Virus Impact on CP

djDaemon's avatar

GeminiGuy1 said:

So the references to exact figures from CDC are not data? Hmm.

It is indeed data. But the data in no way substantiates the argument that the virus' threat was overblown. More than one thousand people are dying every day with social distancing in place.

We won't know for several weeks what impact relaxing these practices will have. But if I were to bet, I sure as hell wouldn't bet on things improving.


I am no expert, but I'd have guessed the same. However, we do have some data on the opening of things. OH has been gradually opening in limited ways since May 4. Every few days something new has been OKed to open. If you look at the week ending May 3, OH had 3942 new cases, 591 new hospitalizations and 311 deaths. If you look at the week that ended yesterday OH had 3602 new cases, 573 new hospitalizations and 186 deaths. So, we're better so far. That's something. I am not smart enough to know what it suggests about riding roller coasters.

And, I am not suggesting those numbers shed any light on whether we over-reacted. My own inclination is that in March we were in a situation where we either jump or get pushed. At some point down the line maybe someone smart will do some post-facto analysis and we'll figure things out a bit more. But, I'd bet dollars to donuts that the result would have been Way Bad either way. Don't forget what March looked like ... roughly it looked like this: March 1, 100 cases; March 10, 1,000 cases; March 20, 10,000 cases; end of March 100,000 cases---i.e., a 10x increase every 10 days. Staying away from each other helped change the trajectory.

(Data from JHU, except hospitalization data, which is from DeWine's daily briefing (or twitter post when he doesn't give one).)

djDaemon's avatar

The data should be looked at relative to mobility data, rather than simply when restrictions were loosened.

The majority of people are listening to the experts, rather than politicians, thankfully. So just because restaurants are open doesn't necessarily mean people are going. Ignoring mobility runs the risk of being overconfident.


Yeah- I agree. And, May 4 wasn't a switch, but a start. So, it's obviously a coarse analysis at best.

And, we are being more mobile than we were on May 3 in general. But, not as mobile as we were on March 3.

djDaemon's avatar

And there is a tendency for folks to cherry pick data to suit their narrative/priors. Some will point at highly mobile places with no second spike as "evidence" that's opening up is fine, while others will point to different highly mobile places with a spike as "evidence" that opening up is a terrible idea.

The fact is that we won't likely have sufficient data for a long time that supports either position. There are too many variables and unknowns.

Last edited by djDaemon,


If it's ok for thousands of people to protest in large crowds all over America than Cedar Point can definitely open.

I'm surprised they haven't filed some sort of lawsuit already sueing the state for impeding business and allowing competitors in the field to open (Six flags, Universal, other independent parks) while Cedar Fair is mandated to stay closed.

Dvo's avatar

^That's like saying that since people smoked cigarettes over the weekend, it's totally safe for me to smoke them as well. You see the flaw in that logic, right?

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Jeff's avatar

I mean, civil rights and speaking up against racism is totally the same as going to ride roller coasters, right? Totally in the same category of importance.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

99er's avatar

Mousey said:

If it's ok for thousands of people to protest in large crowds all over America than Cedar Point can definitely open.

There have been several posts here that have made similar statements that the park should open right now or if "this can happen, so can Cedar Point". Y'all ever think maybe Cedar Point isn't ready to open? Say the state says the parks are allowed to open this Saturday, that doesn't meant the park just flips a switch and boom its ready for guests. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the major parks in Ohio are having/have had communication with Dewine's office in regards to their readiness so when the decision IS made, parks like Cedar Point don't continue to sit closed with everyone wondering why they aren't open. You have to remember a good portion of their spring work was taken away from them so they are catching up and not necessarily at the rate they normally would be at just before a May opening.

Yes Cedar Point will probably take a few weeks for preparations before opening, which is why it's ridiculous workers still aren't allowed on property by state policy.

Also it's alright to scream and yell at the protesters in Michigan a few weeks ago protesting the lockdowns because it's damaging their livelihoods, destroying local businesses and economy, and impeding on freedoms guaranteed by the constitution but this protest about the murder is somehow magically better...? What even is the goal here? The cops involved in that incident have been prosecuted, the lockdowns still haven't ended.

Do you people have any empathy? If you really cared about Civil Rights you would be all for people to go back to work and let big employers of cities like Cedar Fair open.

Last edited by Mousey,
99er's avatar

Wow. There is a lot of wrong in your post but because I want to go make dinner I am only going to address this one item.

Mousey said:

Yes Cedar Point will probably take a few weeks for preparations before opening, which is why it's ridiculous workers still aren't allowed on property by state policy.

This is just completely false. Where do you get your news? Not only are employees allowed on property, they have been there for awhile trying to get the park ready. Here is a picture from last week of Ride Mechanics putting MF trains back on the track.

Mousey said:

If it's ok for thousands of people to protest in large crowds all over America than Cedar Point can definitely open.

Protesting against systematic racism and social injustice is not the same as re-opening businesses, especially non-essential businesses like tourist attractions.

It's not like the governors of each state that had a protest collectively announced "Hey! All social distancing must stay in effect, except for you protesters! Thaannnnks! By the way, all you rollie coaster parks need to stay shut just cause we're eeeevvvvviiiilllll muhahahaha!"

If you don't understand what a protest is, how it happens or why it happens. Or are only seeing that a protest happened but ignore WHY they happen you're seriously part of the problem.

Individuals exercising their right to protest does not equal safe to re-open. We will most likely see a significant spike in new cases over the next 5-14 days. I also doubt protesters are sitting at home planning when to protest based off COVID, they're justifiably angry and they will not wait for a viral pandemic to end, roller coasters can.

Jeff's avatar

Mousey said:

Do you people have any empathy? If you really cared about Civil Rights you would be all for people to go back to work and let big employers of cities like Cedar Fair open.

Maybe you didn't read the sarcasm right, so let me say it a different way. I would like black people to not be killed by police and vigilante racists, and wanting people to have the "civil rights" to go to an amusement park in the middle of a global pandemic is not really a thing that concerns me. So get back to me on the empathy thing when you understand that just having a certain skin color puts your life at risk.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

A lot of peoples life are in risk due to the excessive and absurd lockdowns.

I'm very concerned about that. Shutting and mandating businesses like Cedar Fair that employee thousands at each location is not good.

Last edited by Mousey,
djDaemon's avatar

Mousey said:

If it's ok for thousands of people to protest in large crowds all over America than Cedar Point can definitely open.

No one is saying it's ok for thousands of people to protest during this pandemic, so your argument is nonsensical.

Understanding why people are protesting is not the same as condoning the idea of protesting during a pandemic.


Jeff's avatar

Ugh, Mousey = TheBlueStreak. I knew I should have looked that up.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

And there is a tendency for folks to cherry pick data [...] The fact is that we won't likely have sufficient data for a long time that supports either position. There are too many variables and unknowns.

I don't disagree with that in general. But, I think we can get some reasonable idea of what's going on by looking at the big picture numbers. If, in fact, all this opening were causing lots of new cases the numbers would start to show that by now.

Of course, it could be that some opening is OK, but once we pass some point that will be too much and everything will go to hell again. Certainly possible. There is so much we don't know.

I am not advocating for some giant speed up, I was just noting that thus far it looks better than I thought it might.

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and utilizes the same flawed, one sided logic like a duck, it's probably TheBlueStreak.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

On a positive note, check out a few minutes of this recorded livestream of peaceful protests in NYC.

Almost everybody is wearing a mask, people are helping each other out, handing water out, giving health advice, being very peaceful, etc. It's a refreshing sight.

No matter how much polarization there is, it's really cool to see hundreds of thousands of people peacefully matching around the worldiworld solidarity for a joint cause.

Last edited by cpblue,

So the moron behind TheBlueStreak has made how many accounts now? I’m guessing he or she is either at home with nothing better to do, or doesn’t work at all and spends every day trolling to make themselves feel better about their own miserable existence?

But I digress.

Work is happening everywhere in the park and if you haven’t seen the latest photos from CP Rundown the new tollbooths look incredible.

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