Virus Impact on CP

Jeff's avatar

Yeah, it changed. The underlying county data is driven by the NYT data sets (published to Github), which they're pretty good about revising when it's incomplete. They in turn get the data from some combination of OC local agencies. Not only did the rate go up, but it now shows we're coming off of a secondary peak from mid-May. The change is consistent with how Osceola and Seminole were tracking. That it was over 1.3 two weeks ago sure makes me apprehensive about opening the theme parks, but we'll see how it goes.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Joe E's avatar

Tilt-a-Whirl said:

**UPDATE** Hotel Breakers will be opening this month without Cedar Point or the Waterpark. I had a reservation for the last week of June and received an email today saying that the hotel will be open with beach and pools, but the parks would be closed- no date was given for the parks and the email stated there was no date at this time.

I have the option of taking the reservation with a reduced rate, postponing, or canceling.

Was wondering when they would try something like this to try and generate at least some revenue.

Not sure if this has been announced yet, but this is up on the website-

Ironically for CP's 150th for the time being, we're essentially going back to how it started for the most part... A beach with concessions.

Gemini 100- 6/11/01

vwhoward's avatar

I'm not sure that is much of a reduced rate. But I am interested in the concept. No park to distract you from the original beauty.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Sollybeast's avatar

I dunno, some might consider the freaking huge roller coaster park right beside them that they can’t use a bit of a distraction :P

Seriously though, this sounds nice. If the park still isn’t open in July, I’ll probably still go for the beach if they’re offering.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

vwhoward's avatar

Well obviously we'd want to go to the park. 🤣 However, it not being a possibility, the beach is all you've got.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Sorry, but I think it sounds awful. I mean, Breakers is nice, but it ain’t that nice. And I sure don’t want to spend time at an amusement park where all I can do is look through the fence.
And maybe now would be a good time to book meetings and try to sell hotel room nights, but just today I learned about restrictions on meeting rooms/gathering spaces.

No grab and go food, no appetizers or snacks can be passed. Buffet service is fine but it must be served by staff taking necessary precautions. Large tables, usually what, 8 -10 tops? are limited to 3 per table. Classroom-style row seating has been lowered from 450 to 45. So, no.

vwhoward's avatar

I would be in for the campground. All the amenities, a pool, and a beach. Dinner included for 85 a night. I would do this once in a lifetime experience.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

If I were in the market for a lake beach vacation right now I would certainly want to compare the price/value to some other properties in the area. Hearing coasters testing in the background would be kind of bummer.

The pricing for a Friday and Saturday night stay I was getting was around $500 for 2 adults/2 children.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,
vwhoward's avatar

That I totally understand. The state parks here in Michigan don't open until June 22nd so that would be another reason for us. But, we have some beautiful beaches in Michigan, Huron and Michigan are far nice lakes than Erie. That would a reaain for us to stay here instead. Superior has beautiful beaches as well but the water is very cold.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

djDaemon's avatar

The thing about Breakers is that it's nice, but not a destination in itself. But it's a great place to stay while visiting Cedar Point. Even more so with regard to the restaurant choices. We tolerate them because of their proximity to the park, but wouldn't eat there otherwise.


Looking quickly at Virginia Beach resorts, we could go there for approximately the same cost, FWIW.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Sollybeast's avatar

But Surf Lounge tho :P

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

DRE420's avatar

vwhoward said:

But, we have some beautiful beaches in Michigan

Yes, we sure do. I visited Petoskey for the first time this past weekend, and the water on Lake Michigan there is Caribbean blue. Just beautiful, I couldn't believe I was still in Michigan.

Uncle Steve's avatar

^^ What's so great about Surf Lounge?
I've passed by but never stopped in.
What am I missing?

DRE420's avatar

I've never been in the Surf Lounge either, but, having paid enough attention here over the years, I've heard a many stories about it, and how it holds a special place for some.

Joe E's avatar

I'm curious if they will allow capacity past a certain point. When at or near capacity, The pools are crowded even when the park is open. The elevators are generally packed as well (especially in the tower).

I am surprised they aren't trying to open the cottages or cabins. The cottages themselves are unique because of the location, and once you are checked in you really don't have to have contact with anyone if you choose.

Gemini 100- 6/11/01

99er's avatar

Uncle Steve said:

^^ What's so great about Surf Lounge?

Beer and cocktails. Good view.

XS NightClub's avatar

Due to looting and rioting, not due to the protests, with resources diverted causing a week delay:

Soft opening June 27th, Still in time for a Hard open July 4th.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

One question about the Wisconsin COVID-19 death numbers published here earlier...

Death counts seem to generally be reported on a reporting date, not on a date of death. Was Wisconsin the state which recently dumped a whole bunch of deaths from the past three months into its official COVID-19 death toll thus causing a spike in the reported numbers, or am I thinking of some other State that recently did that?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

XS NightClub said:

Due to looting and rioting, not due to the protests, with resources diverted causing a week delay:

Soft opening June 27th, Still in time for a Hard open July 4th.

Yeah okay. You’ve been spouting false statements for quite awhile now. You’re trying to cover your tracks for being proven painfully wrong about the whole opening in June. Please just stop trying. No one is impressed with you. The park will open when those who actually know what they are talking about say so.

Something like this sounds like a lot of fun as a CP version of Winterfest. A weekend night in December with holiday lights, decorations, perhaps a WCO style seminar, park tour, and hot cocoa (spiked for adults) could be a fun one night winter getaway. Almost like combining WCO and Coaster Campout. But a potentially gorgeous June day/days starting at a closed park doesn't sound fun to me. But maybe for others it'll be exactly what the doctor ordered.

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