Virus Impact on CP

vwhoward's avatar

^^ Thank you, Jeff. One less person here spreading hate.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Walt's avatar

From 2015:

WHO issues best practices for naming new human infectious diseases

“In recent years, several new human infectious diseases have emerged. The use of names such as ‘swine flu’ and ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome’ has had unintended negative impacts by stigmatizing certain communities or economic sectors,” says Dr. Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General for Health Security, WHO. “This may seem like a trivial issue to some, but disease names really do matter to the people who are directly affected. We’ve seen certain disease names provoke a backlash against members of particular religious or ethnic communities, create unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade, and trigger needless slaughtering of food animals. This can have serious consequences for peoples’ lives and livelihoods.”

Last edited by Walt,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Cargo Shorts's avatar

I don't really understand the "I got duped by those bad Chinese" line anyway. It is not really a good look.

No need to call it Chinese now, but look at this

Chinese Wet Markets are opened again. Great news! ......Not.

DSShives's avatar

From looking at the number of cases now in the US and our lackluster response, Im more tempted to call it the American Virus.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

When or if the Park Opens. We have to be 6 ft from everyone. The queue lines the for the rides will be interesting, because we can't touch but we have to be 6 ft a part to others. RULES "KEEP HANDS on the HANDLE BARS at all TIMES". That means Touching, and then the next riders will be touching the same handle bars. Also the the Shows inside the rooms. Many people will be close to 6 ft close to each other.


Because bats are high in protein and contain no high fructose corn syrup. Also there is no conclusive evidence that this started with someone eating a bat.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go enjoy a nice fire-grilled fruit bat with mango chutney.

Last edited by Operative Me,
Joe E's avatar

China snuffed it out by literally barricading people inside for 70 days (that’s if we can believe it’s their reporting)

South Korea was on top from day one, testing everything and everyone before the horse left the barn.

In Italy the horse left the barn. Weeks ago they have even more stringent measures than anything here, and they we are finally seeing about a 30% decline in daily cases from the high. That’s still going to be a long curve. Spain is looking worse.

Feel like it’s going to be a long ride here since lock-downs are either late or not stringent enough. Makes it tougher that not only the horse left the barn at this point, but Joe Exotics whole dang zoo.

Last edited by Joe E,

Gemini 100- 6/11/01

Thabto's avatar

There will likely be heavy restrictions when they restart. Like advance registration will probably be required to limit attendance. And they will also likely limit number of available attractions. Staffing will be another obstacle this year since there are international travel bans in place. But with record unemployment numbers, they may just be able to fill alot of positions locally. As for the queues, there will likely be spots marked with tape where to stand and they may even limit amount of people in the queue. I think they would only seat in every other row and sanitizing after every cycle. If this is still going on during Halloweekends, there will likely be no indoor haunts. During the Dewine address yesterday, Dr. Acton said we won't go back to normal overnight but it will be a slow restart. She also said something along the lines of I wish I could give you better news about your summer.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

vwhoward said:

China virus, huh? Cool xenophobia you're showing there. We have Americans being threaten and beaten because of that type of talk.

I don't call it the Chinese virus, but I don't find it to be racist as I said earlier.

MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY.... when Americans are being threatened and beaten, it is because some asshole is violent and CHOOSES to threaten and beat someone. Not because of name calling. If that were the case, Jeff would be to blame for all kinds of violence since he's a serial name caller. Blame the person doing the beating... not blaming someone you don't like by proxy!

Sollybeast's avatar

Actually yes it does. When you mock someone you're dehumanizing them. Once you start dehumanizing a person it's easier for you to do whatever you like to them with minimal guilt, because you're not kicking a person to death, you're kicking one of 'them damn virus-carrying Chinese' or whatever.

Same logic that makes it 'okay' to keep undocumented asylum seekers in cramped conditions and cages at the southern border. They're not 'human beings', they're just 'illegals'.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.


I think the point that was brought up in DeWines address about a slow restart is probably the biggest indicator that even if somehow we are able to curb this virus and send it into submission by summer (unlikely without a mass produced vaccine), then I think it’s very realistic that we won’t have much of a summer in terms of places to go because how do you ever really guarantee safety and not have another virus spike happen?

I feel bad for Cedar Point and the people there that worked so hard to put together the 150th celebration, I don’t think we will get much more than a couple months at best now.

Rusty's avatar

Sollybeast said:

Actually yes it does. When you mock someone you're dehumanizing them.

So what makes it racist and a violation of PointBuzz rules for someone to call it a "Chinese virus" (with many members voting up the notice of banishment apparently in agreement that the label is racist), yet it is apparently not racist for someone to make fun/light of the cultural decision to eat a bat? I don't particularly agree with either post, but in my mind one of those is much more clearly "mocking and dehumanizing."

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

DeWine has extended the stay-at-home order until May 1st.

Down in Northern Virginia here. I rarely post, but It's highly unlikely that bush gardens or Kings Dominion will open this year. Even if they relax restrictions in June, there are projections they (state government) would want to still restrict gatherings of greater than 250 people at first vs a "hey, all restrictions lifted!" approach. And then they are looking at starting school in early August to deal with what's expected to be lengthy school closure during "round 2" of this in the winter time. So at best, the amusement parks are looking at opening the month of July (assuming they would use June to rehire staff and get the park up and running, test vehicles etc) with significant caps on the amount of people that can be there. and then doing weekend operation starting in August? You would still loose money even with a skeleton crew.


That does seem like the only way for the park to open up. I'm just puzzled as to how the park would even make a nickle with that system in place. Not that I'm the "Target" audience but it wouldn't be worth it for me to make the trip even with already having a PP.

I've made this point a couple times that I think it's less of a blow to just keep the park closed. I would be curious if anyone on here knows the inner workings of CF/CP's business model enough to educate me one way or another.

(I think it was pretty obvious that the guy who was banned had a new account and clearly was attempting to troll, I don't think it's necessary to dig into it much further than that)

now Cedar point, with pent up demand, could probably run hallow weekends everytnight for 6 weeks late September through October and mitigate some of their losses. but my dear Kings dominion may never recover from something like this. SOOOOOOOOOO

tear down blue streak and replace it with twister timbers, and somehow fit I-305 at Cedar point as part of a delayed 150 anniversary celebration?? :-) :-)??? (i know ridiculous, who needs two RMC', s but twisted timbers doesn't take up that much room...………………….) Place the drop zone drop tower right next to windseeker on the beach, kind of a twin towers concept...…..I can dream can't I? Add our stunt coaster to your kids section...…….

XS NightClub's avatar

  • Gavin Newsom governor of California making a good point in his interview on CNN:

    Newsom pointed to Trump's assistance in the wildfires and droughts California has previously faced.
    "This is not the time to bicker. I don't care who's up and down, whose polls are looking better than someone else's or who wants to run for president or who doesn't. When it comes to times of crisis, we need to [rise] above the partisanship and I've extended always an open hand, not a closed fist, in those circumstances. And this is no different," Newsom told Tapper.
    "But let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that he hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has," the governor continued. "And so, as a question, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly."

  • Newsom continued: "And the fact is every time I've called the president, he's quickly gotten on the line. [...] Those are the facts."
"We always want more, I can criticize this or that, at the end of the day, we're just trying to focus on developing a relationship of trust as a matter of course because there [are] just too many Americans, 40 million that live in this state that deserve us to get together and get along," he added.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Working together is almost always better than working apart

So in other words the California governor is acting like an adult. Good. I'm happy to know he understands engaging in a twitter war right now isn't productive, professional or mature. It's also encouraging to hear the President is easy to get a hold of and engaged right now. This is indeed good news considering the volume of calls the President is dealing with during this Pandemic around the country and world.

However for the people of this country we still have a right to criticize and call out lies. On whatever side of the octagon you sit on.

Nodding ones head in agreement simply because it's a crisis, even when things are wrong is a dangerous thing. We learned that with 9/11 and the subsequent wars.

Disagreeing with *Fill in whoever* does not mean your a partisan or playing politics. It should be called constructive criticism and it's vital for a healthy democracy.

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