Virus Impact on CP

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Oh boy, big showdown with Liberty University on the horizon.

Thabto's avatar

Also keep in mind that every time there's a "new" case, it doesn't mean someone who just started feeling sick that day. From what I understand, you will not be tested unless you are in a high risk group or your symptoms are severe and you have to have a doctors order to be tested. Those "new" cases may be a few days old already at that point that they get added to the official count. And there's likely a great number of undocumented cases for that reason. For those who get a more mild case of it, they probably just let it go away on it's own.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Some good stuff happening:

  • new Covid test will give instant results was approved, thousands being shipped every day
  • even without this new test US now leads the world in testing
  • Ohio company’s procedure that will sterilize millions of masks every week approved
  • Private industry is stepping it up big time with ventilator production, masks, gowns, shields, etc
  • Insurance companies agreeing to waive costs for Covid treatment
  • Washinton State appearing to “flatten the curve”, at least giving some hope that our methods are working. Precarious, but possibly hope.
  • Hundreds of thousands of doses of Hydrochloriquine being shipped to hospitals and doctors. No, not a magic pill yet, but again, hope
  • The US even shipping supplies to Italy now, apparently we are not short on everything. It looks like we are catching up very fast.
  • The Navy ship on its way to New York, 3 weeks earlier than expected

I know there are many more good news items not listed here. Sure there is plenty of bad news I just thought it would be nice to focus on some good news for a change.

Jeff's avatar

The new quick turn around tests are not shipping in any appreciable volume yet.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Video of NYC bodies being loaded on trucks with forklifts. Not going to sit well with those with a soul. Once the video of mass graves start we may have to resurrect the *you know what* thread.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,
Jeff's avatar

Holy ****. ☹ Coming to a neighborhood near you if you don't think this is serious.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

It's a hoax. The flu. The media.

Now less than 100k dead we did a good job an amazing job.

Funny how things change in a month isn't it?

But it must be politics. It's not.

Listen to facts and listen to things you tuned out a month or two ago.

Prayers to everyone. What a nightmare.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

"I haven't heard about testing in weeks. We've tested more now than any nation in the world. We've got these great tests and we'll come out with another one tomorrow that's, you know, almost instantaneous testing. But I haven't heard anything about testing being a problem."

Audio recording is right there.

vwhoward's avatar

djDaemon said:

...once we have achieved ~75% immunity.

And that's assuming there is immunity. They have reported multiple people contracting the disease more than once now.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Çp4€và04 said:

It's a hoax. The flu. The media.

Now less than 100k dead we did a good job an amazing job.

Funny how things change in a month isn't it?

But it must be politics. It's not.

Listen to facts and listen to things you tuned out a month or two ago.

Prayers to everyone. What a nightmare.

Dont forget about DeBlasio, just a few weeks ago telling New Yorkers not to worry, go out and enjoy the town. Night on the town! He certainly deserves a large part of the blame if we are going to blame individual politicians for these deaths. Exponential growth is happening in many, many countries right now if you haven’t noticed. It’s what virus’ do. The world was unprepared and many were downplaying it, not just our great leader.

Cedar Point management should stop stringing along future guest, pass holders, and employees. Management should follow Disney and announce the park is closed indefinitely. The park isn’t a critical or vital business, It is entertainment.
Sorry, but not sorry, no big bonus checks for corporate.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

The only people being strung along are those susceptible to Jedi Mind Tricks, but sure.... XD

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

Cedar Point stock (NYSE: FUN) has lost approximately 60% of its valve since this Chinese virus started. The storm clouds are gathering. If this keeps up, you’ll see old man Kinzel out of retirement, working at Hot Potato droppin fries.

Last edited by JoquannaJ,

JoquannaJ said:

Sorry, but not sorry, no big bonus checks for corporate.

It would be nice, and I guess unexpected, if we could show some type of humanity to one another during this crisis. Yes, there are some rich people working for Cedar Fair. You know who else works there? College kids who are trying to save money for tuition. Erie County locals who are trying to make some extra money to take care of health care concerns. Senior citizens who don't want to be alone during the summer.

This is a health care disaster (a man-made one at that) that is about to quickly evolve into an economic disaster. Get our your history books young'ns. Unemployment dropped more last week than at any other time in our history...since the Great Depression. I'm not a pessimist but I will be a little surprised if Cedar Point and other parks around the country open before July 4th. If and when they do the attendance is going to be a fraction of what it was as people take time to get comfortable venturing back out into public.

No, there won't be any big corporate bonuses.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Cargo Shorts's avatar

So now our carrier battle groups are starting to get sidelined.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

Master D, you will notice because you read and quoted my post I didn't mention any names.

The level of disbelief I've had towards my own family, friends and many levels of government is off the charts. Yes it does start at the top and a lions share of the blame of mis-information belongs there and then trickles down.

My own mother is bitching and moaning that she has to work from home. Still thinks our family won't get it let alone my grandmother and grandfather that are toast if they get it. Was in denial that this thing was an issue till 2 weeks ago when it effected HER. Before my bowling league ended the season so many were just laughing it off, calling it the flu and no big deal. My best friend is more worried that he has to work when others don't because he wants a week off too.

So guess what? That post was written not because of "Our dear leader" Master D. It's the whole spectrum of selfishness I'm dealing with on every level. At the top one is thrilled his ratings are up and at the bottom it's bitching that you have a job.

Meanwhile there are trucks parked outside of hospitals with fork lifts putting bodies in them and we are just getting started.

People can't even say goodbye, can't attend the funeral and it shatters my heart. What a nightmare. Shout out to Pointbuzz, Jeff and Walt. In some way this is therapeutic. Thank you.

vwhoward's avatar

JoquannaJ said:

Cedar Point stock (NYSE: FUN) has lost approximately 60% of its valve since this Chinese virus started. The storm clouds are gathering. If this keeps up, you’ll see old man Kinzel out of retirement, working at Hot Potato droppin fries.

China virus, huh? Cool xenophobia you're showing there. We have Americans being threaten and beaten because of that type of talk.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Sunshine, lollipops, and unicorns are gone. Welcome to reality

Cedar Fair and Six Flags at risk of dividend cutsMar. 30, 2020 7:24 AMCedar Fair, L.P. (FUN)SIXBy: Clark Schultz, SA News EditorWedbush analyst James Hardiman weighs the impact on Cedar Fair (NYSE:FUN) and Six Flags Entertainment (NYSE:SIX) of shutdowns extending into the summer or beyond.

Jeff's avatar

Calling it a Chinese virus is racist. Racism violates our terms of service.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Good post CP4Eva04. I get your point.

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