Virus Impact on CP

"This report provides a road map for navigating through the current COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. It outlines specific directions for adapting our public-health approach away from sweeping mitigation strategies as we limit the epidemic spread of COVID-19, such that we can transition to new tools and approaches to prevent further spread of the disease."


This is one of the most coherent articles I have read regarding the latest plague.

Vince982's avatar

^^I think you missed the origin of the borders talk. It was initially said that the lockdowns could/should be handled county to county. But that is ineffective if one infected person leaves a locked down county and spreads it around to a county that didn't have many cases. The only way to slow the spread is for everyone to be on the same page.

Last edited by Vince982,

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Oh, I got it. Jeff was arguing for a national versus a local approach. What's appropriate for Montana (low population density) may not be appropriate for NYC or Detroit.

This is why the NCA is deferring to state and local officials. And there is a myriad of constitutional issues to be considered.

Holcomb (Indiana) responded appropriately as Marion County is densely populated and there are some other major urban areas in our state.

In any event, most people are acting rationally.

By way of example; I could go see my girlfriend in Jackson, MI but I choose to stay at home. The risk/reward ratio is just not in my favour. I am not stressed by the virus, but I am stressed by being detained by the LEO's. I can wait...

Thabto's avatar

Knott's just said that 2020 passes will be valid until the end of 2021 and that all payments have been suspended. I'm sure other parks will do something similar but Knott's is year round and they can't really add days onto the season.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Jeff's avatar

kjettski said:

Oh, I got it. Jeff was arguing for a national versus a local approach. What's appropriate for Montana (low population density) may not be appropriate for NYC or Detroit.

False. Staying the **** home is equally effective in all locations. Ask the rural locations in the deep south how not doing that is going for them, as their case counts double every day or two.

Furthermore, local governments, and to a large extent state governments, do not have the resources or ability to coordinate large scale testing, which is one component necessary to ever return to a sense of normalcy. They also can't coordinate large scale distribution of medical supplies, which is why you've got states literally competing with each other and driving up prices. That's insane.

As long as people can move around close to other people, it doesn't matter if it's Missoula or NYC. The virus does not care. It is appropriate to behave the same way in both places.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I still think adding dates the passes are valid into 2021 is more practical than trying to tack on days in a seasonal park. Under a scenario where CP opens in, say, July and schools go back in the fall - adding dates in September/October isn't practical from a staffing perspective and adding dates in November/December isn't practical from a climate perspective.

To those lamenting my lack of response to challenges of the accuracy of my statements regarding certain media outlets. I could honestly not care less. The virus just got real for me, a close friend and neighbor came down with it Thursday night (he works at a hospital in Flint) and now his wife has it and is on immunosuppresants for the breast cancer she's also going through. I've been spending time running around trying to fill their prescriptions, make meals for them and their young children (God forbid they lose their parents, they are age 6 and 8) and have no family in the state.

Finally just poured a half a bottle of wine in a glass and get to relax for the first time in 36 hours and the last thing I want to do is defend statements I've made on a roller coaster forum full of very political folks.

Season pass? Doesn't matter. When does the park open? Who cares. The fact some of you don't agree with my views on life and politics? Nope. I could not care less.

When the reality of this thing hits some of YOU, you might not care about such trivial things either. I pray that it does not, but fear that it will.

Signing off for a while. Be kind to one another. You never know when you're number is up.

South Florida has lost two sheriff's deputies in 24 hours, both under the age of 40. If you don't think this is serious, and a national crisis, you are a moron.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Speaking of morons, Trump's choosing not to wear a facemask. What a great example to set...

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Trying to think of a single instance where Trump sets a great example.

He did a bang up job staring at that eclipse.

Kevinj's avatar

Promoter of fog.

“Look, dahlink. No, keep lookink up. See ze pretty sun?”

@cargoShorts and @Jeff have become my favorite posters after this thread... Drink of your choice on me once the season gets underway!

Maverick00's avatar

I am curious the impact this will have on capital expenditures and the process for changing the "5 year plan".

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Maverick00 said:

I am curious the impact this will have on capital expenditures and the process for changing the "5 year plan".

The might do like they did post 2008 crash. Capex was cut for the next 2 years(2009 & 2010). Capex as a % of revenue fell to bout 7.5%, went back up to 9% in 2011 & 2012 & has been consistently around 14% starting in 2014, with the major increase in hotel/resort & ancillary projects. CF planned to be finishing off the major hotel/resort & ancillary(dorms, BGSU campus) projects by 2021 with Wonderland hotel. Knotts, Castaways, Sawmill Creek. Schlitterbahn are all under renovation. CF stated they planned to cut back % of total Capex once these are done b/c the non core Capex for these projects was running 30 to 50M/yr. CF has been spending around 190M on total Capex in 2017 thru 2020. Pre hotel/resort push they spent 90M in 2011 & 96M in 2012.

Does anyone have any more insight on the internal happenings with Cedar Fair/Cedar Point?

From my understanding they're still asking a lot of their employees to show up at the end of this month. (Have no clue if that's even possible now with all the regulations extending into May).

Anyone wanna bet on an opening date?

Last edited by Corporate Mouse,
Cargo Shorts's avatar

I am still holding out hope for May 8th.


My bet is sometime between July 4-August 1 of this year.

Thabto's avatar

May 8th, 2021 will be my 35th birthday!

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

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