Vertigo being Dismantled

That.. and the test results are NOT back from the lab.. The reason S&S is giving is THIER opinion..

What if something else is found???

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 Farewell my good friend..

I'm really upset that I too, never got a chance to ride VertiGo. I moved to Texas right before it was even news that it was going to be installed. I only got one trip to the point at the beginning of the season last year.

I absolutely love the rush you feel on Ripcord in those first two seconds of freefall. It was probably one of the most unique feelings in the world-- that's why I've flown it over a dozen times. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to do a nosedive at that point in the air... I bet it was just indescribable.

I've heard rumor (yet I haven't checked the facts on this one yet...) that Six Flags Astroworld (In Houston, where I currently live now...) was supposed to have a S&S "Absolutely Insane" ride installed this past winter. They are opening soon, and I'll be going on the 23rd of this month. I wonder where Six Flags stands now, and if it will open this month there or not. I guess I should check into that...

Seems like my window of opportunity to expereince this thing is closing quick. I want to get on it if I have the chance!

At IAAPA, Stan said there were going to be 6 new sets of towers going up.

Where it stands now??? No one knows.. or at least no one is telling..

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 Farewell my good friend..

Well i remember riding it on my trip over, and am the only member of the "Rollercoaster Club of Great Britian" (over 4000) to have rode it... Remember that Rob? lol Never regretted it since though..

Lee UK

6 Days to UK coaster season starts..
And 6 Days to AIR.... :)

*** This post was edited by Lee.UK on 3/10/2002. ***

Yep... and the look on your face and Wolfhounde's was PRICELESS as CP Irvine and I stood there laughing...

If I recall, you guys were off balance so after being lifted and your heart about to pop out of your chest.. They had to lower you guys and do it again.. hehehehe

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 Farewell my good friend..

Well, it could be worse, you know. It could have fallen on Magnum. Look at the bright side, maybe it was ment to happen. Maybe Cedar Point is going to get something much much better than this, and we will all look back and say "Vertigo, that thing, phh...., its nothing compared to this". Im just trying to liven a few spirits here. I do wonder what will go in place of the ride though.
A moment of silence is a must I had one out side JR, before it opened.

Danny J
Magnum Count: 2166

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
the real moment of silence comes at 8:46am today folks....

Fear the Mullet!

Well said Jeff..

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 Farewell my good friend..

Very true.

I don't see why Cedar Point wouldn't bring back the ride if a large amount of patrons gave positive support for the ride, like us here at GTTP or over at Coaterbuzz. CP said that they were taking it down because of the unfavorable picture the public had for the ride, and not because the ride wasn't safe. I, although ever being on the ride, can honestly say, that I want this ride back in the future. Perhaps not in the same area, perhaps not at the same prices, but I think that, if Cedar Point really does read and listen to these forums, that a petition could and should be started here and over at Coasterbuzz to bring VertiGo back from the melting pot.

Oh, just a quick sidenote question: How much would it cost CP to take down the towers for the winter storage and put them back up again for the summer?


Gemini's avatar
OK, but as popular as GTTP and Coasterbuzz are, they do not represent a "large amount of patrons." The enthusiast community is a very small segment of actual park visitors.

Virtual Midway

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I liked vertiGO as well have to agree strongly with Walt..We are a very dedicated and enthusiastic group representing CP in a sense but nothing compared to what CP "also" must take into account when evaluating "favorable image" when it comes to the public ever getting on this ride again!

Yes the majority of us here on GTTP would most certainly get on VertiGO again because we all know CP would NEVER compromise our saftey and would make sure this was safer than ever if it would have returned! But ya see the "other" CP population which are the everyday 1 or 2 trip a year meat and potatoes of their dollars each year most likely would not. So as sad as I am to see it GO into Coaster Heaven and rub elbows with the Cyclone, and switchback railway, and fascination and such....I do think CP made the best Business decision it could have for the long run!

"she was just a baby!!"

Fear the Mullet!

I strongly agree with Jeffrey Spartan there. Even though I will miss that scarier than heck ride (I was lucky to ride it twice), Cedar Point knows their business like no other.

They rarely make bad decisions, and this is a good decision business and legal wise. As far as the fans of, dont worry, something new always comes along that is more and more exciting.

Will the videos of it operating end up as collectors items? Hehe

From what I saw, people rode it, but not enough people for a decent ROI. With this accident and what not, I am sure fewer people would ride it than before. Heck, I would still ride the thing, but CP knows what their doing. They decided the ROI was probably not as important as the safety of their customers and their reputation for running safe rides, so they threw VertiGo out.


"All new, for the 2003 season at Michigan's Adventure, approximately 2 Vertigo rides. Soar high above the park, 3 different ways! 3...2...1... timber...err...uhh....blastoff. Yeah..."


Jokes aside, I'm sad to see it go. I never got to ride it, because my last trip to the Point was during the testing phases, but I still have my treasured two shots of it from high atop Maggies lift hill. What a shame... I was looking forward to riding it this year too... :(


VertiWhat?? Haha I hadn't even heard of VertiGo until I heard it was being taken down. Last time I went to Cedar Point was early summer '01 so they hadn't even announced it then. It's a pity, it looked like it would be an awesome ride!

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02

That thing looked like a trip and a half pity I never rode it when I had the chance.I would of if I would of known they would have to take it down.I guess hindsight really is 20/20 after all.

"I Looked Into the Past And I Want To Make It Last I Was There."

*** This post was edited by RaptorTwister on 3/23/2002. ***

Haha, read the signature (refering to PKI)

At least our Sling Shot is still standing.

Haha, yea but your "bread and butter" coaster isn't opening with the rest of the park! ;) Don't take offense, I'm just kidding around as I'm sure you were too... :)

2001 Magnum Crew

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