What are they thinking ?!

Loopy's avatar

^^Yes, I'm well aware that state law supersedes federal law but as you can see I was replying directly to the person I quoted and never mentioned anything about the federal law applying to this situation.

Last edited by Loopy,

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Well I said the same thing pages ago, but I didn't have a name with an email address. So is this discussion over? I think its time for us to move on and discuss what the company will do now.

Loopy's avatar

It'll be over when CP changes the wage on their site.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Loopy said:
It'll be over when CP changes the wage on their site.

I know that ive not posted on this in a while, but I have kept a close eye on this specific thread. To most of you that are just OLD employees, ACE'rs or whomever else...this may just be a summer job for some teenagers or whatever to you; but, to us...its a job to help us get money for: school, rent, car payments, food...etc. I know we dont have to work there, true...but, if you love the place and the friends you made there, you wouldnt really want to leave the place either. I live in a small town and trust me, if there were jobs..id totally get one! Getting paid $7.00/hr sounds good when we're talking about a "brainless" job...but, having to work 60+ hours..yeah, I think we deserve that .30 extra. I dont agree with whats going on at all..but, I guess im one of those "dumb" returning employees that just cant grasp it. I have worked there for going on three seasons now and I know nothing will change. So, all this arguing is just making it worse, to be honest. I know how all of you feel, I feel the same way. But, its not going to change...deal with it. Loopy, I totally agree with you when you said that it'll be over when CP changes the wages on the site. But, as far as this bickering on here to each other...isnt helping a thing. It sure as hell isnt going to change the minds of Corp. or that $7.00/hr on the website. Ive noticed that Cedar Fair will always play God in the business...if they can get away with it, they will.

i really wouldnt consider us dumb tho megan, alot of the people who like to come to the park and say that about us, wouldnt have a clue what to do if they were in our position even with the training.

2005-Antique Cars, Wave Swinger, TTD, Mean Streak, Thunder Canyon, Monster, Witches Wheel

Well in my criminal justice, Law and procedure classes, At the college I Attended and did very well at, We were lead to belive That FEDERAL LAW supercedes State law, thru incorpation of the bill of rights. Or something like this?the American legal doctrine by which portions of the Bill of Rights are applied to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, although some have suggested that the Privileges or Immunities Clause would be a more appropriate textual basis. Prior to the ratification of the 14th Amendment and the development of the incorporation doctrine, in 1833 the Supreme Court held in Barron v. Baltimore that the Bill of Rights applied only to the Federal, but not any State, government. Even years after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment the Supreme Court in United States v. Cruikshank, still held that the First and Second Amendment did not apply to state governments. However, beginning in the 1890s,[citation needed] a series of United States Supreme Court decisions interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to "incorporate" most portions of the Bill of Rights, making these portions, for the first time, enforceable against the state governments

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

RichGoss said:
i really wouldnt consider us dumb tho megan, alot of the people who like to come to the park and say that about us, wouldnt have a clue what to do if they were in our position even with the training.

Im only quoting what I have heard on several other threads, Rich. Although, I totally agree with you. I would love to see some people work just ONE day at that place. You seriously have to have a strong love. I guess thats why most of returning employees, such as myself; keep coming back. We know that nothing is ever going to change. Without most returning employees, they wouldnt have the staffing.

I will say, I totally respect anyone that works at the point. Thank you for makeing the point the place it is.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

yea thats the reason i will be back for season 3. if it werent for the friendships and stuff. id just find some other job where i get paid more. or i would of stayed in vegas instead of moving back to ohio.

2005-Antique Cars, Wave Swinger, TTD, Mean Streak, Thunder Canyon, Monster, Witches Wheel

e x i t english's avatar

In my world - Money > Friendships/"the experience" If I wasn't making enough to pay the bills, or I somehow got a pay cut, as much as I like the people I work with, I'm gonna bounce to something that gets it done for me.

I understand though, completely, if you want to stick around for the experience and the like, and if you're willing to sacrifice some wages to do it, that's cool, too.

maverick_owns's avatar

This is definitely a :facepalm: for the park

ask me for my facebook.

When I worked there in 00+01 we were making $6.25/hr, and the bonus was $1.00 per hour worked. Minimum wage was $5.15. Thoughts?

Last edited by RaptorAdrian344,
maverick_owns's avatar

RaptorAdrian344 said:
When I worked there in 00+01 we were making $6.25/hr, and the bonus was $1.00 per hour worked. Minimum wage was $5.15. Thoughts?

What did you do there?

ask me for my facebook.

UpsideDown's avatar

Matt D said:
Well in my criminal justice, Law and procedure classes, At the college I Attended and did very well at, We were lead to belive That FEDERAL LAW supercedes State law, thru incorpation of the bill of rights...

Labor Law says that the higher minimum wage prevails though. So even though an amusement park worker is exempt from Federal Minimim Wage which will be going up to 7.25 by July, they have to follow Ohio's Labor Law instead because they do business in the state of Ohio. Also you cannot include the Bonus as total wage because Bonus is contingent on completing your agreement.

UpsideDown! :-)

Loopy's avatar

Wait, let me get this straight. While you may be correct, you went from being wrong to correcting someone else? When you really don't know what you're talking about and it's just regurgitation, I'd probably stick to reading.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Jeff's avatar

Anyone who pulls this you don't know nonsense can seriously kiss my ass. I've spent enough time unemployed to know what it's like when things suck. It's time to grow up and accept that you're not the only ones who have been through this kind of thing.

I get that you don't think you get paid enough. Whether or not anyone agrees with you is irrelevant. You're quite free to find work elsewhere. You've got a free will, use it. And don't even give me that whine that you can't find something else. You're not looking hard enough.

Cedar Fair has legal counsel, and they're not going to do anything illegal. If they do, as a unit holder I'll be the first to stand in front of Kinzel Kastle and call for the resignation of the guy. I already have much distaste for the general disregard for seasonals and full-timers alike. The brain bleed from the post-acquisition period was unacceptable.

But as a seasonal worker, if you go to work in the conditions you don't like, you're part of the problem. They continue to "get away with it" because you bitch and moan and then agree to it anyway.

If the quality of service deteriorates, the public will notice and they'll vote with their wallets. I still have some faith in the market to do the right thing.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

UpsideDown's avatar

Hey the text books I have don't have the full text of the Federal Minimum Wage, but I do know how to use Google, and I can't really go back and change my past response. The Federal Minimum Wage law does say that precedence is given to which ever wage is higher.

My text only mentions some agricultural workers, summer camps, public safety, and legislative interns. If you want to yell at someone why don't you yell at the PhD's at the University of Chicago that edited the Book. I was going off of a text book that I bought for a labor law class, I'm not peddling my services at an attorney.

And, yeah I did correct him federal law says the higher minimum wage prevails, if he wants to search it out on Google he can.

Last edited by UpsideDown,
99er's avatar

Jeff said:
But as a seasonal worker, if you go to work in the conditions you don't like, you're part of the problem. They continue to "get away with it" because you bitch and moan and then agree to it anyway.

Well put! You are among the few that 'get it'

Last edited by 99er,

Which is exactly why I'm not returning to CP as employee or guest this season, nor any Cedar Fair park after my season pass expires. Nor do I plan to in 2010 or beyond. I'm hoping to be a part of the market, or at least a few consumers, who are conscious of the situation and vote with their wallet.

Last edited by BlueStreak64,

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

99er's avatar

BlueStreak64 said:after my season pass expires.

Got to get your moneys worth, right?

Closed topic.

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