Virus Impact on CP

Jeff's avatar

You can't look at any single day for new case or death counts, you have to look at the rolling 7 or 14 day averages to understand the trend. The aggregate national reporting implies that few people are dying on the weekends when you look at single days.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

DRE420's avatar

mgou58 said:

XS NightClub said:

Due to looting and rioting, not due to the protests, with resources diverted causing a week delay:

Soft opening June 27th, Still in time for a Hard open July 4th.

Yeah okay. You’ve been spouting false statements for quite awhile now. You’re trying to cover your tracks for being proven painfully wrong about the whole opening in June. Please just stop trying. No one is impressed with you. The park will open when those who actually know what they are talking about say so.

He is obviously being sarcastic, and I don't think it's quite landing. I think it's funny as hell. Whats the harm in that? At least he isn't being a jack wagon ala MaverickLaunch, Oscar, TheBlueStreak, UP4014, ect.... Why let him get under your skin? Does his sarcastic predictions bother you that much?

djDaemon's avatar

It didn't come across as obviously sarcastic to me, especially in the context of a certain post XS recently upvoted.


DRE420's avatar

Maybe he up voted in error, just like many around here, including myself, have done. I see no seriousness nor harm in his predicting an opening day. If it really bothers you, read past it.

djDaemon's avatar

It doesn't bother me, I was just pointing out that the comment wasn't obviously sarcastic, at least to me. It seemed pretty much on brand.

Same for the upvote. I was pretty shocked that anyone would agree with that outrageous, racist vitriol, but I was less shocked by who agreed with it.


I would consider a cabin if it were reasonably priced for a night or two, enjoy the pool and beach and just relax. It would be an interesting experience.

vwhoward's avatar

The campground is what interested me. Considering they're closed on Michigan right now. Full hook up and a dinner everyday for $85 isn't that bad. And they have a pool there too.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!


He isn’t being sarcastic. He made similar statements earlier with hard dates all throughout the forums. So yes, I am frustrated because I hate misinformation and I dislike those who spread it.

As you said in your defense of him, read past it.

DRE420's avatar

I hate misinformation also, but, I wouldn't go as far as to consider his posts about dates as such. I'm watching a guy do the same thing on a few Cedar Point related Facebook pages, and people are getting all bent out of shape about it, it could be XS for all I know, but it's harmless.

XS is a big boy and has been around here for a long time. He doesn't need to be defended.

Is anyone on here actually planning on attending this Sun & Fun? If so I hope to hear all the details. Being 5 hours away I can't justify attending but happen to be very curious as to how it's all pulled off. Normally I stay at Breakers but even when the park opens I wonder if it would just be easier to stay off Point this season.

I'll still pop over for a long island at the lounge though :)


^ If I was confident that there was no way Cedar Point would open this year, there's a chance I would consider maybe a weekend trip for the Breakers Sun & Fun package. I'm trying to do everything I can to be as smart about this pandemic as possible, so it's a bit of a moral decision I'd have to make, but my gf and I have gone to Cedar Point / Breakers for a long trip every Summer since we've been together, and I'd hate for that streak to be broken, even if we couldn't ride coasters. I do enjoy other things in the Sandusky area, so it would still be a nice little getaway for us, but I think I'll probably hold out hope that they can safely open up this year in some capacity.

Might be fun for a different sort of get away. The big wild card is the weather. If you are there on a nice day then it would be fun. If it rains I would consider it a huge bust.

^Wouldn't that mindset apply to any day you visit Cedar Point? In a normal year you plan a day or weekend and it thunderstorms everyday it would be a bust. It's a risk you take with any outdoor activity and vacation.

True. I guess I am spoiled because it is only a 2 hour drive for us. If it looks like a crappy day we don't go to the park. We definitely don't spend the night there.

In this situation I am spending the night and everything to do is outdoors. At least in the park, if a shower does pop up, I can duck into a show or a shop or the arcade. I guess what I am trying to say is this feels different to me in that I would be a captive audience and I have sunk a few hundred dollars into it.

I get what you're saying.

This I'm sure is marketed to people who enjoy these activities and may be the type of vacationers who travel from Ohio to say Florida and stay at a beach resort, where there isn't much to do but lay out and tan, hang at the pool, play some beach volleyball, etc. I know plenty of people who enjoy weekends where they do nothing but layout on a beach all day and nap.

Speaking of roller coasters Hydroxychloroquine is back in the news. Now on the upswing again. Apparently data from a highly influential “study”, which even influenced the WHO to make a major decision, can’t be verified and appears extremely questionable. Of course the “unbiased” media ran with this at full speed too. I’m surprised the “data experts” on this site didn’t catch this. I swear if there was finally a proven, working vaccine for Covid and Trump endorsed it, half of the country would refuse to take it, because, well, Trump endorsed it.

Jeff's avatar

That's not the story... there were two studies that were called into question so they were withdrawn. They do not invalidate the other studies that reach the same conclusions, that it is not an effective treatment. Don't confuse a study (in a field of many) that was invalid as proving the opposite case. That's not at all what it does.

One of the problems here is that a lot of studies are being "pre-published" in the interest of getting them out in front of people as soon as possible, before they've been peer reviewed. Obviously that's not ideal, and it's not working out when people and news agencies are latching on to them.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

TTD 120mph's avatar

If there was a proven, working vaccine for COVID, Trump wouldn't need to promote it. The science would promote it. He tends to only push for things that benefit him personally so I wouldn't be surprised if they developed one and he took all the credit. Wouldn't change the fact that it's scientists, researchers and proper funding that will develop a working vaccine....not the president or any specific government official.

And the push to halt Hydroxychloroquine trials wasn't technically unwarranted. They made the decision based on data that eas collected by a reputable scientist but corrected course and apologized after identifying the error in the data they got. That's how science works.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Absolutely true Jeff that it doesn’t mean that HDXC works either, it is still up in the air either way. I will say though that one of the other profound studies showing it was dangerous was also very flawed. The VA study admitted that the treatment group was comprised of mostly diabetics where the control group had few diabetics, therefore confounding the results as to whether the HDXC was the cause of the diabetes. Basically making that study garbage also. My main point was how can we trust the WHO, seriously, based on their performance in this whole situation. Allowing these flawed studies to lead them to cancel their trials on the drug. Yes Trump said some dumb things but this is not his area of expertise, but the WHO this is absolutely their area of expertise, they are supposed to know something about protecting the world from a virus.

operative_me's avatar

Things just keep getting weirder and weirder.

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