Yeah i knew TTD would be topped, but what gets me made is, SF Built a Ride Exactly Like Top Thrill Dragster, but raised it 30 feet, just to say they could, & it took them long enough, they had the plans all they had to do was make it a tad bigger, & faster,

Give it a couple years, by then Kingda Ka, and Six Flags Great Adventure will be owned by Cedar Fair, haha so it dosent bother me. Six Flags is going to need more money, & since they continue to build rides they cant afford, there gonna need to sell there parks to a dominate rival, lol *** Edited 10/2/2004 1:59:28 AM UTC by Joe@cp04***

^That's trure, SF doesn't have the money to put this new themed area in. They are deep in the hole from what I've heard, and I don't know why they think building a large coaster will get them out of it. It will bring in more money, but it can't pull the company out of debt.

What they need to do is clean up their parks, use money that would otherwise be used to build new rides used for updating/repairing/painting their existing ones. And get some decent staff that is trained to do their job!

BTW- I'm sorry if I'm misspelling, my brain is tired. *** Edited 10/3/2004 2:35:43 AM UTC by Physix***

Proud holder of Cedar Fair stock!

I didn't say it would be a clone, I said it will probly be about the same layout

Diving Loop
Cobra Roll
Interlocking corkscrews

Most floorless coasters have about this layout, even Hydra, though Hydra will be better with that JO JO roll.


You never know. Infact Knowing CP, they would probably come up with a whole new element for their ride (Actually B&M would) but back on topic!

I think that the Kingda Ka ride looks fun. Actually, it is probably better than dragster because of the airtime hill, but so what. The only thing that I'm a little disapointed about is that six flags use almost the same layout. If I were the GM of SF Great Adv. I would have it launch, go into an overbanked turn, come back towards the station, do a 90 degree cammel back and breaks. I would probably go with that because it is DIFFERENT. But Six Flags went for hight and the TTD way is one of the only ways to do is with out it costing a bazillion dollars!

First off ide like too say hi too all of you guys im new here. Anyway I think this new ride is cool but if they wanted my buisness then they should of made it a unique ride that dosent look like TTD. There loss not mine.

yeah i think Every rollercoaster should be custom, especically if its a record breaker, but then a record breaker, replacing a previous record breaker with the same layout, come one, even six Flags can do better then that, well apparently not..........

Yeah i didnt mean every coast has to be original but when your gonna hype it up and make it a big deal it should be somewhat unique.

OK people, put your GP hats on. In this region... there is nothing like TTD, so 99% of the people riding KK next year, would probably not even know what TTD is. So in there minds it is unique. If they put this coaster in a park an hour from CP then I would agree with you that they needed to do something unique, BUT it isn't, its like 9 hours away, something not many people are willing to drive unless they are coaster nuts like us! So, when thinking in terms of coasters, put the GP hat on, and think within a 3-4 hour radius of the park.

I see you point there.

Just a minor point, I live in NJ approx. 40 min from SF and I would rather drive 7 hrs to CP any day. I know I'm one person out of millions, but CP has the best park hands down (customer service, cleaness of the park, the guests, the quality of the rides, the resorts) If I had kids I wouldn't dare bring them to SF due the the pure ignorance of the staff and guests; therefore the last 3 years I have been a season pass holder of CP. I'm not tryin to sould like an arragont prick nor am I bashing SF, I'm simply saying they need to do a lot more then a TTD clone 6 hours closer to me to have me as a guest. Just a thought...

over the shoulder will take alot from the ride, the view on any of Cedar Points coasters are awsome, the lake, the rest of the park, i dont think KK will come close to this...

I think it may actually be possable to see NY from the top of our coaster on clear days, and then the safari, and woods for miles around.

mabey, how far away is the city? & is the coaster facing the city

yeah just because you can see Canada from Magnum, dont think you can see NYC from your little "Kingda Ka" lol

I'm still really disappointed with six flag's discision to do a carbon copy of dragster. It is kind of like spitting in CP's face... well maybe not, but whatever. I don't know. We'll have to wait til May to ride this thing though and then we can see how it compares to dragster. Well actually, I won't be able to ride it EVER but you guys can tell me all about it (And if you really can see NYC from the top). Kingda Ka is kinda out of my range though. I'm really all hyped up for the BGT Diving Machine! But this is Cedar Point so it is time to get back on topic.

"Baby I'm ready to go!" Dragster 2004

ughhhhhh, I wanna go back, only 7 months till opening day

I have to give SF: Gadv credit, that whole jungle area looks pretty cool. Then with a big ride sticking out of the jungle, that'd just be neat.


Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

Anon said:
Physix said:
Kudos Six Flags! Awesome originality! I mean, thats so awesome! Where in the world would you get an idea to make a coaster that launches, goes vertical, crosses a tophat, and goes into a spiral!

Ah, and you had the same problem regarding originality when Cedar Point brought in Wicked Twister, which was totally original from any SF ride, right?

Come on...

Im new here but I would like to say that anyone who says that Cedar Point did something totally unoriganal with Wicked Twister because they added an extra twist must have said the same thing when Six Flags did the same thing to Linear Gale by adding an extra twist to Superman;Ultimate Escape!

Roller Coasters- Born free; trimmed to death.

Well Cedar Point didnt make it world news when they built Wicked twister, Claimed it too "SMASH" all records, and yes it is unique ride theres nothin like those two spirals. Dragster was a unique ride till now and basicly was copyed but KK is "Unique" too some people but all i see really diffrent is that hill. The rest of the diffrences are well not that great or matter really. All Six Flags fans can talk about is that hill. And nothin else.

I can't believe Six Flags would stoop this low. Steeling Cedar Points idea and making it so similar.

Closed topic.

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