Were going in a whole new direction idea

My guess is that this will be an Intamin Aquatrax coaster with a section that goes backwards (like the Mummy ride at USF and Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom just without all the theming) It would be a combination of a coaster and a water ride therefore upping the coaster count and replacing White Water Landing with a new water ride at the same time. It will be a complete circuit coaster so that more than one train can run on it.

It makes sense when looking at the site, considering what was there before and looking at the signs.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!

A whole new direction. Well maybe a new inversion?

101 on Magnum and counting...

Natas said:
It would be a combination of a coaster and a water ride therefore upping the coaster count and replacing White Water Landing with a new water ride at the same time. It will be a complete circuit coaster so that more than one train can run on it.

It makes sense when looking at the site, considering what was there before and looking at the signs.

I do not get wet on Raptor, and shoot the rapids was there before that. In My Opinion I do not think cedar point cares whether or not they have a family oriented water ride. although I personally (SP?) miss WWL

2008 visits = 38, 2009 = 19, 2010 = 11, 2011 = 14, 2012 = 10, 2013 = 14, 2014 = 14, 2015= 13, 2016 = 11, 2017 = 5, 2018 = 3

"In My Opinion I do not think cedar point cares whether or not they have a family oriented water ride."

I think your opinion is wrong. Cedar Point KNOWS families spend far more money in the park than a thrill seeking teenager.

Water will be involved with this ride. And that's just my opinion.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Yeah, the ride will go over it. :)


Yes, it will. But I think that there we be more to it than that.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I love seeing the water debate. It reminds me of the debate that happened when 2 different color track arrived for dragster:

"It's a dueling, there's 2 color track"

"No, there's one coaster with 2 colors"

"No, I heard from an insider that it's 2 different coasters"

MrScott it will go through mist like Iron Dragon.

101 on Magnum and counting...

I would love to see some mist like Iron Dragon! I actually look forward to flying through the mist every time i see it.

Mechanical Engineer: Dont mess with us, we design your coasters.

Your right about Raptor not being a water ride. The difference then was that the park already had a water flume (WWL) as well as SRF and TC. I have heard that the company had mentioned being interested in a water coaster in the past so I just think it makes sense that this will be a water ride.

As far as it being a water coaster, I'm basing that off of the track that has been seen so far. I looked at the only Aquatrax coaster and it looks like it could be the same type of thing.

My guess that it might go backwards is based on the fact that the sign says that we're going in a whole new direction. Plus the number of parks that have roller coasters and or water rides that travel part of their circuit backwards. Cedar Point doesn't have one of those type rides. (I don't count WT because it is more like a glorified swinging ship than a ride like Expedition Everest, or The Mummy) The sign says that we're going in a whole new direction, so that makes sense to me.

I add those together and come up with my guess of a water coaster that travels part of its track backwards but is a complete circuit.

I just hope that if I'm right, it is more accomodating than Millenium Force as far as who can ride it.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!

Mr. Scott, do you think it will have a fly-through through Lighthouse Point?

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Mr. Scott, just one clarification question:

Do you think water will be involved in this ride?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I hope there is more mist or water involved than ID because everytime i have been on ID I couldent feel it. I hope it doesnt get you drenched but I do hope that it will get you damp.

Let's Get Weird.

LOL! YES! I think H20 will be a part of this ride.

NO! It will not fly through Lighthouse Point. I would not allow such a disruption to heavenly bliss.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

TTD 120mph's avatar

Perhaps it'll get you as wet as WWL did.;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

The signs that say "We're going in a whole new direction" just makes me think that this will be a first of it's kind making it to Cedar Point. I'm thinking Intamin will be bringing us a prototype ride.

Shawn Meyer said:
The signs that say "We're going in a whole new direction" just makes me think that this will be a first of it's kind making it to Cedar Point. I'm thinking Intamin will be bringing us a prototype ride.

I tend to agree it will be something we haven't seen before but I don't think it will be too far from your "stock" coaster. I also wouldn't get too hung up on silly signage...

Backwards and with water.

*** Edited 7/2/2006 10:35:49 PM UTC by MrScott***

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

*** Edited 7/2/2006 10:45:36 PM UTC by Ensign Smith***

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Link all the signs together along with Tony and Tyler's blog clues.

1. "put two and two together"
2. "The path always taken is not necessarily the best."

What is the path always taken?

Mechanical Engineer: Dont mess with us, we design your coasters.

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