Web Cam Activity and Testing..Oh My!

Did you guys miss the memo? They are taking it down because it is sinking! ;)


Let your mind go...and your body will follow...

I think that they were having trouble to get it to fit. It was moving around a little all day.
The bolts on the two peices next to it were to tight to make it fite right
Its a good thing CP coaster are not as inconsistent as there web cams are . Cam 3 seems to be hosed again
and we now witness....... the connecting of the three points into one. horray! maybe now we can get an announcement


blasting off in 144 days.......

..again, you mean.

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

Does anyone think we will be seeing more track go up today?

Cedar Point WHAT!!!

Kel's avatar
I hope!!!!

Seeing track go up is more exciting than "3 points connecting into one!"

Did you hear that UPS and FED EX are merging into one company? You know what there going to be called???? FED UP!!!!! ;)

It looks like they are still having trouble getting the last diagonal to fit. They have been working on this for about 3 hours now. They may be loosening all the bolts at that level to be able to wiggle everything around. I just thought of something. The problem may be that one of the flanges is not square. That could be a tough one to fix.
You honestly think that pieces just "don't fit" simply because the cranes are in a certain postion for 3 hours?

Nobody really knows exactly what they are doing at all times just from the webcam.

Craig, what else do you think they would be doing up there? Considering that this piece was put up once already and was never fully connected, then today the piece was taken out and put back in again. You think they just like taking pieces off the tower and putting them back just for fun? Boy I know that I would just love being 400ft up enjoying the nice winter breeze just so I could take a piece out and put it right back. Why else would they take it out if it didn't fit properly the first time?

Peace I'm Out
*** This post was edited by Andy 12/11/2002 2:46:10 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Andy 12/11/2002 2:46:33 PM ***

I think the only track that will go up today is the curve from the brakes into the station. The just finished up putting int he supports and the track is now laying right there. Maybe we will see some on the tower tomorrow.
One crane has been in exactly the same position since that piece was raised shortly after 11 am. The other crane has been moving the basket with the ironworkers all over the top of the tower. For a while the diagonal was lined up exactly, then it was moved slightly and the ends no longer lined up. Based on 30 odd years of working in the structural and mechanical engineering fields, and knowing that they've spent 3 hours yesterday and almost 4 hours today trying to put that one piece in place, I'd say yes, they are having a hard time getting that last piece to fit. It looks like they have it lined up again now. Time will tell if they leave it up.
They're duct taping it up there!

beastfreak said:
They're duct taping it up there!

What, did they call my husband for advice? LOL!

What, you don't believe in the power of duct tape? It can fix anything! Including WT last year for a brief period. :)

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.

Look at the ground cam. The ride is nearly complete! They are starting the turn into the station now! I think that they will have all of the track and structure done soon after the New Year.
yep, unforunately :(

It looks as though that longer piece after the brake run will consist of the 'kicker' wheels to roll into station #1

A consumer testing company did a survey once of various kinds of tape used in various circumstances. Interestingly, "duct tape" did NOT perform very well at the job of taping two ducts together!! It did, however, perform very well at a lot of other things (including structural steel mending).
I think that they finaly got that peice up so i think they are tighting it, what do you think?

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