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TTD 120mph's avatar

I mean, how deep does your head have to be in the sand to ignore the numerous and glaring disqualifications? There's a point where it drifts from being a "biased opinion" to being willfully ignorant of basic human decency. If this is how low some people are willing to go with what they believe qualifies as "presidential" just so they can "own the _________s", then we are truly lost as a people.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

This next presidential election has two poor candidates, let’s face it. Absolutely true that Trump is nowhere near presidential. Agreed. But remember it’s also liberal vs conservative. Democratic/liberal has gone further and further left with political correctness going through the roof. Many people still want strong borders (God forbid), a strong focus on American jobs (xenophobia), believe in the traditional family (I know, must be bigots). So although Trump is who he is which is not presidential, he IS the candidate that has followed through on protecting conservative ideals (I know, must be racist ideals right?)

djDaemon's avatar

Does your back hurt from carrying all that water?

The reason Trump gets ridiculed has almost nothing to do with political ideology, and everything to do with his constant immoral, racist, sexist, absurd, frequently unconstitutional, sometimes illegal, and almost always embarrassing actions and behavior.

There is nothing "conservative" about the government deciding who can and cannot marry. There is nothing "conservative" about having military police attack innocent protesters. There is nothing "conservative" about running trillion-plus deficits. There is nothing "conservative" about being racist and xenophobic. There is nothing "conservative" about constantly gaslighting the public. There is nothing "conservative" about funneling money from the government into your own businesses. There is nothing "conservative" about speaking in glowing terms about murderous dictators. There is nothing "conservative" about being scientifically ignorant. There is nothing "conservative" about appointing incompetent family members to positions of power. There is nothing "conservative" about attacking members of the military. There is nothing "conservative" about endlessly attacking the First Amendment.

It is astonishing and frankly terrifying that people have become so irredeemably partisan that they are not only defending his actions, but are completely redefining what it means to be "conservative" in order to justify supporting him.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Jeff's avatar

Master D said:

There are two sides to a story.

Nonsense. There is no moral equivalence story here. It should have been over at "grab them by the pussy," "I like people who aren't captured," "[mocking disabled] I don't know what's going on!" or any number of other things that demonstrate he's a horrible, immoral person. Those aren't "conservative ideals," they're asshole ideals. He's not being attacked for his policy. He doesn't have any policy. He's literally achieved nothing in three years other than a tax cut that benefited corporations and people making six figures.

Seriously, if you can't fundamentally see why he's racist, why he's fundamentally part of the problem, you should spend more time listening and less time posting on the Internet.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

MrJohnJLewis's avatar

Is he the greatest President of all time? Not even close. Has he made bad decisions? Yes. But I do notice the tendency of the "snowflake" population to ignore anything good he has done. Do I have a list of all of those items? No. Did I vote for him? No. But people have been calling for his head since the beginning, and I don't know if it's helping to just complain for the sake of complaining. Because that just adds fuel to your hate fire

Been visiting yearly with my now wife to celebrate our anniversary since 2010. Proposed on top of Valravn in '17 during the Sunrise Thrills Tour. Proud owner of two bricks in the Legacy Walk and have a piece of Wicked Twister

Okay so it’s established Trump is no good and needs to go. Let’s discuss what Biden will do for our country. And please not that “he will be better than Trump”, or “anyone but Trump”. I don’t want to replace crap with more crap. And I’m not being smart ass just wondering what Joe Biden can do for our country, especially for people that lean conservative in their ideals. At least he is not in favor of the wacko defunding the police idea. That is one thing I will start with.

Jeff's avatar

MrJohnLewis: You have no list of achievements because there aren't any. "He's not so bad but I can't tell you why" is not an argument.

At the most fundamental level, Biden understands what it means to govern and empower experts under his direction to make decisions. Hell, Mike Pence even gets what that is. It's basic management independent of any policy position. That's how low the bar is. No one is running the federal government right now. My friends working for DOJ, DHS, State... no one is actually in charge.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Master D said:

And I’m not being smart ass just wondering what Joe Biden can do for our country, especially for people that lean conservative in their ideals. .

He will listen and do more than Trump has done for people with liberal or moderate ideals.

djDaemon's avatar

Master D said:

Okay so it’s established Trump is no good and needs to go. Let’s discuss what Biden will do for our country.

The first sentence makes the second irrelevant. But all Biden has to do is not push us further toward autocracy (which he has shown no inclination toward throughout his long career) and he's easily the best choice. That's how embarrassingly low the the bar is.

Biden is not a great choice. He's not even a good one. But after witnessing what the President has done, including in an election year, it is harrowing to imagine what he would do as a lame duck where there are fewer, if any, consequences. Anyone who isn't concerned is historically ignorant, full stop.


TTD 120mph's avatar

Master D said:
At least he is not in favor of the wacko defunding the police idea. That is one thing I will start with.

Defund the police doesn't mean what you or Fox News thinks it does. I admit that its name could be taken literally and blown out of proportion (which it is) but it by no means suggests taking away funding for police. Do yourself a favor and look up and understand what it really means. You'll see that Biden actually supports what those details are but doesn't refer to it as "defund the police".

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Cargo Shorts's avatar

That term is the slogan to reelect Trump. We need to stop using it and use something more accurate.

TTD 120mph said:

Master D said:
At least he is not in favor of the wacko defunding the police idea. That is one thing I will start with.

Defund the police doesn't mean what you or Fox News thinks it does. I admit that its name could be taken literally and blown out of proportion (which it is) but it by no means suggests taking away funding for police. Do yourself a favor and look up and understand what it really means. You'll see that Biden actually supports what those details are but doesn't refer to it as "defund the police".

You might want to do yourself a favor also and read that many do mean exactly what it sounds like, either take money directly away from police budgets or disband them altogether. Look at Lisa Bender, the Minneapolis city council president, who is in favor of disbanding. When asked by a CNN reporter who we should call if our house is being broken into in the middle of the night she responded

“Yes, I mean I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege,' Bender replied. 'Because for those of us for whom the system is working, I think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality where calling the police may mean more harm is done,' she added. Wow, WTF is that?

And then watch the video of the poor Minneapolis mayor when the mob asks him if he is going to to disband the police. He said he is not in support of that but apparently the hundreds of protesters there were. They booed him and said get the F out of here. The protesters were saying they want NO police, ZERO.

I know, I know that is not everyone’s plan but it is certainly what many mean when they say “defund the police” And yes it is a bad look for Democratic Party if they hitch their wagon to this philosophy because they don’t want to offend anyone and be called racist.

And it’s happening in LA and NY and other places, actually reducing police budgets that are already thin on funds.

Last edited by Master D,
99er's avatar

MrJohnJLewis said:

But people have been calling for his head since the beginning, and I don't know if it's helping to just complain for the sake of complaining.

Read Jeff's post above yours and you'll understand why it's been happening since the beginning and why it's most definitely not for the sake of complaining. I'll never understand how the hell someone could have said/done those three things and still be elected to the highest office in our country. I question the morals of anyone who witnessed that during his campaign and still voted for him.

DRE420's avatar

When sh!t gets as ridiculous as this, I can't help but shake my head. Euthanize a fictional police dog? Who's next? McGruff?

Master D said:

Okay so it’s established Trump is no good and needs to go. Let’s discuss what Biden will do for our country.

Well, to start with:He will actually fill the cabinet positions in his administration (Trump hasn't - just about all of his cabinet positions are filled by temps, which among other things makes it impossible for the 25th amendment to be enacted against him. Nice huh?)

Biden will appoint actual competent people to important posts within his administration. This way you won't have a grifter in charge of education (DeVos), or a climate change denier in charge of energy(Rick Perry.) You won't have a surgeon (?!) in charge of HUD. Nobody in any position of power in Trump's administration has ANY experience in the field they're in charge of. Many of them were given those positions with the express purpose of destroying them. As a result we're losing parts of America, such as our environment, that we'll never get back.

Biden will not push other leaders out of the way to get to the front of a photograph.

Biden will not openly mock, ridicule or threaten the vulnerable, or people who simply disagree with him.

Biden will not attack American citizens on social media and make false accusations against them.

Biden will not respond to a national crisis by throwing up a security fence and hiding in a bunker.

Biden will not openly court dictators and ignore/denigrate allies.

Biden will, hopefully, restore America to being the leader of the free world.

Last edited by SarahB1863,
DRE420's avatar

I'll agree with some things you said, but at the end of the day, he's another politician, and ALL politicians lie. None of them end up being for the people, they may start out that way, but distraction sets in every time. You know what would be refreshing and historical in America? An independent winning the Presidency. We haven't seen a third party win since John Tyler, and he was kicked out of the Whig party and became a Democrat. Before that, George Washington.

DRE420 said:

I'll agree with some things you said, but at the end of the day, he's another politician, and ALL politicians lie. None of them end up being for the people, they may start out that way, but distraction sets in every time. You know what would be refreshing and historical in America? An independent winning the Presidency. We haven't seen a third party win since John Tyler, and he was kicked out of the Whig party and became a Democrat. Before that, George Washington.

I have been telling people this for years! Gridlock sucks. And it will not get any better with Biden (or Trump). It’s too bad it is soo difficult for a third party to gain any power. Am I oversimplifying it by saying a third party, with about a third of the power, would naturally break the gridlock and partisanship in Congress? They may not always break the tie in the way we want but it would be refreshing.

djDaemon's avatar

DRE420 said: the end of the day, he's another politician, and ALL politicians lie.

This is the most absurd false equivalence in a long, long list of false equivalence arguments in defense of the President. There is quite literally no other politician who has lied as much as the President. More than 19,000 and counting.

Politics in this Country is completely broken when you have people suggesting that this is OK because "all politicians lie". It's a completely inept defense.


DRE420's avatar

All politicians lie, period. I don't care if it's once, or 19,000. And I'm suggesting it's not ok DJ, not on any level. I'm not using it as a defense, I can't stand the man either, I don't get where you think that. You made a false assumption about me. I'm simply saying it's not ok, democrat or republican.

Last edited by DRE420,
Jeff's avatar

That's the worst cop-out, cognitive dissonance, and false equivalency argument one could possibly make. If you truly believed that, then you wouldn't engage in the topic at all because there's no reason to engage in the argument. If you believed that, you wouldn't be doing mental gymnastics to defend a fundamentally immoral man.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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