Web Cam Activity and Testing..Oh My!

What are they doing with that truck it has a big crain on it and it is close to the ground you can see it on the ground web cam I think it is now in the ground does anyone know what they are doing? o by the way cedar point got their first snow of the winter.

Live to ride ride to live
What's life without rollercoasters!!!
*** This post was edited by Carsten16 11/22/2002 7:57:07 AM ***

Hard to tell. If you look at all the live cams, it looks as if they might be unloading a third crane. We got our first accumulation snow too.


Anybody notice the old crand is back. I'm pretty sure its the one that was in the parking lot before but never used. I think its back.

That stations is really starting to take shape. Or at least the foundation.

- Dennis

It seems to me that they have lots of trouble with the web cams and or the website. Once they are set up they should be able to just run and not need much maintenece unless equipment fails
Well let's see. Those cameras are being rained and snowed on. I don't know if they are wireless or not but either way the weather will affect them.

Not to mention it is what, 45 degrees or so there? My cable goes out once in a while. Why shouldn't these cameras?

I was looking forward to seeing if there was a new crane today, what a crappy time for the cameras to go down.
Chief Believe me there are plenty of web cams that are out in the weather all the time. and they work better then theses ones. There are commerical ones that are desinged for outdoor useage and inclosures that you can use for regular cams like you would get at Compusa.
its better than nothing is it not? I think we should appreciate the fact that they are giving us good shots of what they are building after how they have been treating the project.
There's the second crane. It looks like they might be working today??? Now the question is, will they be extending both cranes or just the one?
The second crane looks like it has a new extension, it's resting much higher than the other.
Now that's a crane.
Damn that thing is huge!

If you missed it: http://members.accesstoledo.com/bwiatrak/85.jpg

Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335
*** This post was edited by Bryan 11/23/2002 2:33:03 PM ***

Wowie...Thats HUGE!

i think its about 450-475 feet

- Dennis

yep.. i still think this things definitely goin past the 400 mark!

Panic Attack

Kel's avatar
Wow, imagine that!!!! a 400 foot coaster!!! And I thaught 310 feet was huge!!!

going to florida. if they announce it while i'm gone.......good!

To the moon Alice:)

I'm not an old fogey, I'm just an old coaster rider..

I kinda new they were going to add an extra section on to the cranes. Because when i seen this pic:


There is an Extra piece for a crane laying around.

- Dennis

My first reaction seeing that crane was, "Holy ****!" I believe this will be the reaction from people that see the ride next year for the first time. :) I wouldn't mind seeing the supports on the two side of the tower staying that same angle...:)

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

ok this post has nothing to do with the coaster, but rather cranes... for high-rise buildings, they build floor by floor from the bottom-up. the cranes "stay" on the top floor. a new top floor is added, the cranes goes up. here's my question... for the Petronas Towers in malaysia, they had a crane working most of the way to the top...how do they get down? i don't know of any cranes 1000+ feet tall that can bring the smaller cranes down...hmm...

Got One? Yeah, it's a Metallica thing.
"It's all fun and games till someone 'losses' an eye!" -The almighty James Hetfield

Does anyone have the addresses that show live photos on the webcam not an archived one. I used to have them but not anymore, I woudl appreciate if someone would post these please.....thank you
All Hands On Deck ;)

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