"Wood You Believe It?"

Jeff's avatar

Why does everyone think that GCI would do anything, or that they could magically fix the ride? I keep hearing about how the ride should be retracked, and yet it has been perpetually retracked since it opened.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

tedfuzz's avatar

scubaboyz said:
Hehehehe.... They got "wood" ;-) Couldn't resist that one.

CP_bound said:
...that's what she said.

Hehehehe, there's been alot of these types of posts lately. :)

I sure hope the wood is for MS, but I'd rather it be for a new storage room for parade floats just like last year! That would be SO cool!

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

mermaidsair's avatar

There is more confidentiality in amusement parks than there is in my field and I am in counseling/therapy.

I'm going out to get some air.

Jeff's avatar

That's not entirely true. They all more or less know what about each others' projects.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Last edited by Craig the Coaster Freak,
tedfuzz's avatar

^ For the win! I personally hope we never see an aquatrax at the Point. IMO they're kinda ugly. =/

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Gang: T &T had an identical post in the past and it ended up being wood for Gemini. If this were a new coaster, we would have seen something more...land clearing, footers, ride removal, something. There is nothing going on. This has to be for Mean Streak because the other woodies have been taken care of. Besides, Jeff and Walt popped some big hints in a previous post that there will be nothing new next year in the form of rides.

tedfuzz's avatar

Hopefully there's some Millennium Flyers on their way. :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Phantom 1898's avatar

It is sitting back by Mean Streak, so who knows.

And whats with everyone wanting Millennium Flyers?
I want Buzz Bars on BS, but that will probably never happen anytime soon.

Kevinj's avatar

Why does everyone think that GCI would do anything

I think it goes back to what I believe was a Coastermania Q and A last season. Someone asked Kinzel about MS, and he said GCI may be brought in at some point in the future to do some work on it.

He was vague, of course...but he did indeed say that.

Promoter of fog.

It's definitley for a coaster, either a re-build, change to or new one all together. Read between the lines, "we bet you're all "pining" to know what it is for. Pine is the wood of choice for caostes, we all know this. My guess is since Mean Streak really stinks and GTC was there with Kinzel a few weeks ago maybe they are going to change Mean Streak to make it the coaster it should have been. Mean Streak on busy days never has much of a wait becuse no one really lieks the ride. It is to rought and come on it has no thrill what so ever. Who knows it may be nothing at all, but in todays economic times it is better to change what you already have or renovate what you already have. My opinion so tke it for what it's worth.

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

Jeff's avatar

net said:
Besides, Jeff and Walt popped some big hints in a previous post that there will be nothing new next year in the form of rides.

Do you really think that if we knew anything we'd let on that we knew?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Walt's avatar

All I did was speculate that perhaps the lack of hints was a hint. That didn't take any inside connection, just a little common sense. :)

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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JuggaLotus's avatar

Walt, you should know better than to inject common sense into a message board.

CoasterNuts - no, its not definitely for a coaster. Some of it will be used as for that as the wood coasters are in a constant state of rebuild. But there are plenty of wood fences, walls, roofs and scenery around that require upkeep as well. While the majority of it will go towards coasters, it doesn't mean that anything drastic will be happening this offseason.

Goodbye MrScott


Kevinj's avatar

As long as I've scanned or been a member of this board, which isn't as long as some of you, the only time Jeff or Walt have said anything substantial is after an announcement that something is coming has been made by the park itself, and then, as expected, the clues are vague.

Promoter of fog.

Coaster Nuts said:
It's definitley for a coaster, either a re-build, change to or new one all together.

Lets pretend that it is for a new coaster. When has any wooden coaster installation brought in shipments of wood, especially 2"x6" boards (not for vertical post) before any room has been made for it?

I'm guessing it is nothing related to retracking or a new coaster.

So we can narrow it down that it isn;t a new coaster but they very well could be re-doing the MS to make it what it should be. They can't star that work until the season is over, well they could but then they would need to shut it down which would lead to more rumours. Pine is used on pretty much every wood coaster these days, usually not for fences, buildings, etc. they ususally use poplar for thos type of structures.

Blue Gemini Always Wins.

JuggaLotus's avatar

And you're assuming that because the T's made a bad pun that the wood shown is actually pine. You might want to try using facts to back up an argument, as conjecture and bad spelling aren't cutting it.

And I knew I had seen a post like this before. From 2005.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


Tip's avatar

Reworking the MS track wood be great; we know it's constructed of yellow pine and that looks like the right type. Also replace the trains and remove the first hill trim so it doesn't just lumber through the layout. I've got my hopes up for substantial improvements (in fact the thought has me beam-ing!) but I'm not ready to jump on board yet. I'll take it with a grain of salt and wait until Walt, Jeff, and all the other great folks here help nail down the truth behind the rumors. Planks, I'll be here all week; try the fish.

Just say no to trims

Pete's avatar

That is a lot of wood. I think a large modification of Mean Streak is not out of the question, probably pretty likely given the other bits of information circulating this summer.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

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