Virus Impact on CP

randi b's avatar

Jeff said:

Wrong. The case is being made for not trying to solve every problem with armed enforcement. The police aren't just running down bank robbers anymore, they're asked to be social workers, community builders, drug rehab counselors, real estate contract enforcers... they've been set up to fail.

I would encourage you to watch this (mature language), as it gets to the root of historic problem that policing in the US has become, and why it enables racism. And yeah, Democrats are just as much a part

I think your right that rational people may be thinking that way, but not the rioters. They do indeed want no or less police. I want to know a cop is not far away if I call. It already can take to long for my or the officers safety. A co-workers spouse responded to a domestic dispute & had to wait 25 min for back up while the guy wanted to kill him. And I like this comment from Ben Carson, " “Social programs are important,” Carson said. “And they’re part of the entire system, but they’re not the front line when somebody is committing a crime, that’s just silly.”

I would be willing to pay more taxes for additional programs to help in mental health, drug rehab counselors & inner city school programs especially for fatherless kids.

I feel they should fight racism by replacing racist cops & do a lot more to weed them out to begin with. I've heard about unions making it hard to get rid of bad cops. Go after the union bosses then. Require more training especially cultural. Come up with testing that show racists for who they are.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for BLM. But de-funding it not the way to go. And sorry I couldn't watch the whole video Jeff; he has a filthy mouth. I can deal with a few f bombs but he lost me when he went gutter. ☹ But we absolutely need to address racism better in this country.

And a few others on the gun issue...yea I would say I'm panicking a bit. But a girl was kidnapped & raped where I work a few years back so I'm nervous about losing police.

Peace ☮️

TTD 120mph's avatar

There's nothing wrong with being nervous and contemplating getting something for self protection. But stop and think what that exact scenario is like through the eyes of the African American community that have to deal with sketchy cops. Where the question isn't "I should get something to protect myself from local crime." but rather "Should I call the cops if I need them? Will I be safe?"

I will reiterate again that the main issue surrounding "Defund the police" isn't take away all their money. It means reworking a bloated system that doesn't need to be worrying about certain issues that lawmakers have forced into the laws lap. It's a reallocation of funds to allow for separate programs or institutions to handle or have the personal to handle the issues that cops shouldn't be dealing with in the first place. Let them handle crime but also enforce stick laws regarding training, accountability and enforce penalties for not following those laws. I know some, more extreme, people on the issue see it in a different way but that's not what should be focused on.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

randi b's avatar


Peace ☮️

What the hell is going on in Seattle???

Liberal idealism at its finest.
I like the last comment in the video, how the first thing these insurrectionists do is create a border and guard it with guns. Oh the irony. Lol.

Nice try, but although similar in that both cases involve extremists unlawfully holding land, the scope is extremely different. Holding a wildlife rescue building with a couple dozen extremists is no comparison to thousands of extremists who are controlling vast areas in the center of the huge city of Seattle, including city hall and police precinct. The other difference is the liberal mayor who gave it away, hoping for “the summer of love”. You can’t make this stuff up.

Jeff's avatar

Yeah! Look out for those lefty hippies and their weed and same-sex love! They're ****ing dangerous!

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

vwhoward's avatar

Almost as dangerous as those assualt rifle righties inside the Capitol in Michigan.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

We’ll see how dangerous they are over the next couple weeks I guess. I don’t believe the Michigan protesters took charge of the Capitol or any land or hurt anybody. What’s going on in Seattle is quite different and looks ominous as to the outcome. I hope not, we will see.

vwhoward's avatar

They were yelling and screaming at police officers in the Capitol building while holding ARs. That place was definitely overtaken.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Who can honestly say those men would be alive to day if they were black?

Jeff's avatar

Of course not. That's why the pandemic and civil rights movement are so interrelated.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Master D said:

We’ll see how dangerous they are over the next couple weeks I guess. I don’t believe the Michigan protesters took charge of the Capitol or any land or hurt anybody. What’s going on in Seattle is quite different and looks ominous as to the outcome. I hope not, we will see.

They didn't have to take over the Capitol. The point of the posturing and guns and flak jackets was to intimidate and threaten that they WOULD take over the Capitol if their demand to reopen was not met. I don't think there's any doubt that if Michigan had not rolled over and reopened, the Pillsbury Doughboys would have returned and actually taken over the Capitol. Their message was clear without them saying a word: "Do what we want or we'll shoot you."

Kevinj's avatar

Master D said:

What the hell is going on in Seattle???

Liberal idealism at its finest.
I like the last comment in the video, how the first thing these insurrectionists do is create a border and guard it with guns. Oh the irony. Lol.

What's going on in Seattle is 100% peaceful.

What's going on with FOX news is some really ****ty "reporting" and some photo-shopping.

(hint: there is no guard with a gun). You really should stop watching FOX news. It's not good for your health. They literally fabricated a false reality.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

And here I thought those protesters who were open carrying a few months ago in Michigan were just using a legal loophole to keep people from complaining that they weren't wearing masks...

(face concealment while carrying a gun can be a felony offense)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

vwhoward's avatar

Even the ones without the masks? Or how about the one with the effigy of the governor hanging from a noose? It definitely wasn't the lack of masks on those protesters people in my state were complaining about. It's one thing to hold signs to protest when lives are being taken, but to storm a Capitol with assault rifles holding signs demanding haircuts really makes the rest of us Michiganders look crazy.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Kevin you have to see the latest. Fox fell for a fake post on reddit about Seattle quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This is a real gem.

anarcho-syndicalist commune. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

There is a clip of the fox segment and from HG in the comments. Pure Gold.

XS NightClub's avatar

Seems really peaceful:

“Our calls for service have more than tripled,” Best said. “These are responses to emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.”- Chief Best

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

In response to the article linked by KevinJ above, after reading the article there was a man armed with that gun in that zone. And the smashed building was also from Seattle recently. What Fox did do was mesh the two together. This practice is done fairly often but yes certainly can be misleading no doubt. But the bottom line is the picture with the guy with the gun is legit, just not in front of that smashed building. Also every response has been pointing to Michigan and not really answering my original question, what do you think about the madness in Seattle. And Michigan is not the answer to the question.

vwhoward's avatar

I think it's great.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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