What is your best memory of Season 2002?

Yeah Tim, I had to walk up the lift to get people down except for the handicapped person. And Bill Spehn stepped on my foot. Ouch!!

Gemini '02 & '03
*** This post was edited by Jake McClead 1/20/2003 12:25:28 AM ***

Best memories of 2002...Although there are many...i will limit them to few...Mcdonalds, one word for that place.."SLOW" ...there was those unforgettable 3 and 4 am fire drills at Commons or the ever so popular 10 minute lines to get into Commons as Alvin and the rest of his chipmunks searched everyones bags...but im gonna have to say my best memory of the season is the one day i took my car to go get lunch and coming back leaving the top down since it was a convertible and it was hot out only to go back inside to work and 20 minutes later have it downpour outside so bad i couldnt see my car so i ran to go put the top up and there sat my one roomate and another blue tag in my car trying to get the top up till i told him it was a motorized top and the car needed to be on to get it up...lol :)

Breakers Express '02

*i have a couple but my first is from summer 2001, that was my second summer and i brought about 6 of my friends from home with me, needless to say goodtimes were had

*coming home from work this summer and spending about an hour outside talking to folks that were bored so they stood around outside, i never went straight to my room once i got through the gate and even if i tried i always heard someone call "genevieve!!!"

*being in the shower and that darn fire alarm went off, it was bad enough i had to go outside with a towel on my head but i didn't have time to pop my contacts in so on top of being wet i could not see for the life of me

*this summer i had one of the best off days....i was off and my friends from new york and some other folks were also off so we decided to go run amuck in the park, we did the go-karts and played golf, that was the best off day

*sitting on the bench outside the commons store with some friends, watching folks come out that door(the ones closest to the "laundry room") and trip over that rug that's been raised up and cracking up until i cry, we did it quite a few times until someone snitched

no you cannot put me in your pocket

park admissions "00"
park admissions "01"
park admissions-ATL of Marina Gate- "02"

i cannot believe i forgot this one, this one if from summer 02....one day my bestfriend scooter and i had gone to the mall when we got back, we were bored and had watched way too many episodes of jackass, well i got the brilliant idea of taking a housing cart....what did we do with it?....well we hauled that cart across the parking lot, up the steps, across the bridge and under the railing, from that point we let the cart go down that dirt hill several times into the parking lot, we weren't trying to hit anyone, just wanted to laugh and we have before and after pictures, to this day we still laugh at it
no you cannot put me in your pocket

park admissions "00"
park admissions "01"
park admissions-ATL of Marina Gate- "02"

Wow...I can't believe I haven't posted on this forum yet...my favorite memory was the day Teddric and I were at entrance of Wicked Twister. This lady tried to get on with one of those HUGE Spongebob's. Of course we told her it would have to go in a locker and after arguing with us about it she and her group moved a little bit away. A couple of minutes later, Teddric leaned over and told me to look and see what the lady was doing. Her and her group had huddled around a trash can and were proceeding to take all of the stuffing out of Spongebob. Then she tried to get in line again. Even rolled up, she couldn't take it. Being the helpful Cedar Point employees that we were, we mentioned that it would now fit in a locker beside WT instead of having to walk to the Demon Drop for a rental bin. Of course she was pissed and let us know it. Then she walked away never to be heard from again. I will never forget that. Oh yea Spongebob's innards overflowed the trash can and were blowing all over the midway...it was like a white Christmas.
going to the light house with a cool friend(at the time) and just starring at the sun set. it is the best feeling on god's green earth to sit at th lighthouse- and just stare and laugh with eachother. then drink oreo shakes after. i miss those times, they were so simple....moon the sun..sun the moon!
Djdj, I have to agree that sunsets at the light house are the best. There is nothing like it. Most definitely my best memory as well.

Raptor Boy 2003
Raptor Boy 2001

I worked on Monster and Witches Wheel and I was scared of storms. LOL It was very fun. I guess you could say. Or if i wasn't working when there was a storm I would always call the crew to make sure they were all okay. If the park was closed someone would always come to my room and sit with me and talk so i wouldn't be afraid. This is where I met all of my TRUE FRIENDS!
I think my favorite was when it was raining really hard and my roomate decided to take a little shortcut down that hill by commons dorms-instead of the sidewalk and mud flew under her! She fell on her butt and slid down the hill in uniform, she was on her way to work. I was laughing so hard
hello all, i was the sup for ride photo in the year of 2002 and i had some pretty funny things happen wandering the park. but my most memorable would have to be one incident at mantis photo. we had a different colored keychains than the rest of the locations and they had sparkles and stuff, and this teen girl ordered her keychain. as we were getting the key chain ready (purple color) she goes, can i get it in pink? i said we only have purple here at mantis. she says, well they have other colors at other booths, and is aid they all have different colors. she says, well thats stupid. i say well thats all we have. she goes can i have it in pink. i say Im sorry we only have purple. well six flags has pink, I say we dont have pink, the girl says well six flags has pink. I again say we dont have pink. the girl then says why wont you just give me the pink one? i say to her. WE DONT HAVE PINK, and for those of you who know your location, WE ARENT SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!!

OH jeremy...that was so funny about squarebob. I remember that...Great memmories at that ride.
Kelly aka TazMaster
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister/Kiddy Kingdom 2002
Ast. Team Leader GCA 2003
RIP STEVEN CROWE 8-6-82 1-4-03
2002? what a year-man...i ahve to say karoke. that was th best time this summer. esp. when captain myself and amy did little bunny foo foo! or when i went to lighthouse with i forgot who i went with. but it was fun.

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