Virus Impact on CP

PyroKinesis09's avatar

I think the general idea is that we get testing to the point where just about everyone gets tested, and thus if someone has it, they can be isolated as fast as possible, and isolate anyone they came in contact with.

Dvo's avatar

Assuming that the park won't be open for at least a few months, I'm curious if the parks will still run test cycles of the rides just to get the moving parts moving. No different than starting your car every few weeks. I'm not sure if seeing the coasters running would be a sight for sore eyes, or just make this shutdown even worse.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

kylepark's avatar

Not only that, but doesn’t each ride need to run X amount of cycles before it’s certified to open for the season?

Kevinj's avatar

To put testing in perspective, it usually starts the last week of March to have everything certified by opening day. That's a healthy 5-6 weeks of cycling rides. Then again, maybe it actually doesn't take that long to hit the finish line, but late March is when it starts (and we always have our annual testing thread emerge).

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

If we've learned anything in the past it's that even the regular schedule often makes for a very hit and miss Opening Day in terms of attraction and crew readiness.

My guess is that it all depends on where they were when everyone stopped reporting to work, and how fast they can make up that time once folks return to work. If most departments can return on or around May 1, I would think it would take at least 6 weeks to get the park ready. Not saying they can't do a soft opening or limited attraction availability. But the timeline from when Ohio went to shelter in place to the originally scheduled Opening Day would suggest a month and a half of work would need to be done.

99er's avatar

Another thing that may delay everyones opening is the ability to get everything inspected by the state. Normally inspections are spread throughout March, April, May, and June as every location in Ohio has a different opening date. Now once it is safe for places to open, you are going to have every location that requires an inspection wanting them done immediately and if I remember correctly the crew for inspections is only like 8 or 10 guys (they may have more in the summer months though). Kings Island and Cedar point alone could take a month and maybe more when you include the water parks. Any FEC, go-kart track, or country fair that wants a fighting chance to open is gonna have a tough time sitting there waiting once the all clear is given.

Last edited by 99er,

99er said:

Another thing that may delay everyones opening is the ability to get everything inspected by the state. Normally inspections are spread throughout March, April, May, and June as every location in Ohio has a different opening date. Now once it is safe for places to open, you are going to have every location that requires an inspection wanting them done immediately and if I remember correctly the crew for inspections is only like 8 or 10 guys (they may have more in the summer months though). Kings Island and Cedar point alone could take a month and maybe more when you include the water parks. Any FEC, go-kart track, or country fair that wants a fighting chance to open is gonna have a tough time sitting there waiting once the all clear is given.

Any possibility Cedar Point will open with limited attractions to fastpace opening and slowly get other rides opened later? After the gov gives permission to be in public people WILL want to be in public.

Possibly try to gather some entertainment (Parade perhaps?). The demand would be there.

Last edited by Corporate Mouse,
99er's avatar

The possibility to open up attractions in waves is there but the park would have to figure out how to charge guests because nobody is gonna want to pay full price for only 30% of the attractions and half the entertainment.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

I think the park knows how to offer discounts.

99er's avatar

Well yeah...obviously. But it's still something that would have to be figured out.

99er said:

The possibility to open up attractions in waves is there but the park would have to figure out how to charge guests because nobody is gonna want to pay full price for only 30% of the attractions and half the entertainment.

Helps that Cedar Point is pretty spacious and has prime property on a Great Lake and beach which a lot will probably find attractive after being cooped up in their houses. (I consider it probably the prettiest of all Cedar Fair parks, the others are a lot of concrete in a lot areas, might just be me though).

Last edited by Corporate Mouse,

99er said:

Another thing that may delay everyones opening is the ability to get everything inspected by the state. Normally inspections are spread throughout March, April, May, and June as every location in Ohio has a different opening date. Now once it is safe for places to open, you are going to have every location that requires an inspection wanting them done immediately and if I remember correctly the crew for inspections is only like 8 or 10 guys (they may have more in the summer months though). Kings Island and Cedar point alone could take a month and maybe more when you include the water parks. Any FEC, go-kart track, or country fair that wants a fighting chance to open is gonna have a tough time sitting there waiting once the all-clear is given.

Good information, I didn't realize that the state was that stretched.

One would imagine that common sense would rule. I would think that waivers could be issued for KI and CP. The self-certification process should be sufficient and shortened as they overtest in any event. I would think the tax revenue runs into 10's of millions, no small change for a state that will need it.

As for limited attractions to open the park, I don’t think that would be a great idea. Look how pissed the mob gets every single opening weekend when everything isn’t ready to go. Wait till it’s ready to roll and give the full CP experience.


99er said:

The possibility to open up attractions in waves is there but the park would have to figure out how to charge guests because nobody is gonna want to pay full price for only 30% of the attractions and half the entertainment.

They do it every year on Opening Day :)

99er's avatar

Ha!..You right.

Uncle Steve's avatar

At this point I'd be happy with 30% open.
A train ride and a walk on the Boardwalk would boost my spirits.
Throw in a little ice cream and I'm back to good. : )

Sollybeast's avatar

Don't forget the fried cheese!

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Don’t know how serious MLB is about their “bio dome” season. But maybe the park could open and we just have to stay there all summer. Better than my couch. 🤣

99er's avatar

I think the MLB is pretty close to serious about it but everyone else involved is not necessarily on board with it. The amount of people needed to make one game happen let alone all of them would be very difficult. The USA Today had a good article about what it would take.

Anyone know any internal updates from Cedar Point? Is there still a effort to open sometime in the summer?

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