this T and T post is hinting at, I have to jump in and tell all of you what this wood is for...

The wood is the framing for what eventually will be the U.S.A. Economy Slide. Basically, riders will climb an obnoxious set of stairs, a total of around 14,000 steps will take riders to the top. Sitting on a relatively stable "sled" the riders will start out a slow pace, then, after a series of small drops and hills, sheer panic will be induced with a series of 500-600 ft drops. Giving riders the sheer sense of being out of control, this slide will finally come to a screeching halt, hopefully...

As a token of their "wild ride", on-ride photos will be available, featuring the riders face pasted onto an image of a stressed out Wall Street investor, sharing with the rest of the world this unforgettable panic-induced hysteria.

Coming Soon.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Jeff's avatar

Force00 said:
I just saw the wood pile when I was driving to the Soak City lot today. Doens't look like there's enough to do something on MeanStreak, probally just for stuff around the park.

That's because you can't see the stacks on the other side of the P&D building.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Kevinj's avatar

And the plot thickens...

Promoter of fog.

After visiting the Park yesterday and drving by the now infamous wood pile, it is substantailly smaller then in the pictures so as most of you said in earlier comments this must be for something other then a new woodie or even fixing up MS.

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

Force00's avatar

Coaster Nuts, read what Jeff said above.

Last edited by Force00,

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Force00 . Read it, missed it. My bad.

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

It's for the new ride. That is all.

Jesz's avatar

I think that is for the petting farm. Didn't you hear that CP is getting about 100 wood chucks to add to their animal collection?

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

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