Virus Impact on CP

Thabto's avatar

I think this would be a good time to bring back the online stores for parks. I would surely buy some merchandise. I would like to get some 150 souvenirs and I would certainly buy Orion merchandise from KI. That merchandise is likely already made and sitting in the parks warehouses. With delayed openings, online e-commerce would give them a revenue stream during this time.

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Jeff's avatar

White supremacists in America had largely been pushed to the fringes of society. Then starting in 2016, they started to get bold enough to demonstrate and cause violence.

But tell me again why words don't matter.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Sollybeast's avatar

That's true. There's a really scary statistic that states that counties that hosted Trump rallies in 2016 saw their hate crime rate subsequently rise up to 226%.

Words matter. This goes double when they come from someone who's supposed to be an authority figure.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Thabto said:

There will likely be heavy restrictions when they restart. Like advance registration will probably be required to limit attendance. And they will also likely limit number of available attractions. Staffing will be another obstacle this year since there are international travel bans in place. But with record unemployment numbers, they may just be able to fill alot of positions locally. As for the queues, there will likely be spots marked with tape where to stand and they may even limit amount of people in the queue. I think they would only seat in every other row and sanitizing after every cycle. If this is still going on during Halloweekends, there will likely be no indoor haunts. During the Dewine address yesterday, Dr. Acton said we won't go back to normal overnight but it will be a slow restart. She also said something along the lines of I wish I could give you better news about your summer.

I doubt they even bother to open before the concept of herd immunity takes hold. Guess I am playing golf when the courses open....


Being a golfer myself this will be a fantastic thing we can do pretty darn safely during this Pandemic. Most courses up here are open. While not considered essential it seems NYS isn't very concerned with them being open. However my local driving range Big Oak is closed.

A couple courses have opened in Western New York. One near me opened yesterday for walking only, online book and pay only, 20 min tee time interval, no rakes, ball washers or even pins, hole placed in the middle of the green. I think it's a pretty solid concept given these very difficult times to still be able to get out and walk/exercise.

Last edited by James Parker jr,

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PyroKinesis09's avatar

Thabto said:

I think this would be a good time to bring back the online stores for parks. I would surely buy some merchandise. I would like to get some 150 souvenirs and I would certainly buy Orion merchandise from KI. That merchandise is likely already made and sitting in the parks warehouses. With delayed openings, online e-commerce would give them a revenue stream during this time.

They would be smart to start selling some merch online, especially since, even if we relax social distancing measures in the next few months, they likely won't be relaxed enough to allow the park to open to guests.

Jeff's avatar

Nothing says that time I couldn't go to an amusement park like a commemorative T-shirt!

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I live on a private golf course and pay a ton of money for my membership every month but our not-too-smart governor here in Michigan decided that we should not have a right to exercise *even though* we implemented rigorous safety protocols. Groups of 2 only, social distancing, do not touch flag stick, foam inserts in the cup so no reaching in for your ball. One person to a cart or walk. No outings. Etc. But if you want to go to Home Depot have at it. My point is not to complain “woe is me” But only to say that sometimes decisions made from way up do not have a moments worth of common sense thought put into them. This thing is a big deal, the virus. There are a lot of things that cannot be done safely. Golf is not one of them.

Then, in the midst of one of the greatest crisis in Michigan’s history, goes on the tonight show last night wearing a very political tee shirt.

But that’s because she’s just campaigning quietly to be Biden’s VP pick... except anyone with a brain knows he’s not going to be the nominee.

Last edited by MaverickLaunch,
Maverick00's avatar

^A key point you're missing is that The Home Depot is essential because a lot of people use it to buy supplies for their essential businesses. Your prestigious golf course you "pay a ton of money for" is a luxury. Sounds like you are a Republican pissed at your Democratic Governor and need to get over yourself.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

I'm still optimistic that we will see, provided the results hold for a bit, some return to some form of normalcy sooner rather than later.

The key is that the long periods of isolation serve an important purpose--
a) To limit the number of new infections
b) To give the infected enough time to become symptomatic

When all of this started the population could be divided into three groups:
a) Those who are not infected
b) Those who are sick
c) Those who are infected, but who are not sick

If you can separate people into small, consistent groups for long enough, your groups change:
d) Those who are not infected and who have not been recently exposed
e) Those who are, or have been sick
f) Those who have been exposed to the people in group (e)
g) Those who were sick but aren't anymore

At that point, even without widespread testing, you can get a fair bit of confidence on separating the population into groups (d) and (g), and groups (e) and (f). Because you've gone long enough for the people in group (c) to move to groups (e) and (g), and you've kept people separated long enough that you can identify the people in group (f). In theory you can then separate groups (d)/(g) and groups (e)/(f). You continue to isolate the people in (e) and (f) until they move to either group (g) (by getting over the illness) or in the case of people in group (f), until they've been healthy long enough to conclude they are really in group (d). Meanwhile the people in groups (d) and (g) can set about getting their lives restarted. And they can do so using somewhat less extreme precautions than we're taking now. Perhaps screening park attendees for signs of fever (since that can be done with relative speed and ease using, say, IR cameras) or providing mass quantities of hand sanitizer at ride exits. Perhaps realigning queues to use every other row, or spreading out the tables in the picnic areas.

Sure, widespread testing would be great. But a negative result technically isn't very useful as someone with a negative test result could be infected after the test. Finding another way to separate the sick and contagious from the healthy could be the next best thing.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

Thabto's avatar

My local Home Depot is limiting number of customers in the store. If I heard right, Dewine's new order today addresses the issue of too many people in stores at once and stores will be limiting how many people can enter at one time.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

XS NightClub's avatar

Having family that lives in the U.P.-

You could use Michigan’s governor as the definition of ignorant governance.
Lower Michigan may be the next hotbed for Covid, however upper Michigan is under same order as lower, because she can’t figure out they are separated by a Great Lake. The distance which puts them closer to Canada, Wisconsin and Minnesota than Detroit, Flint or Pontiac.

South Carolina has figured out that they have individual counties that are hotspots and quarantines them accordingly.

Governor Newsom of Cali is looking at this also.
Treating the whole state the same, regardless of density, is ignorant.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Maverick00 said:

^A key point you're missing is that The Home Depot is essential because a lot of people use it to buy supplies for their essential businesses. Your prestigious golf course you "pay a ton of money for" is a luxury. Sounds like you are a Republican pissed at your Democratic Governor and need to get over yourself.

Wow. I knew the coaster community had a lot of people that loved to make false assumptions and were terrible debaters but this one takes the cake. Troll on!

XS NightClub's avatar

I think this asinine level of assumption and presumption may be exclusive to pointbuzz.

I earlier posted text from California governors interview where the host was actively trying to goad him into making inflammatory comments, but he digressed to concern for the individual American.
It is tellingly sad that people on here refuse to do the same.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Dave, excellent post. I wish others on here took the time to THINK for a second before simply employing weak class warfare arguments or calling names.

Two of my best friends work in hospital cath labs. One in Michigan and one in California. Since elective surgeries are canceled they are dealing either with heart attacks in the ER, or covid patients in the ICU. Many heart attack patients are ignoring the symptoms because they don’t want to go to the hospital and catch covid, believe it or not, and either die at home or suffer far worse outcomes as a result.

My friend in Michigan lost 6 patients during a 10 hour shift today. All were on ventilators. Youngest was 29 and oldest was 52. Most had no underlying known medical condition. NONE were ever tested for covid, it was assumed, and hospitals are too busy and the result lag time is too long (7-14 days on average). Point being, most of the patients she is treating are covid patients but their cases, and deaths, are not being counted. They are too busy as a hospital system to test after death, either.

So when I see the governor of Michigan on the tonight show getting all political, campaigning for her next job instead of dealing with the crisis in her own state, you’re damned right I don’t like her. You’d have to be a complete moron to disagree with that.

The Chinese government caused this problem with their lies. That is not a racist statement, every world government knows this now. It is not the fault of the chinese PEOPLE. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to die because of what they did and if you think I’m racist for saying that, it says a whole lot more about your incredibly disturbing state of mind than it does mine.

XS NightClub said:

I think this asinine level of assumption and presumption may be exclusive to pointbuzz.

I earlier posted text from California governors interview where the host was actively trying to goad him into making inflammatory comments, but he digressed to concern for the individual American.
It is tellingly sad that people on here refuse to do the same.

I responded with a very civil response directly to what you posted as I always do. Somehow its always crickets.

"Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them."

"...It wouldn’t matter if you got ten times what was needed, it would never be good enough. Unlike other states, New York unfortunately got off to a late start. You should have pushed harder. Stop complaining & find out where all of these supplies are going. Cuomo working hard!"


The Georgia governor just found out yesterday that asymptomatic people can spread the virus/Put the state into stay at home. (April 2nd) When the President of the United States of America was asked about it..... "He's a great governor".

XS it seems you are concerned about county control? Concerned about your governor? Concerned about Jake friggen Tapper? Then how on earth aren't you concerned about this Administration?

You literally quoted the California governor and gave him praise for being "Above it". How are you blind to the fact that the person at the top cannot do the same?

It was STILL March 10th The President of the United States said "This would all go away". And one month ago March 3rd that he learned the FLU shot wasn't effective against Covid-19. One could call that the definition of ignorance XS.

"I think this asinine level of assumption and presumption may be exclusive to pointbuzz." -XS Nightclub

I think this level of cognitive dissidence may just be exclusive to America.- CPwhatever04

And not for nothing the fact you are still spewing this is a "Pointbuzz" thing is pathetic. It's the internet and this is easily one of the most civil places to have this conversation.

Maverick Launch- Maybe later today I'll tackle that essay. But it does make my head spin when you say "The Chinese government caused this problem with their lies." but lack the capacity to acknowledge our own government lied to us for well over a month.

Oh and as a NY resident I'm so darn sorry Michigan's governor isn't acting properly. I actually tend to think you may be correct. I would have to look it up.

However she isn't the President. And it would take a moron not to understand the difference.

"Digressed to concern for the individual American. It is tellingly sad that people on here refuse to do the same. -XS

Everyone on here cares about their loved ones and fellow citizens. Disagreeing with Trump, the administration, the Michigan governor, Popeye, Big Bird or the local stray cat has absolutely nothing to do with caring for your neighbor, friend, citizen or human being.

Most importantly someone you disagree with.

Last edited by Çp4€và04,

Çp4€và04 said:


Being a golfer myself this will be a fantastic thing we can do pretty darn safely during this Pandemic. Most courses up here are open. While not considered essential it seems NYS isn't very concerned with them being open. However my local driving range Big Oak is closed.

Not sure when the local city courses will open. I imagine they'll be extra careful.

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Then, in the midst of one of the greatest crisis in Michigan’s history, goes on the tonight show last night wearing a very political tee shirt.

Glad to see you were able to take some time off from writing your promised critique of the NYT to yell at the TV last night.

The virus is not China's fault, though our President thanks you for dutifully carrying his water. Yes, China lied about the virus, but here's the thing - everyone with 3 or more functioning brain cells knew they were lying about it. The President knew (or should have known), but ignored it because it was politically inconvenient to his reelection prospects to raise alarm. And also because Jared Kushner (who is not an epidemiologist, in case it's not clear) took some time off from finally securing peace in the Middle East to confirm that this whole thing would be over by April.

We're nearly 4 months after the virus struck China, and more importantly more than TWO MONTHS after the first case in the US, and we're still dealing with a President who is downplaying the severity of this issue, whining like a spoiled child, lying on national TV about our response, threatening to withhold support for Americans in states where the governors do not mindlessly praise him. At a time when COVID-19 has taken twice as many souls as were taken on 9/11.

This virus is not the President's fault. But his inaction and science denial has been FAR more deadly than China doing what China does.

It is not China's fault that the President disbanded the teams/funding that was keeping us prepared for a pandemic everyone (except for Jared and the President) knew was an eventuality. The virus would have reached our shores regardless of who was in the White House, but Mr. "I alone can fix it" being there made it measurably worse, and more people will die as a result.


djDaemon's avatar

XS NightClub said:

You could use Michigan’s governor as the definition of ignorant governance.
Lower Michigan may be the next hotbed for Covid, however upper Michigan is under same order as lower, because she can’t figure out they are separated by a Great Lake.

Or maybe she realizes that aside from there being a bridge that joins the two, the virus doesn't respect borders, real or imagined.

A significant number of people from SE MI (and to a lesser extent Green Bay, Chicago, etc.) frequently visit the UP, whether it's for school (MTU and NMU most prominently) or leisure. So it's easy to imagine a scenario where Whitmer shuts down the lower peninsula, leaves the UP wide open, and a bunch of infected people head up there and spread the infection.

Now, I have no doubt that most in the UP aren't pleased with the Governor. I lived there for the better part of a decade, I know the demographics. But it's not ignorant for the governor of an entire state to act in the best interests of the entire state, even if some folks in the UP are inconvenienced by her actions. Just because COVID-19 hasn't shown up there yet doesn't mean it won't eventually, and no amount of pretending it won't changes anything. Just ask the President.

Last edited by djDaemon,


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